Saturday, February 19, 2011

Charismatics and Mystics

I have often said I do not like the Charismatic movement within Christianity.  In particular, I have a problem with the idea that one sinful human being can simply teach another sinful human being to receive and then achieve any or all of the spiritual gifts of God.  I feel that all human beings, as the children of the Most High, have been endowed with some form of a Spiritual Gift, but what that gift is and how that gift is to be used is not up to us or others.  It is up to God and God alone.  To say we can force God to give us a gift...that sounds quite a bit like pride to me, almost like what Satan did to Father Himself when he tried to supplant God.

In the same fashion as not being Charismatic I do not like mystics.  I truly dislike a religion full of hocus pocus rites or needs to fill ones head full of needless liturgies.  Being a literalist truly simplifies ones worship, for your connection to the Lord has been simplified.  There is only one mediator between you and; and that is Yeshua (Jesus).  Our pastors are there to shepard us, to teach us, to aid us in our sanctification (our growth) in Messiah); they are not there as a Mediator between God and us.  They do not act as a Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox priests where we must make proper confessions of faith in order to be saved. 

And yet the mystical shroud has also followed the Jewish faith.  First it captured the Rabbinical Jews and today it has ensnared even some Jewish Believers in Yeshua.  This mystical trend is referred as Kabbalah.  This metaphysical trend in Judaism  which began in the 13th century has now making a comeback leading many Jews of all denominations astray.

These trends are just one more reason why we need to keep ourselves immersed in Scripture and take what we read as the literal truth.  The more we begin to self-translate the Word of God, the more we will find ourselves falling away into apostasy and in this day and age that may be one of the most dangerous thing possible.

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