Monday, February 28, 2011

American Middle East Epiphany

There is a lot going on the world right now.  Much of the focus in the news today has been centered upon the events in Libya, and rightfully so.  With the EU (European Union) setting embargoes upon the Libyan government the mass media has its hand full.  Personally, I believe that the deposing of Momar Qaddafi is long overdue (which is easy to say as an American).  Yet, there is still unrest throughout the Middle East; in Bahrain, Yemen, Oman and the United Arab Emirates.  And as I sit at my laptop writing today's ministry blog, watching FOX news I could not help but to stop and pray as a true epiphany came over me.  You see as an American I often write about these issues in the Middle East.  Sometimes, more and more as of late, I will speak as to how these events may relate to the coming Last Days.  As the president of The Road to God Ministry and as the web blogger I am blessed to be speaking to people across the world everyday and on every continent (except Antarctica of course, penguins don't have much to say, except "fish").  It is due to my global interpersonal communications that I feel that I possess a stronger sense of empathy for what may be occurring in other parts of the world. 

But not for what's occurring in the Middle East.

I have to say with complete honesty that I have never been hunted down by my own government.  I have never been told I cannot practice my faith (though I have felt some religious persecution being a Jewish Christian).  I have never gone through anything on the scale of what is happening in the Middle East; regardless my being a Christian, Jew, Muslim or just an atheist at large.

Thus I came to realize that for many Americans; we see what is happening in the Middle East as only one of two things:  violence and oil prices.  In other words, what is the violence going to mean for the US military and how is the events being played out with human lives going to effect our prices at the gas pump.

I , my friends, was ashamed at the core at this realization.  When Messiah Yeshua restates the Shema (Duet 6:4-5) in three Gospels as the First Commandment He added, " love thy neighbor as thy selves."  We are supposed to look to everybody as our neighbors, the world as our neighbors.  It is so easy to become desensitized, to become part of the world of the flesh.

Precious Lord, I thank you for the opportunity you have given me in serving You.  I pray that I may continue to do so in a fashion that is pleasing to Your will.  Eternal Father, I am ashamed that I have walked away from the path of loving all of my neighbors as myself and I pray that a compassionate heart may return unto me.  Adonai,  as the Lord of Lords I pray that Your will may be done in Middle East and that those who remain Lost may find their way to the Gospel of Yeshua haMashiach.  I pray this in the name of Your blessed son Yeshua. Amayn.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Are You Left Behind??????????????

Brand new page to The Road to God Ministry website.  This is definitely one to check out.

The Watchman, February 2011

The new issue of the Watchman is now available at The Road to God Ministry Website. Enjoy! The Watchman, February 2011

President Momar

The more I read and learn of Libyan president Momar  Qaddafi the more  am truly convincing myself of one of two facts.  This man, who has stayed in rule for decades is either a complete and ruthless dictator who will at moments notice destroy any form of backtalk that rises up against him.  Or, Momar must be completely and utterly mad, and I mean insane, whereas his government is in fact being run by his sons, thus His ruling government is often seen clamping down on all who seem to be to revolting on Qaddafi's rule.

In my view, I am one of those who view Qadaffi as as a smart and scheming dictator.  I, in fact, belief the current event in Libya where planned in advance by Momar Qaddafi as a tool to reap Libya and the dictator's maximum amount of global exposure through the international media and the international community.  I firmly believe that Momar Qaddafi has no concern for human life and was and is willing that she blood at will (first and foremost the Libyan people) to further his own ends).  We first saw this disregard for human life with the hijacking of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.  Since that day, more and more evidence has seemed to pile up all pointing in the same directing.

With the Libyan army now being ordered to arm themselves , the crisis in Libya I fear, may turn into the bloodiest one in the Middle East.  We each need to diligently pray for God's will to be done, and for those who yet remain Lost, for their hearts to come to Messiah Yeshua.

