Monday, February 21, 2011

Why We Should Support Israel, Part 1

Shalom my brother, sisters & friends:

 As a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus) and as a Biblical literalist I am one who takes Scripture translation in an orthodox fashion.  I have spoken of this in past blogs, but I truly believe it is not up to us as sinful human beings to pick and choose what Bible passage and verse we can choose to accept literally and which ones we can decide are just analogies.  In particular, I find this true when we are discussing the nation of Israel.  There is one simple fact of truth that any Bible student cannot ignore and that is we have a duty to honor and protect Israel.

The Road to God Ministry is a strong fighter against the false doctrine called Replacement Theology.  In fact, teaching against Replacement Theology is part of the ministries Mission Statement.  This false teaching is the belief that today's modern church has replaced Israel because the majority of Jews chose to refuse Messiah Yeshua.  Thus all the promises that God made to the Jewish people throughout the Bible, whether they be in the Old Testament or the New, have now been transfered to the modern church.  This is a sad and disgusting view that permeates todays religious views.  Some of the Christian denominations that hold to this view includes:  Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterianism, Lutherism, and some Methodist.   Denominations that are against this teaching are:  Baptists, many Charismatic churches, many Pentecostal churches and some independents or non-denominational.  For more information on Replacement Theology you can go to a wonderful article on The Road to God Ministry website by Dr. David Reagan, Error of Replacement Theology.

So the question remains why should we as Christians continue to support Israel?  Well, todays answer is simple, we have too, after all nothing has changed.  Now I know you may be asking what do I mean by that so please allow me to ellaborate.  In Exodus 34:27 Adonai said:

"And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel", 

and in Deuteronomy 27:9-10 we read:

"And Moses and the priests the Levites spake unto all Israel, saying, Take heed, and hearken, O Israel; this day thou art become the people of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt therefore obey the voice of the LORD thy God, and do his commandments and his statutes, which I command thee this day."

Israel, and I speak of the Jewish nation as a whole became a country unto God as a whole throughout the TANAKH (Old Testament).  The term "for ever" was used 860 times through the old testament, 860 times!  God does not go back on His promises, ever!  That is why we know that Replacement Theology is false, that is how we know that the feasts of the Lord are still in effect, if not in a different fashion then they were.  Israel is the home leand for the Jewish people.  Why?  Because God gave it to them, not a council of nations, no, but the Most High God.   And because of that it is up to us to give them our full support!

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