Articles Of Faith

1. To Boldly Present the Gospel of Yeshua the Messiah

2. Evangelize to the Jew first and then to the Gentile (Romans 1:16); But BOTH MUST BE EVANGELIZED EQUALLY

3. Adhere to the tenet of Olive Tree Theology; Jewish & Gentile Believers of Yeshua can worship together and maintain their own cultural distinctiveness.

4. Preach and teach against all forms of Replacement Theology!!!!!!!

5. To teach the Jewish roots and Jewishness of true Biblical Christianity to all Christians.

6. We are BIBLICAL LITERALISTS, taking the words of the Bible whenever possible. The ministry uses the Jewish TANAKH for the Old Testament and the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible for the New Testament.

7. The evangelistic work done by The Road to God Ministry is always completed by it's creed that, "We are working to build God's Kingdom, and not man's empire."

8. We always evangelize and teach the literal doctrine of the imminent return of Messiah Yeshua and the Rapture of His church. Believing such, we feel there is a great urgency in witnessing to all the Lost, both Jews and Gentiles.