Precious Adonai,  may your will be done in the Middle East.  Lord Our prayers at this time center upon those who are in harm's way.  May You shelter them in your precious embrace and Lord may the Spirit fill their hearts with the peace the only you can provide.  In Yeshua's name.  Amen.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Obama Ends Gay Marriage Ban

Once again President Barak Obama shows his complete disdain for anything true to the Bible.  He has now ordered the Justice department to stop defending the Defense of the Marriage Act of 1996 which speaks of marriage being of a union of one man and one woman.  

I must admit to being completely aghast at President Obama, especially after I actually defended him in a previous blog, yet the union of marriage is in truth the first of ministries that God gave humans.  And now we see Obama attempting to destroy the first of those God given ministries.

There are too many people in this world who call themselves Christians yet refuse to adhere to the fundamental principles of the Bible.  President Obama is showing us the perfect example.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Libya Uprising: Then & Now

I remember being a junior in high school in 1986, I was glued to the television,  as Momar Qaddafi of Libya, declared to the United States and the world that he had made the now infamous "line of death" and any country that made a military strike against them shall meet a deadly fate.  I remember President Ronald Reagan took that threat as a US President should take any threat by a terrorist state and attacked the Libya unfortunately missing its target of Qaddafi himself, instead killing his young daughter.  I  remember sitting in my family room full of anxiety that the United States was quickly on its way to a war in the Middle East.  I remember being Lost, not knowing, believing or caring about Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).

And yet this evening I once again sit in front of the news, watching the events in Libya.  Watching as the Libyan people rise up to speak against the dictator Momar Qaddafi and I cannot help but to see a repeat of events taking place.  Only this time I now see three differering patterns.  First, is that instead of declaring that "line of death" against foreign powers I fear Qaddafi will make this action against his own people.  In fact, his son has already done so.  Second, this uprising in Libya is part of the overall Middle East turmoil that is plaguing the region which I know is part of the coming Last is part of prophecy.  And finally, I now know and believe in Yeshua haMashiach, which gives me a strength and joy I never knew before, especially back in 1986.  I now have faith and trust to each of these events that are taking place within the world for I see that all things are possible through Christ our Lord.

Precious Lord, I praise you for the Blessings you have bestowed upon us.  Precious Lord, I praise you for trials and tribulations that we struggle through each and every day, for it is through these troubles that your Glory will shine.  Lord, I pray that you help us in our faith, that you aid us in strengthening our understanding of your will so we may see your will the events of the world today.  Lord, aid us in teaching others of you and allow us to become true servants of Your Son Yeshua.  In His name we pray.  Amen.

Why We Should Support Israel, Part 1

Shalom my brother, sisters & friends:

 As a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus) and as a Biblical literalist I am one who takes Scripture translation in an orthodox fashion.  I have spoken of this in past blogs, but I truly believe it is not up to us as sinful human beings to pick and choose what Bible passage and verse we can choose to accept literally and which ones we can decide are just analogies.  In particular, I find this true when we are discussing the nation of Israel.  There is one simple fact of truth that any Bible student cannot ignore and that is we have a duty to honor and protect Israel.

The Road to God Ministry is a strong fighter against the false doctrine called Replacement Theology.  In fact, teaching against Replacement Theology is part of the ministries Mission Statement.  This false teaching is the belief that today's modern church has replaced Israel because the majority of Jews chose to refuse Messiah Yeshua.  Thus all the promises that God made to the Jewish people throughout the Bible, whether they be in the Old Testament or the New, have now been transfered to the modern church.  This is a sad and disgusting view that permeates todays religious views.  Some of the Christian denominations that hold to this view includes:  Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterianism, Lutherism, and some Methodist.   Denominations that are against this teaching are:  Baptists, many Charismatic churches, many Pentecostal churches and some independents or non-denominational.  For more information on Replacement Theology you can go to a wonderful article on The Road to God Ministry website by Dr. David Reagan, Error of Replacement Theology.

