Sunday, July 24, 2011

2011 Ann Arbor Art Street Fair


  The Road to God Ministry

P.O. Box 300632
Drayton Plains, MI  48330-0632
(248) 660-5525

On Wednesday, July 20th through Friday, July 22nd of this year five dedicated The Road to God Ministry members took to the streets of Ann Arbor, Michigan in an effort to witness to the public at the 2011 Ann Arbor Street Art Fair.  In our second appearance at the fair, the ministry passed out specialized tracts that offered the fair-goers a map to the event on one side and a map to Heaven on the opposite side.  As seen in previous trips to the fair, the tracts are extremely popular to all of the visitors of the art show as the maps are a much needed commodity.  This year’s tracts added a special treat as they were printed on a heavier, glossy stock that lent a professional look to the maps.

The ministry members this year battled dangerous weather conditions that took the heat index up to 110 degrees.  Even with zero shade all five members of The Road to God Ministry remained in the field for six to eight hours for all three days.  And it was because of this dedication to Adonai (the Lord) that brought a total of over 6,350 map/tracts distributed!  Even more exciting was the six salvations that were born as the ministry members led six people to the Lord.  Of these six; three people were Jewish (one was a child) and one was a Muslim from the Dearborn, Michigan area. Praise Yeshua (Jesus) for His power and glory!

The Road to God Ministry is so very excited for the dedication of its members who stepped up to work the 2011 Ann Arbor Street Art Fair.  It is through the work of such members that fruit such as have been found from the fair may be found.  Good work!


Steven Hendin

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