Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tree of Life Bible

As a Jewish believer in Yeshua there are many things, views and doctrines that I hold in concert with Messianic Judaism.  In fact, for many of my infancy years as a Christian I was a fanatical Messianic Jew,which included being a member of a Messianic Jewish synagogue.  But over the last several years, as I have become more of a Biblical literalist, I have found that I not only have left many Messianic Jewish doctrines behind, but I have come to believe that certain doctrines are straight out false.  In particular, the idea that there needs to be two separate houses of worship (a Messianic synagogue and a Gentile church [Olive Tree Theology]) and the view that Messianic Jews should could continue to practice Rabbinical rites for the sole idea of proving the are still Jews are completely wrong.

Unfortunately, a new Messianic Jewish issue has arisen.  A close friend of mine who is still attending a Messianic Jewish synagogue sent me a copy of the  new "official" Messianic Jewish New Covenant.  This new Messianic Jewish Bible translation is entitled the "Tree of Life: The New Covenant," published by Destiny Image Publishers.  Some of the Messianic Jewish groups that have authorized this new Bible include:  International Alliance of Messianic Jewish Congregations & Synagogues, Jewish Voice Ministries International, Jews for Jesus, Jewish Jewels, Messianic Kewish Alliance of America (MJAA), Messianic Jewish Resources International, Promise Keepers, Sounds of Shalom, Tikkun Ministries International, and the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations.

What is so upsetting about this new Bible is that it is a Living Bible (TLV).  The translators were not concerned with exegesis, with historicity with anything factual.  There first concern was readability and they seeded as they created a Bible fit for anyone at a 10th grade reading level!  That some group may come out with a TLV Bible does not surprise me, but to make it an official Messianic synagogue Bible is disgusting!  The only redeeming facts I can find from this new translation is that the publishers do not hide the fact it is a Living Bible and that they promoted many Hebrew words.  Other then that I recommend that anyone who may consider this Bible in anyway, to simply keep walking.  Find yourself a KJV or even David Stern's Complete Jewish Bible.

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