So the question remains why should we as Christians continue to support Israel?  Well, todays answer is simple, we have too, after all nothing has changed.  Now I know you may be asking what do I mean by that so please allow me to ellaborate.  In Exodus 34:27 Adonai said:

"And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel", 

and in Deuteronomy 27:9-10 we read:

"And Moses and the priests the Levites spake unto all Israel, saying, Take heed, and hearken, O Israel; this day thou art become the people of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt therefore obey the voice of the LORD thy God, and do his commandments and his statutes, which I command thee this day."

Israel, and I speak of the Jewish nation as a whole became a country unto God as a whole throughout the TANAKH (Old Testament).  The term "for ever" was used 860 times through the old testament, 860 times!  God does not go back on His promises, ever!  That is why we know that Replacement Theology is false, that is how we know that the feasts of the Lord are still in effect, if not in a different fashion then they were.  Israel is the home leand for the Jewish people.  Why?  Because God gave it to them, not a council of nations, no, but the Most High God.   And because of that it is up to us to give them our full support!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

For Once I Can Say Good Job Mr. President

Here is a statement that I have not said much since President Barak Obama came to office, but let me try it out...ok, here goes...good for you Mr. President, I actually feel you made the true and proper Biblical course of action.  What am I talking about?  Well, that would be the recent veto that was made by the United States on February 20th condemning Israel for their continued settlement construction in the hotly contested area of the West Bank and East Jerusalem in Israel.  Finally, the US stood up and decided to back our true allies in the Middle East.

There are many reasons that we should support Israel and over the next few weeks I will begin to lay these reasons out on this blog.  For now, let me just state that for the first time I can state that I am in full support of President Obama.  It does feel weird.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Charismatics and Mystics

I have often said I do not like the Charismatic movement within Christianity.  In particular, I have a problem with the idea that one sinful human being can simply teach another sinful human being to receive and then achieve any or all of the spiritual gifts of God.  I feel that all human beings, as the children of the Most High, have been endowed with some form of a Spiritual Gift, but what that gift is and how that gift is to be used is not up to us or others.  It is up to God and God alone.  To say we can force God to give us a gift...that sounds quite a bit like pride to me, almost like what Satan did to Father Himself when he tried to supplant God.

In the same fashion as not being Charismatic I do not like mystics.  I truly dislike a religion full of hocus pocus rites or needs to fill ones head full of needless liturgies.  Being a literalist truly simplifies ones worship, for your connection to the Lord has been simplified.  There is only one mediator between you and; and that is Yeshua (Jesus).  Our pastors are there to shepard us, to teach us, to aid us in our sanctification (our growth) in Messiah); they are not there as a Mediator between God and us.  They do not act as a Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox priests where we must make proper confessions of faith in order to be saved. 

And yet the mystical shroud has also followed the Jewish faith.  First it captured the Rabbinical Jews and today it has ensnared even some Jewish Believers in Yeshua.  This mystical trend is referred as Kabbalah.  This metaphysical trend in Judaism  which began in the 13th century has now making a comeback leading many Jews of all denominations astray.

These trends are just one more reason why we need to keep ourselves immersed in Scripture and take what we read as the literal truth.  The more we begin to self-translate the Word of God, the more we will find ourselves falling away into apostasy and in this day and age that may be one of the most dangerous thing possible.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Iran Ships Allowed Through the Suez Canal

My friends and brothers in Messiah:

I have as of late been posting many current events that I feel have been connected to the signs of the Last Days as shown in Scripture.  I truly believe as a Biblical literalist it is  impossible to escape from the reality of the news events within todays world and the writings of the Biblical prophets.  Yet, there are other current events that occur that are not mentioned in prophecy that are just as disturbing.  Once of these events is Egypt allowing Iran to move warships through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean.  By doing this Iran will have warships sitting off the coast of Israel, now free to fire missiles at will.  Thus, the question is simple:  how long before Israel destroys these ships?  And then how long before the Arab league retaliates?  This may not start out in Bible prophecy, but it sure ends there!

