Friday, September 14, 2012

Middle East Uprising

What a day in the news.  Protests and riots now exists in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and surprise surprise Iran.  All day I have been flipping between CNN, MSNBC and FOX News always searching for the latest news.  What blew my mind was the cause of all of the Mid-East uprising, a YouTube video and I have to admit that this morning and afternoon I sat back in my chair wrongly judging the Muslims for these atrocities.  It was a few hours ago when I watched the video for myself and I was ENRAGED, heck I was ready to riot and demand justice even as a Jew!

Yet, there is no excuse for what's going on.  This video was only one video, one website and there are thousands of sites that denounce Islam or speaks ill of Mohammed.  Why was this one so different?  I don't know, but in a time like this it is fitting we turn back to the Bible.  Read Ezekiel chapter 38.  In particular, read 38:13.  I cannot say if today's news has a bearing on prophecy, but let us hope it is God's will.

Precious Lord, I pray that all of these disturbing events fit in to Your Divine will.  Let those of us who are Believers in You find solace in Scripture and prayer.  Help us not to judge.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts, part 1

Today I am going to start a study on an often hotly debated doctrine, the spiritual gifts.  In this study we will go through and look at each spiritual gift and the doctrines involved.  Though we may touch into a few of the better Biblical commentaries, The Road to God Ministry will always translate the Bible LITERALLY and in a historical-grammatical context.  This way we will always take God at His Word, always.  In this hermenuetical fashion we will need to look at Scripture in three ways, to define:  what did the Scripture mean to those who originally heard it; what does the Scripture mean for us today; and what does the Scripture mean for us personally?

So you may ask yourself, "what's the big fuss over the spiritual gifts?"  The "fuss" is whether or not we, as a sinful race Romans 3:23), can receive a gift, learn a gift, or take the view that the spiritual gifts where a thing of the past age, when Christianity was born.  The "fuss" is that the varying ideologies regarding the gifts has caused new Christian denominations to be born.  Charismatic and Pentecostal churches are built upon the idea of receiving spiritual gifts from the Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit).  Even today's Messianic Jewish movement now has a Charismatic side to it.

Note:  At no time do I or will I ever question the salvation of another believer regardless of their denomination or as to how they translate the Bible.  I often hear the phrase, "love the sinner and hate the sin," and I do.  

What are the spiritual gifts?  In answer I wish to direct you to a passage from the Bible that will often be discussed.  To the church of Corinth did Paul write,

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.  1 Cor 12:1-11 (KJV)
Thus Paul gave the Corinthians a list of spiritual gifts: 
  1. Wisdom
  2. Knowledge
  3. Faith
  4. Healing
  5. Miracle Worker
  6. Prophecy
  7. Discerning of Spirits 
  8. Speaking in Tongues
  9. Interpretation of Tongues.
In Romans Paul writes of further gifts.

6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; 7 Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; 8 Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.  Romans 12:6-8 (KJV)
  1. Exhortation
  2. Giving
  3. Leadership
  4. Mercy
  5. Ministry 
  6. Teaching
In Ephesians chapter four, Paul writes of another spiritual gifts.

7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. 9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:  Eph 4:6-13 (KJV)
  1. Evangelism
Spiritual gifts are the manifestation of blessings granted to Believers for a specific purpose.  Spiritual gifts are miracles.  Thus they must serve a purpose.

Part 2 of this study will begin with the gift of Wisdom.

Be sure to look for The Road to God Ministry on Facebook, Twitter, Digg, and Bebo.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Crisis of Faith

We all hear things that we just don't want to believe because it turns out to be bad news?  It's part of life.  It's part of Scripture.  I always thought two verses of the Bible stated the bad news for the unbeliever.  The Gospel of Mattiyahu (Matthew) reads, "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroadMatt 12:30 (KJV).  The Gospel of Yochanan (John) states, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  John 14:6 (KJV).  Both of these verses state some pretty BAD NEWS for the Lost.  O believe that the question is, how are we going to react once we receive the bad news?  I often state that it is easy to hold strong to your faith in Yeshua (Jesus) when life is treating you well.  And I just don't mean well during rare circumstances like winning a lottery. I believe it is easy to hold to your faith when everything is just status quo.  Instead, it is when a true tribulation arises, whether the difficulties may be financial, physical, emotional or spiritual that, holding to that perfect faith in the Lamb becomes more and more difficult to maintain.  

