Saturday, February 5, 2011

Control of My Life!

It is amazing how much God is in control!

I am giving the sermon Sunday evening and thus I am in preparation mode.  As usual I spend a large portion of that time in prayer to consider what topic to speak on.  As of late, I have been in intense Bible study (with my Men's Bible Study Group) on the Book of Revelation.  Some of the incredible finds we have made have been absolutely mind blowing.  For example, I believe we can prove without any shadow of a doubt the the two witnesses in the Bible are in truth Enoch and Elijah.  Thus, I had it firmly planted in my head that Adonai (the Lord) wanted me to discuss the Last Days.  Yet, as I sat at my desk typing away on my laptop I could not help but sense how wrong my topic was; that somehow He had a different plan for my preaching Sunday.  Thus, I stopped writing and went back into prayer.

And I hope you will understand that to stop writing and to go back to prayer (the beginning) was a test in itself for me.  Things are quite busy for me this weekend.  My daughter and I are going to a baptism today, I have to take her to piano  lessons, to her Grammy's and I have a church business meeting later today.  Tomorrow there is morning services where I also have Jr church.  Yet, I do have faith that Adonai has a certain topic He wishes me to speak on and I know He will not only show me what it is, but give me the time to complete it.


I have faith that He is in 100% control of my life and those whose lives I may effect.

Shema Yisrael.  Adonai Elheinu.  Adonai Echad.
Baruch shem kivod malchuto l'olam v'ed.
(Hear o' Israel. The Lord is God.  The Lord is One.
Blessed be Your Glorious Majesty forever and ever.)

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