Precious Father, I pray that through your Grace and wisdom that we may each learn to accept the Truth that can only come through faith in you Son Yeshua.  May we each learn to accept Your will, whether that may be in war or in peace.  May Your Son Yeshua return soon!  For Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!  Amayn.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Critics Slam U.S. Government, Media for 'Weak' Response to Anti-Christian Attacks

Leave it to FOX News to come up with some good old fashion truth when it comes to worldwide Christian persecution.  Here is a just released story on the recent persecutions of Christians in the Middle East and the lack of media coverage of these heinous acts.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our Daily Bread - "Volcanic Activity"

I was so moved by the devotional.  My chronic Pancreatitis has been rough this past week and from it I have been a bit "cranky" with my loved ones, especially my sweet daughter.  I pray to always remember the purpose for these Thorns in the Flesh and never allow them to affect the wonderful blessed relationship I have with my family.

Our Daily Bread - "Volcanic Activity"

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Watchman, December 2010

Yes, it is extremely late, but the December issue of The Watchman has FINALLY been posted to The Road to God Ministry website.  You can locate at the following link:  The Watchman, December 2010.  You will find one of my favorite articles written by my friend and brother Craig Logan titled "I Am Adopted."  Enjoy!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sign of the Last Days in the Amazon Jungle

Now I am not a big fan of Al Gore (and that's putting it nicely), nor do I try to purpose to be an expert at eschatology (End Times studies); but only a blind man will fail to see that continued droughts in the Amazon Jungle cannot do anything but hasten the Last Days.  After all, the Amazon produces much of the Earth's oxygen, thus with the destruction of the Amazon's trees the Earth's CO2 levels will continue to rise, destroying life as we know it.  Revelation come to pass.  God is in control!!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Freedom from Interpretations

We do live in an amazing world…a world where we let go of our self-control each and every day.  I believe we are truly blessed to see God’s controlling hand move each and every moment throughout time.  Tonight, I have the honor to speak to you once again.  I haven’t given a sermon in awhile, so I am honored to be given the opportunity to speak to you…yet this is a moment that God has placed Himself in control.  How do I know this?  Twice I wrote sermons for tonight, twice I completed them and practiced them; I thought they were perfect, and twice the Spirit has led me to throw them in the trash because those sermons were being controlled by Steve and not God.  I learned long ago that you cannot force the spirit unless you want to fail. 

I know God is in control for I cannot even begin to imagine how many churches have cancelled services this evening or they only have one or two people in attendance all because of the Superbowl; yet we are here to worship Adonai, the Lord, we are here to acknowledge that God is in control…now and always. 

Here’s a wonderful example and one I am sure many of you have heard about.  A couple of months ago there began a mass proliferation of animal deaths around the world.  First in Arkansas with a few thousand blackbirds falling dead from the sky and then 10,000 fish floating dead on the Arkansas lakes.  But this was not a one-time incident for the animal deaths moved across the globe on different days and various locations; places like Vietnam, Sweden, Lake Michigan, Washington, Italy, England, Alabama, and other random locations and dates…they continued as the numbers of fish, birds and livestock persist to die; they still do.  Biologists, scientists and naturalists maintain with the same baffled excuses that this is a simple part of nature, that sometimes birds fly into walls or fireworks and that fish just die for unexplained reasons.  As you would expect many Christian eschatologists and watchers of the Last Days were instantly upon the Internet bloging sites talking about these events, many of them calling them the End of the World or coming up with new names like animalocalypse and other interesting titles. Many of these individuals were attributing these animal deaths to Revelation 8:8 and 16:3 which states that all the living creatures in the seas were killed after the waters where turned to blood.  Other Christians on the web were writing that the deaths were the fulfillment of the prophecy of Hosea 4:3 which reads,

Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.
…And by the way that is the prophecy that makes sense to me…

