Monday, February 21, 2011

Libya Uprising: Then & Now

I remember being a junior in high school in 1986, I was glued to the television,  as Momar Qaddafi of Libya, declared to the United States and the world that he had made the now infamous "line of death" and any country that made a military strike against them shall meet a deadly fate.  I remember President Ronald Reagan took that threat as a US President should take any threat by a terrorist state and attacked the Libya unfortunately missing its target of Qaddafi himself, instead killing his young daughter.  I  remember sitting in my family room full of anxiety that the United States was quickly on its way to a war in the Middle East.  I remember being Lost, not knowing, believing or caring about Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).

And yet this evening I once again sit in front of the news, watching the events in Libya.  Watching as the Libyan people rise up to speak against the dictator Momar Qaddafi and I cannot help but to see a repeat of events taking place.  Only this time I now see three differering patterns.  First, is that instead of declaring that "line of death" against foreign powers I fear Qaddafi will make this action against his own people.  In fact, his son has already done so.  Second, this uprising in Libya is part of the overall Middle East turmoil that is plaguing the region which I know is part of the coming Last is part of prophecy.  And finally, I now know and believe in Yeshua haMashiach, which gives me a strength and joy I never knew before, especially back in 1986.  I now have faith and trust to each of these events that are taking place within the world for I see that all things are possible through Christ our Lord.

Precious Lord, I praise you for the Blessings you have bestowed upon us.  Precious Lord, I praise you for trials and tribulations that we struggle through each and every day, for it is through these troubles that your Glory will shine.  Lord, I pray that you help us in our faith, that you aid us in strengthening our understanding of your will so we may see your will the events of the world today.  Lord, aid us in teaching others of you and allow us to become true servants of Your Son Yeshua.  In His name we pray.  Amen.

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