Sunday, July 31, 2011

Articles of Faith & Mission Statement

For years The Road to God Ministry has lived by a Mission Statement.  That Statement grew from a simple single verse of Scripture (Romans 1:16) to seven points of belief.  Yet, as these articles of faith grew so did the entire idea of the mission statement fail.  For a mission statement should be a short and succinct goal of what the group or organization plans to do.  With that being said The Road to God Ministry has therefore changed it's Mission Statement back to it's original goal.  It now reads, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."  Romans 1:16 (KJV)  Everything the ministry does is based upon this one verse of the Bible.  Teaching, evangelizing, preaching, our views against Replacement Theology, even our belief in Olive Tree Theology comes from Romans 1:16.

What was formerly listed as the Ministry's Mission Statement is now being posted as the Ministry's Articles of Faith.  These Articles will continue to contain the same seven points of Faith that The Road to God Ministry has always held to, plus the addition of one new Article.  Article Eight states that, "We always evangelize and teach the literal doctrine of the imminent return of Messiah Yeshua and the Rapture of His church. Believing such, we feel there is a great urgency in witnessing to all the Lost, both Jews and Gentiles.  In truth this is a doctrine we have always held to, it is just now that we have put it in writing.

Precious Adonai, I thank you for the opportunity I have had and hold in serving you through this ministry.  I pray I may continue to serve you in any way you so will.  In Yeshua's name.  Amen.

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