And these articles where covering the Christian newswires all over the Internet.  And this was not surprising  in the least.  Yet, what ensued after these articles were published is was what I found astounding and infuriating.  The very next day, after the first of the mass deaths, after the first of the blackbirds and fish were found in Arkansas; the “factual” and “trusting” news organizations like CNN and MSNBC were spending more time ridiculing Christians for their views on these events then actually covering these events.  They were actually blowing over what took place by making the Christians an entertainment piece.  These so-called objective news channels actually had 10-minute segments where they interviewed atheist experts about the stupidity of the Christian faith in the animal deaths.  I could not help but think three things when I watched that…first, if they had done that, but focused on Islam instead of Christianity, the backlash would have been beyond insurmountable as those new stations would have been sanctioned not only by the FCC, but by the public at large; second, I was glad there that there was nothing near me that was not hard enough that could break the television when I threw it (I actually keep everything away in case I flip to the History Channel); and third, there could not be one person at CNN or MSNBC who could call themselves a true, serious or literal reading Bible-based Christian.

And that my friends is where we will find ourselves this evening, on a subject that has truly enveloped and fueled me with fire for a while now.  I, as most of you know, am a student of the Bible, not just with my intense personal studies that have been going on since 1987, but with Bible College and seminary.  And the more I study the Scripture the more I have come to the belief that the very words placed within the Bible…word for word are true…it is all true, jot for jot and tittle for tittle, literally accurate and true.  Paul wrote to his protégé Timothy in a second letter explaining to him that that every word of the Bible must be taken as truth.  2Timothy 3:16 reads.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:   2 Tim 3:16 (KJV)

That first word in the verse is so very important…all.  It is telling us that every word has been given to us by God.  We must always remember that it is not just the big juicy words in Scripture like justification, sanctification, salvation and propitiation that are the most important to us, but I have found that some of the most precious words of the Bible have only three letters…words like all and one…words like Son and God.  Those are some awesome words.

Now I am afraid at this point I am going to get myself in a bit of trouble here.  I have been told on numerous occasions to never preach from the pulpit as to a specific Bible translation, but after throwing away two sermons and having intense prayer I am afraid I must.  You see as a Biblical literalist, for someone who takes Scriptural accuracy as vitally important, you must be sure your starting with a true Bible translation.  Otherwise, what’s the point? If you are reading a paraphrased Bible, what is the point of taking that Bible literally?  Don’t mistake me, I fully agree that God’s Word will not return void.  In 1987 I was a senior in high school and I was shown a New International Version Bible, which is not a translation that was created for accuracy, but for the ease of reading, and it was that NIV that led me on my quest to prove Jesus a lie.  So I firmly believe that whatever Bible is being read, if it leads you to Christ, then it is a great and wonderful Bible.  But I also believe that Christians who wish to commit to a true and accurate study of Scripture should own a Bible that is accurate to the true Word of God, to the Word that God gave to the English speaking world.  The Bible that God intended to give us as accurate true Bibles and that is the King James Bible.  I truly believe there is a reason that the King James is celebrating its 400th anniversary this year.  More people have been saved through a King James Bible than any other Bible. 

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. Romans 10:17-18 (KJV)

But back to the point, I feel that to be a true literalist we must a true starting point.  And I take that starting point to be a true and accurate translation.  I often say this to others on the Internet, but there is a wonderful sense of relief and comfort when you have the true word of God and you start taking it literally.  For once you do you have been freed from the responsibility and chore of searching through massive volumes of commentaries of Scriptural text in hopes of finding the one that you like.  Now you can now take the Word as it has been intended, in most cases there really is no need for commentaries…an apple means and an apple, it no longer means a pear or a pomegranate or a starfruit.  When the New Testament states that Mary was a Virgin we can take that as truth and that she has not lived or been with another man, we have no responsibility to please the United Methodist denominational view that the word Virgin is an analogous term for Maiden and not necessarily that of a sexual virgin.  She may have been a virgin, but as a maiden we cannot tell for sure.  So by giving up that personal responsibility of the translation effort you are now stating you are willing to put your trust into God’s hands for much of the defining aspects of the terms;  Instead of the thousands of existing commentaries that exist for the non-literal views of the Bible.  What you’re doing in all essence is viewing the Bible with an orthodox interpretation and your saying, “God, I am putting you back in control.”  But, we can only do this if we are using accurate Bible translations.  


