Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Small Prayers Big Results

I had a medical procedure earlier today.  In itself it was no big deal, with my pancreas & liver issues have been going through many of these as of late.  Today's "fun" was a colonoscopy so I had the joy of being given a general anesthesia to stay asleep.  Normally, I do not get anxious over such things as I have had such procedures before.  Yet, for some reason I was extremely nervous this morning.  To help alleve my fears I had my friend and brother Cliff (who drove me there) to come in and sit with me until it was time to take me back to the surgical room.  Cliff immediately was cognizant to what was going on with me (we are pretty tight) and made small talk to lighten the mood.  When we started approaching the time I asked Cliff if he would pray for me.  This my friends, is the subject of this blog entry; I cannot tell you what Cliff said, it was short and my memory is a bit foggy, but it was powerful and effective.  I immediately felt a relief from the anxiety I was feel all morning, all from the simple prayer.  I felt the Lord with me.

The entire situation is just a reminder to how powerful and wonderful prayer is and can be.  Cliff's prayer this morning was simple and did not involve anything fancy, no liturgy involved.  Yet, my worry vanished.  I loved it!  For I then knew and trusted that I would be OK through the scope. Thank you Cliff and thank you Yeshua!

Also, I have mentioned this before in blogs, but every time I have been in a hospital; whether it is inpatient or outpatient, I have been able to give testimony to Yeshua.  Today, was no different.  A nurse saw Cliff and I praying and after he left we began talking.  I almost completed my Sunday sermon to her before I was carted away.  Praise the Lord!

Eternal Father, Adonai Sabaoth, O' Mighty Lord of Hosts, I know and trust you will see me through all battles, whether they be physical, spiritual or even medical.  I trust in your will and thank you for each and every blessing within my life.  Once again I thank you for the moment of testimony I was allowed to share with the nurse prior to my procedure.  I praise you always.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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