Friday, July 29, 2011

A Wonderful Blessing

A wonderful blessing occurred today as another person who received a tract from the 2011 Ann Arbor Art Street Fair contacted me this morning with questions regarding Messiah Yeshua and "The Road to Heaven."  Jessica, the 19 year-old University of Michigan pre-law student, was eager to hear the Gospel of the Lord Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus the Christ) and after only a 10-minute conversation she made a confession of faith.  Afterwards Jessica promised to find a good Bible-based church and she thanked me and The Road to God Ministry for our efforts in evangelizing at the art fair.

A greater blessing occurred when I received another call from Jessica this afternoon.  Answering the phone I was surprised to hear a very jubilant newly born Christian who had just led her first person, her roommate Sasha, to the Lord herself.  W-O-W!  I was stunned to my core!  All I could say was, "Jessica, praise Adonai, you are filled with the Holy Spirit and the Lord Yeshua is with you."  I then spoke with her at length, on speakerphone so they both could hear, about the life of a newly born Christian.  I spoke of the ups and the downs.  I also spoke of the dangers ahead, the dangers that where all the more possible since Jessica was now an evangelist.  The girls listened and promised to find a church, first thing.  Afterwards I went to my den and packed up two KJV Bibles, two books on how to study Bibles for beginners and a few other knickknacks and mailed them off overnight for them.  When I came back from the post office I called them back to let them know the package is on its way and we prayed for a good five minutes.

This summer has been labeled the "Summer of Evangelism," but without a doubt this is the one event that has truly fulfilled that title for me.  I have had a rough July, I have received some bad medical news this month, but this event makes me feel born again; the entire Ann Arbor Art Fair and those members of The Road to God Ministry who stepped up to the plate to work the fair have renewed my energy and spirit.  The Lord is here.  God is good.

Shema Yisrael.  Adonai Elohainu.  Adonai Echad.
Baruch shem ki'vod malchuto la'lom va'ed.

Hear O" Israel.  The Lord is God.  The Lord is One.
Blessed be His glorious Majesty forever and ever.

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