     We know throughout Scripture how vital it is, how special the Bible is.  Its reason for being created was the same reason that we have each found salvation itself.  I do not think any passages that can say it better than from the first chapter of John,

 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.   John 1:1-4 (KJV)

Jesus was the Word of God; Scripture is the Word of God.  To know one is to know the other.  I find it incomprehensible not to want to delve into by Bible, forgive me if that came out wrong, but the best way to know Jesus in this life is through our Bibles.  This is another reason I have been so adamant to becoming a literalist in my Biblical translations.  If we are to know Jesus through our Bible then I want to be sure to use the proper Bibles.  Much of our growth within Christ; our sanctification will come through the very things that we lean in our Bibles.  So that makes it so special that we start with a proper foundation.

 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.   Psalms 118:22 (KJV)

But there are two further reasons we need that correct translation for ourselves.  The first is there is for the protection against the spiritual attacks that will occur.  As a Christian at some point in your life Satan will go at you; and the more faithful you are, the harder the attack will be.  As an evangelist, I can attest to being hit…I am very far from being Charismatic, I am not mystical in any way shape or means, but at the Oakland County Fair you can feel the spiritual energy, you can feel when there is evil in the tent and when it leaves.  Sometimes it is so strong it amazes me there are not lightning bolts inside the canvas tent.  Two years ago I was leading two young teens in a prayer, could have been my 80 or 90th lead of the week and I just lost my voice, my sight, everything…I was lost…I had to have Laura take over…we all will be attacked…I was not used to it, so I did not know what to do, I ended up behind the tent crying and praying.  What should have been done was what Christ did when he was attacked,

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.   Matt 4:4 (KJV)

These verses where being stated as Jesus was spending His 40 days in the wilderness and being tempted of Satan.  Three times the Adversary attempted to tempt Jesus and all three time Jesus rebuffed him with the Word of God…the Bible.  Jesus’ prayers were quoting Scripture out loud.  Satan could not bear to hear the Word of God.  Having the knowledge of the Bible can save each of us from any intended harm.  Prayers are the answer and Jesus said them out loud without any shame.  At the fair, the group often stops and goes into prayers, it makes a difference.  When one evangelist table is down another will prayer for the other.  It makes a difference.  And when you mix Scripture and prayer… whoa!!!!!!  Look out!

       The other reason it is essential to have a proper translation is when it comes to eschatological studies, or studies of the End Times.  Now I am not an expert of the Last Days, so I will not bore you with an overload of information, but as we spoke of earlier; if you are a literalist your reliance wil lessen for the of Biblical commentaries of others.  Subjects, like who the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11 can be easily simplified in your studies.  For example, during my studies over the past few weeks I have come to find that the Two Witnesses must be Enoch and Elijah, as they are the only two men within the Bible that were ever to be translated into Heaven alive, thus they are the only two men who could be sent back and killed.  As anyone who has taken a look at End Times studies knows, there are a thousand opinions for a thousand scholars when it comes to this subject matter.  This is why it is so vitally essential that if you are going to begin a study of the Last Days that you arm and prepare yourself with a true Word Of God.  There are too many events that are occurring in the world today that cannot be ignored.  For anyone who calls themselves a literalist we must have the courage to say the signs are there.  No man knows the time, but the signs are there.  These are subjects worthy of proper study with the true Word of God.


I have read over this sermon several times, and I know this is where I was led, yet I have to admit this being the strangest sermon of my life.  I have been thinking and contemplating why I would give such a sermon, especially one in that I would declare a specific Bible translation.  And the answer comes back the same…that I believe we are coming near to the return of the Lord, the signs are there.  We will be unable to control the big picture things, the scary items of Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation.  What we can fight against is the coming false doctrines, what we can fight against is the false teachings, what we can fight against is allowing our family, friends and community to fall away into Hell without a fight.  And we shall make this fight by planting the seed of Jesus Christ in as many as we can.  But we need to make sure that those we do reach are fertilized properly, not with false teachings and not with false translations.  I apologize if I offend you my TLB fans, but you may be saved through a Living Bible, but for sanctification and study we need to get you back to some truth and away from an admitted paraphrases.  There was only one Jesus and he will never allow himself to be changed or into a paraphrase…Jesus is called the Word of God.  So is Scripture.  And by changing one are we not changing the other?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Control of My Life!

