Friday, July 1, 2011

Names of God

I was thinking the other day about how many names my daughter and I have.  As Jews we not only have our English names, but we also have our Hebrew names.  My daughter's Hebrew name means granddaughter of Reva, the middle name of my mom or my daughter's Bubbie (the Yiddish word for grandma).  Of course being the over-logical man that I am I started thinking about all of the various names that God has throughout Scripture and which of these titles is my favorite.

Thus began the contemplation...this took some serious thinking after all.  I mean Adonai had so many names from the beginning of the Bible to the end.  In each book of Scripture He had a name that gave a special indication as to who He was.  For example, in Genesis He was El Shaddai or the Lord Almighty whereas in the Book of Revelation He was the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last.  In every writing, depending on the subject matter, God's name varied to not only give a proper historical context but a literal interpretative view of Scripture throughout time.  So I thought about it...and it came to me, quickly.

In the first and second book of Chronicles our God is known by a very special and powerful name, Adonai Sabaoth or as it is translated, the Lord of Hosts.  For me this title portrays a sense of power with Lord leading an army as He will do in the future at Meggido (Armageddon).  The name also shows the Lords spiritual sovereignty in heaven and earth as stated in Hebrews chapter 1; there is no one greater then Adonai!
The name Adonai Sabaoth also signifies that God will go before me as a general in my life, He will be there to fight my battles and be the to celebrate my victories.  

I have heard it said many times, more then I can count, that the God of the Old Testament is a cold and distant deity and that it is only when Yeshua appears that we come to find a loving and close relationship with the Father.  But for these individuals I cannot help but say, "Reread your Bibles!!!!"  Though we may not find names like the Wonderful Counselor or Heavenly Father in the TANAKH (Old Testament) names like the Lord of Hosts are extremely personal and joyful when you stop, pray and consider the beautiful joy within them.

Eternal Father, Adonai Sabaoth:  Thank you for the life you grant us each and every day.  Thank you for all  of life's blessings.  Adonai, though at times it may be difficult to understand why we go through trials and tribulations we pray that we may do so for You and to give testimony for Your glory.  Adonai, may You always come first in our lives and may our families grow in You.  In Yeshua's name.  Amen.

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