Monday, August 22, 2011

A Ministry Update From The Road to God Ministry President

Hello my friends and shalom:

2011 has been an exciting if not awe-inspiring year for The Road to God Ministry (TRTGM).  Adonai has blessed the entire ministry in so very many ways.  So many that I would like to share some of them with you today.

TRTGM has evolved over the past decade.  What began as a simple Messianic 12-step program at Bethany Baptist Church in Clawson, Michigan has become a worldwide missionary ministry that continues to go to "the Jew first" (Romans 1:16b).  The ministry does this through our website, our web blog, Facebook, Bebo, Digg and Twitter and through our 129 partners (individuals & congregations) around the world.  What blows my mind is that TRTGM website has had almost 400,000 vistors in 2011, compared with the approximately 64,000 that visited us in 2010!  Wow!!!  Adonai has truly brought in the harvest!  Praise the name of Yeshua ben Elohim.  The website is continually being uipdated and revamped with new features and articles.  We are currently working on a page to describe and discuss the important doctrine of Olive Tree Theology.  Be sure you stay on top of things.  Great ways to do that is by becoming a FOLLOWER on TRTGM blog or LIKE our page on Facebook.  You can also follow us on Twitter.  New this monthyou will also find the ministry on the social networks Bebo and Digg.

TRTGM has been involved with many local evangelism events in southeastern Michigan.  The ministry has partnered with Inside the Box Fair Ministry in the "Summer of Evangelism."  This annual project brings the ministry into the dead center of many local events so we may witness the name of Yeshua haMashiach.  The "Summer of Evangelism" began at the Waterford Twp Memorial Day Parade where we distributed approximately 1,500 tracts.  On July 4th we participated in the Independence Twp 4th of July Parade.  Here we gave out over 4,000 tracts.  The ministry also participated in two county fairs where we were joined by Charity Baptist Church of Oxford and others.  At the fairs a gospel tent was errected and people were led to Yeshua on a one-on-one basis.  These two fairs had almost 1,000 people making confessions of faith.  I had the unique opportunity to work at the Farmington Founders Street Fair in July.  At this fair I saw over 120 people make their confessions, and that was just one day.  But for me the greatest miracles came from the Ann Arbor Art Street Fair, a massive event that brings in hundreds of thousands of people.  At this fair five members of the ministry braved 100 degree weather and distributed over 6,350 tracts.  Furthermore, these ministry workers led seven people to Christ, three of them being Jewish and one being a muslim.  Since that fair there have been an additional six salvations with people calling the ministry or contacting us via Facebook.

Another exciting venture TRTGM has become part of in 2011 is a new television series and ministry called Ask Your Pastor.  As a co-producer, director and editor the ministry has allowed countless numbers around the world to see their questions answered by Pastor Thomas Miller of First Genreal Baptist Church of Waterford, Michigan.  This has been an exciting time!  You can see the show on ACIDplanet or on the Media Netword of Warterford.

That leads us up to today.  The big news now is that TRTGM is holding its annual Board of Directors meeting of Saturday, September 10th at 4:00 PM at First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Michigan.  At this meeting many things shall be discussed, but the main event is the voting for the next Board of Directors.  If you are a ministry member I urge you to join us.  If you are a ministry member or partner and you cannot join us then please e-mail us at to request your proxy vote instructions.

Adonai has shown us so many miracles thus far in 2011, and the year is far from over.  I am of the opinion that the ministries success is due to our continued goal to take the Bible literally.  I believe that when you listen and follow the Word of God, you just cannot go wrong.  Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make the ministry a success this year and we will see you soon.

Precious Lord, we thank you for the fruit of the harvest that was provided over the past summer.  We praise your name for all that you do and provide.  May we serve each other in the true fashion that you so guide us in Your Word.  In Yeshua's name.  Amen.

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