It is amazing how much God is in control!

I am giving the sermon Sunday evening and thus I am in preparation mode.  As usual I spend a large portion of that time in prayer to consider what topic to speak on.  As of late, I have been in intense Bible study (with my Men's Bible Study Group) on the Book of Revelation.  Some of the incredible finds we have made have been absolutely mind blowing.  For example, I believe we can prove without any shadow of a doubt the the two witnesses in the Bible are in truth Enoch and Elijah.  Thus, I had it firmly planted in my head that Adonai (the Lord) wanted me to discuss the Last Days.  Yet, as I sat at my desk typing away on my laptop I could not help but sense how wrong my topic was; that somehow He had a different plan for my preaching Sunday.  Thus, I stopped writing and went back into prayer.

And I hope you will understand that to stop writing and to go back to prayer (the beginning) was a test in itself for me.  Things are quite busy for me this weekend.  My daughter and I are going to a baptism today, I have to take her to piano  lessons, to her Grammy's and I have a church business meeting later today.  Tomorrow there is morning services where I also have Jr church.  Yet, I do have faith that Adonai has a certain topic He wishes me to speak on and I know He will not only show me what it is, but give me the time to complete it.


I have faith that He is in 100% control of my life and those whose lives I may effect.

Shema Yisrael.  Adonai Elheinu.  Adonai Echad.
Baruch shem kivod malchuto l'olam v'ed.
(Hear o' Israel. The Lord is God.  The Lord is One.
Blessed be Your Glorious Majesty forever and ever.)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

World food prices hit record high -

I have been doing a detailed study of the Book of Revelation. It is chilling and exciting at the same time when you read of prophecy come to pass! Here is Revelation 6... the third horsemen, a black horse, carrying scales and balances.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Can You Take the Bible Literally?

Here's a question I have been asked many times as a Jewish evangelist.  How can I possibly accept Scripture at face value in light of all the scientific evidence that exists today that obviously proves otherwise.  I have been on the mission field and heard the arguments that the Torah (Mosaic Law) was not written by Moses, but instead by one of Ezra's contemporaries.  Then there is the debate that there were two Isaiah's', not one.  Creation of course could never have happened in six days if the universe is billions of years old...and the rhetoric goes on and on.  Earlier in my witnessing career I dreaded people who would bring up these issues, but to be honest, I have come to enjoy hearing some of these tirades, for I have found these subjects to be openings for testimony.

Yet, the questions remains, how can I stay a Biblical literalist when so many other mainstream Christians have not?  The answer is  I trust in God, I trust in His Son, I trust in the Holy Spirit, I trust in the Word, I trust that what He says as the Truth plain and simple.  Let me share with you a little secret of the ministry world.  Many preachers spend long hours pouring over Bible translations and commentaries in hopes of finding some lost meaning or defining aspect to the Word of God.  Yet when you take the Bible literally you no longer need to do this for you have now removed the responsibility of worrying about commentaries from your hands.  For now you only need one book to understand Scripture, and that is Scripture.  Apple means apple.  Virgin means virgin.  Hell means hell.  There is no longer and need to search for hidden analogies.  When there are analogies, and there are in Scripture, the Bible will show you signals.  Thus, as long as you know what signals to look for, you are prepared to read the truth with God's commentary in hand.  How awesome is that?

That is how I can remain a literalist.  So called scientific theories are just that theories.  Not one of them has ever been proven by through the scientific model, thus they remain theories.  Scientists should be ashamed of themselves for calling them facts!  On the other hand, nothing has ever been proven false from Scripture.  I will take the Word of God any day!

 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Heb 11:1 (KJV)