OK, it's testimony time...I know from my own behavior what it means to hear the bad news and go through tribulations.  My health problem has turned out to be a disease called gastroparesis or stomach and intestines paralysis.  While waiting for the final diagnosis I have been told by a gasteroenterologist in 2011 that I had moderate to severe cirrhosis of the liver.  He made a false diagnosis, which I only confirmed this past week.  Thus I had a "Crisis of Faith."  This was where my first failure to God occurred, by not trusting in Him regardless of the circumstances.  Instead, I was a shaken man.   I can admit now that even though I never blamed or cursed God for giving me this life-ending illness.  I was a shattered man and the daily nausea and vomiting was not helping any.  It was just this past week that I was given both a piece of wonderful and terrible news.  My current doctor has confirmed that the liver is not scarred, thus no cirrhosis.  I am going to live!  But I was also told that my gastroparesis condition has no cure, no treatment and there is zero chance of any new protocols for new drugs at this time.  The one drug that worked turned out to be a dangerous starter of permanent Parkinson-like tremors that are for life.  My wife and I decided to terminate the drug and I have gone back to the 24-hour nausea and vomiting.  When the doctor confirmed the diagnosis I deduced that he was kind in telling me that I shall have "the stomach flu" everyday for the rest of my life.  Again I did not question my "Crisis" and the reasons God has placed this "thorn in my flesh"  I know it is a test of faith.  A test of patience.  

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
James 1:2-4 (KJV)

 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Romans 5:1-5 (KJV)

 As a conservative translator of Scripture (Biblical literalist), I believe that there is a purpose for my bad news and tribulations.  Paul himself had a throrn in the flesh.

And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

2 Cor 12:7-10 (KJV)

What it comes down to that I have two choices, God or man.  Should I continue to trust man or put all your faith in God?  For me it is a no-brainer, how is it for you?

Please look for us on Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Bebo.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Time to Find Shalom (peace)

As I mentioned in previous blog posts, my health in 2012 has been far from good.  Being ill for the past nine months has left me confused, hurt and spiritually in need of the Holy Spirit.  I have spent many a night on the bathroom floor for 12 hours or more.  It was during these overnights when the bathroom floor became my mattress that I came to a wonderful and powerful truth.  I have come to realize that our emotions and feelings have no bearing on our salvation or change the love of God.

It does matter how angry we are.

It does not matter how depressed we are.

It does not matter what we do, for God's love is constant,never ebbing.

Thus I have come to the belief that it is God who holds a perfect love for all of His creations.

Thank you Yeshua for that love.

Be sure to check us out on Facebook.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

What a Fool!

It's been a wild fight for my faith during the last nine months; during my prolonged illness.  I justified my reasons for my questioning faith by saying, "Anybody who had the stomach flu for nine months will begin to question themselves."  What a fool I was!  What a fool I am!  What I failed to see was that Yeshua (Jesus) is always the same distance away from us.  He is in our hearts, souls and might and no matter where we are upon this good earth He is there with us!

I was once told by one of my mentors that Satan will always attempt to hurt any given evangelist, especially if they are successful.  Yeri-mi-yahu (Jeremiah), for example, was in a deep depression throughout his prophecies.  

It was towards April 2012, when my desire to return to God that took over as I felt the need to preach in the name of Yeshua haMashiach.  I honestly believe this is what happened to me and I believe 100% that God used the evil of my health situation for His advantage.

So I am going to make some changes.  Here's one:

I have created and started a special Facebook page for Inside the Box Fair Ministry - Prayer Requests.  Each day I will be adding 10 prayer requests that have been given to the workers of the Oakland County Fair (Davisburg, MI).  The ministry succeeded in leading over 500 souls to Mashiach (Messiah).  There will be in the future a connection between The Road to God Ministry & Inside the Box Fair Ministry.  If you have any prayer requests please e-mail them to The Road to God Ministry e-mail.

I also wanted to say that am thankful for the four men and one woman who are passing out tracts to the fair goers.  Two salvations have already been made and 2,000+ tracts to the public.  Thank you Michael, Sandra, Peter, Scott and Steven.

Be sure to become a follower of this blog so you do not miss any blogs.

Monday, June 25, 2012

I Think Everyone's Prayers Worked!

I have had a rough eight months. I have lived my life sick since November 2011.  What I have enjoyed is an eight month long stomach virus.  And through this period of time I have received a insurmountable of well wishes and promises of prayer from across the globe.  Thank you!

