Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Olive Tree Theology, Part 2

In Part 1 of the Olive Tree Theology we discussed the false view that saved Jews (aka. Messianic Jews) and save Gentiles (Christians) should be separated in the houses of worship.  Under the doctrine of Olive Tree Theology all Christians, Jew and Gentile, should worship in one congregation.  In doing so, there should be no fear of losing ones cultural distinctiveness.  As we are all baptized into one faith, so then we should all come together as one unified body of believers.

Today, we will discuss another dangerous trend that has emerged with the Messianic Jewish movement.  This is strong need that many Messianic congregations have in observing Rabbinical Jewish traditions in the hope that this will show other Jews they are still Jewish.  Now please do not mistake my point-of-view for as an evangelist to the Jewish people around the world (and also as my own growth as a Jew) there is a vital need to show other Jews we are still Jewish.  In the steps of leading a Jew to Yeshua, the first step is often in establishing the precedent that they can be Jews and still believe in Messiah Yeshua.  Yet, how do we do this?  Do we establish our Jewishness by following rites and traditions we know to be false?

In my testimony of how I came to be a Believer in Mashiach I spent the past 30 years in study, both formal and informal.  I have found that one of the greatest apostate falsehoods of Judaism is centered on the Oral Traditions (aka. Talmud).  As believers we are told in Scripture that there is only one truth in our lives and that is the Word of God.  But the Talmud are traditions and views held by the esteemed Rabbinical rabbi's since the Babylonian Exile.  As a devout believer in Jesus I trust in God's Word.  I came to the view that the Oral Traditions are just that traditions and not Scripture.  I am not the only one who held this view, for Yeshua Himself denounced many of the traditions spoken by the early Jewish rabbi's.

So if we know that these traditions are simply the commentary of learned men and not Divine inspiration then why is it we continue to follow these traditions to the letter?  Why is it many Messianic Jews of today (and not all by any means) feel they must act more like a Rabbinical Jew then their own family and friends?  We must keep in mind that these traditions are each the viewpoint of a rabbi.  Further commentary, by additional rabbis have continued to be made, often discussing the same thing!  I just do not understand to the need to continue following false oral traditions.  Allow me one further point.  If we as saved Jews, continue practicing traditions that we know are false, will that not show are loved ones we are acting in a hypocritical fashion?  I believe it is.

Under the view of Olive Tree Theology all Jewish Believers have the freedom to worship as they please as well celebrating Feast days.  One of my favorite verses in Olive Tree Theology reads, 

 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.
Col 2:16-17 (KJV)

These verses simply state that we all have the freedom to be who we are as Believers if we are doing them "in Christ."  For myself, the idea of following, preaching or teaching Talmudic views is a grave error on the part of many today.  But if there are some who wish to do so, for the purpose of enrichment...more power to you.  We just should never be preaching how wrong the Pharisees and Sadducees were while we continue to live as they did.

In part 3 of these blogs I will bring up the Olive Tree Passages from Romans 11.


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