Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Ode to Father's Day

I grew up with a very special father, one I always looked up to in almost every way.  My dad was always there for me as a tower of emotional strength and man who was a pivotal role model for our family.  He always acted as the breadwinner, as a care giver, as a friend, and most of all as a true father.  The one unfortunate area my father was not strong in was in his spiritual care, yet I cannot find myself blaming him in anyway.  He after all simply followed the same pattern of most secular Jews of today's society; afraid to shame their family and ancestors by even considering the basic truths that lie within Scripture that show the clear literal Truth of Messiah Yeshua.  Yet, regardless of the spiritual weakness my father held he has always been one my greatest heroes.  Every time I see one of his famous Motown photographs (he is even in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame) I feel proud of him (not to be confused with pride).  After working with my dad for so many years (we owned a company together) I have learned how extensive his photography talents truly is.  He makes me honored to be a Hendin!

I also grew up with another Father, one I truly did not really did not have a personal relationship with until my senior year of high school in 1987.  This was when a friend showed me a copy of the New International Version of the Net Testament and this was when my 20-year quest to prove Christ false began.  Naturally the quest failed as I proved Christ true beyond question, but it formed a true and deep relationship between me and the Eternal Father.

Thus on this 2011 Father's Day I would like to make the following prayer

Precious Father,  On this date may we all taker a special moment to stop and thank all of our dads for all the dedicated and hard work they do for our families.  Adonai, may we guve you the proper thanks for the work you do in all of our lives.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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