Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer of Evangelism

The summer is a wonderful time for The Road to God Ministry.  Every summer we join with First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Michigan (USA) in the “Summer of Evangelism” campaign in hopes of witnessing to the Lost throughout southeastern Michigan.  The campaign, which begins with the Waterford Twp. Memorial Day Parade, includes various street art fairs, county fairs and city parades.  The summer will also enjoy the church’s youth camp in Kentucky and Vacation Bible School in August.

Since the ministry’s involvement in the “Summer of Evangelism” began I have become more and more awed by the Holy Spirit’s effort in what we call the tent or fair ministry.  This ministry, which is now officially been named In the Box Fair Ministry, has been on average leading well over 510+ souls to Yeshua per fair; and that is in less than one week!  Praise Adonai!

In truth The Road to God Ministry is involved with many different forms of evangelism, but the largest would have to be our internet website and blog.  We communicate with at least five new people around the world daily.  Yet, we still try as a ministry to do as many evangelistic types of work locally as we can.  Bi-monthly we distribute tracts in local Jewish newspapers; we have done this for some time now.  We have also started sponsoring a new cable television series entitled “Ask Your Pastor” in hopes of spreading the Gospel.”  But I have found it is during the “Summer of Evangelism”, specifically during the fairs that we have a direct concentration of the souls saved.  I love it!  It’s almost as if it is an evangelism revival.

Steven Hendin

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