Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Tallit

Last night I stayed at church from 9:00 PM until 5:00 AM in a prayer vigil for our "Summer of Evangelism."  It was a wonderful time of revival and hope.  In this joyful prayer I was joined by Brother Cliff (the ministry's VP), Brother Dana (also a ministry member) and many of the church's teens.

Overnight I did something I don't do very often anymore, I wore my tallit (prayer shawl); and I had to ask myself why don't I wear it anymore?  Was it because of embarrassment in the Baptist church?  Was it that I had become so converted that I was now a Gentile and no longer a Jew?  Why?

The answer was simple.  Olive Tree Theology.  As a saved Jew I had the freedom to choose my cultural attire and choose my worship attire.  Jews and Gentiles are seen as one in the eyes of Yeshua (Galatians 3:18), why are we worshiping separately?  In my opinion, one of the greatest dangers of the Messianic Jewish movement today is the separation of Jewish and Gentile churches.  Nowhere in Scripture does it give any kind of indication, analogy or instruction to seperate Jewish and Gentile believers.  In fact, we are berated when we do!  Yet, please do not mistake the fact that I recognize in many Gentile churches today, it is the Gentile believer who is given precedence through the false doctrine of Replacement Theology.

So back to my tallit, why do I choose not to wear it at most services.  It's simple, and for each person it is different, but for myself wearing my tallit is like wearing a tabernacle.  When I wear my shawl I am in the tent alone with Adonai.  I cannot nor share that in a room full of people...I cannot explain it any better then that.  The only other explanation is that I am the only saved Jew in my Baptist church and I often feel that when I wear my tallit that I am practicing my righteousness before men.  I know I am not, but nevertheless as a minister of Adonai it is up to me to set an example.

I hope that is enough ranting for today.

Shabbat shalom.


1 comment:

  1. Everyone has their reasons in wearing tallits and kippahs. And I respect everybody's reason. I admire those who really know why they wear them and how proud they are even if there are other poeple who really does not understand why you have such beliefs.

    Jasper @ Best Kippah
