Sunday, May 15, 2011

Answered Prayers

I feel the need to make a statement, a bold statement to the world on this Sunday, the Lord's Day, "I love Adonai (my Lord) and I know for a fact that He will answer every prayer I make!"  I have full confidence that whatever prayer I make, from the lowliest petition on helping me find my lost car keys to a life-saving plea for a physical healing God will hear my prayers and answer them.  Don't get me wrong, I am not declaring that God will deliver our every request per verbatim, that's silly.  But as the Bible says, our Father in Heaven will supply all our needs and He will do so by fulfilling our prayer requests according to His will.

Case in point...I live off of my Social Security disability.  The Road to God Ministry is a voluntary position that usually takes maybe between 1/2 - 1 hour a day and it is usually one I can do from my laptop and cell phone.  It was many long years ago that the Lord saved my family through many financial miracles prior to my receiving disability checks.  If it wasn't for those miracle my family would have been homeless, simple point of fact.  Recently the Social Security Administration decided it was time to review my case, to see whether or not I should still receive disability checks and Medicare insurance. Yet, through more divine miracles, the Lord put the decisions in His control, not the Social Security Administrations; and thus, the case never went into review.  This my friends, was a prayer answered!  If the case did go to a review board the stress and worry of how I was to support my family would have been excruciating as well as it being on my mind 24/7.  The Epistle of Ya'akov (James) says, 

 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  James 1:8 (KJV)

And when we are double minded we can never ever be stable enough to practice our faith, especially during prayers!  Thus by Adonai Elohim removing the review from my mind he kept me free from the idea of being double-minded.  Praise Jesus!

Adonai Sabaoth (Lord of Hosts):
Thank You O' Adonai for always hearing our voices and being there to answer our prayers.  May we be open enough t see how the prayers are truly answer as each one has been through Your will.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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