I realized the day I was diagnosed in the Emergency Room last week that I was going through a terrible time for a reason.  James 1:12-18 really stood out for me,

12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

It is not God's fault for my being ill.  These passages from Ya'akov (James) are explaining that God does not want bad things happening to us.  God want us all free from sin.  Verses 14 and 15 speak of how just a little bit of sin will grow and ferment until another sin emerges.  I now have the understanding that the farther your proximity is from your church, then the greater chance of sinning may occur.

I will be honest...I am quite upset with myself for the way I responded to the digestive condition.  Never, not once, did I ever blame God for my misfortune.  I always knew it was my fault, our fault.  But I retracted a bit more from my everyday life, each day becoming a hermit hiding in my home.  No one likes living on the bathroom floor, no one.

It was last week when I was again taken to the Emergency Room for severe (really severe) pain, severe nausea, and for other disgusting symptoms.  I knew the routine after all I have made a few trips to the ER, twice by ambulance.  Yet, it was that night that the presence of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) once more sang in my heart.  And from that one night of pain and illness a true and clear diagnosis came.  I had a stomach that would not give up its food.  Also, there are small sections of my intestines that no longer work.  Yet, all I wanted was relief and that is what the doctor did.  I am not speaking pain meds, though the Dilaudid was a making me wish for a laser light show.  The doctor told me of a pill that if I can take with meals I should be good to go.  And I was! I knew it was the Lord speaking to me, trying to return me to the church.

I had my faith restored!  I now have my zeal prepared!

My pastor once told me that Satan will always attack you when you are preparing to evangelize.  I believe I have been given a wonderful chance to reach the area by working with Inside the Box Fair Ministry to reach our area.  I feel renewed to take part of this exciting "Summer of Evangelism".

Precious Adonai, I thank for each and every breath.  I thank you for giving me a family to comfort me in dark and evil times.  I praise you for the wonderful and joyous times to come.  I also pray for a good friend of mine named Craig.  Lord, I announced my calling to the ministry when Craig did.  We have both worked hard, but it was always your plan to ordain Craig as a reverend.  Please be with him and allow him to grow in Your spirit.  In Yeshua's name.  Amen

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kansas town approves law barring churches from discriminating against gays


Kansas town approves law barring churches from discriminating against gays

Has anyone asked whether or not the church's rights are being violated. This heated discussion has declared that Christians can no longer see the Bible as truth.  What's more the Christian community will soon find that they can no longer SPEAK of their dislike of this ordinance!  It's coming! What happens when a homosexual seeks to become the member of a Bible-based church?  Many church charters state that homosexuals cannot enter the Kingdom of God and thus their church.  Will we now be barred from speaking specific passages from the Bible?  Will Christians now be forced to use homosexual-friendly Bibles that changes the Truth?  Why is it these issues are focused  upon the Fundamentalist-Christian churches?  Would any local, state, or federal ever force these discrimination charges upon mosques and synagogues?


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Director of Local Evangelism

The Road to God Ministry held a meeting of our Board of Directors today.  It was a truly blessed morning as Adonai provided me with some much needed time away from may poor health.  The meeting itself went wonderfully, there is going to be many new things on our website at The Road to God Ministry website.  The one detail that I proposed today was the creation of a new position in the ministry, Director of Local Evangelism.

By thought and reason and a whole lot of prayer, I recommended this new position to be the manager of all the ministry's work in Waterford, Michigan and the surrounding area.  We have already seven events (parades & fairs) that will keep the ministry quite busy starting in May.  We also have a desire to begin local speaking engagements at Olive Tree friendly churches.  This work will be completed under the new position.  Other important deeds the Director will face includes:  keeping solid logs of the local members, those applying for membership, and how many people have come to accept salvation through Messiah Yeshua.  In particular, I wish to revamp and restart our local tract distribution program.  Again this will be under the jurisdiction of the Director of Local Evangelism.

So why am I stating this on the blog?  It's quite simple.  I would like to invite any of our members who live in Michigan to apply for this position.  If you are not a member of The Road to God Ministry then I suggest you go to the webpage titled, MEMBERSHIP INFO.  From there you will be able to start the membership process.

Today was a truly blessed day!  The Holy Spirit was present at this meeting.  All of our board members showed a desire and willingness to make needed sacrifices for the ministry; thank you guys.

If you are interested in this new position or if you wish to join the Ministry then please visit the website at NEW MEMBERSHIP page or e-mail me at

Shalom & IHS,


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ministry Growth, part 2

But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Matt 10:6 (KJV)

As time went by TRTGM changed it's focus.  For financial reasons the local tract distribution slowed to once a month, up to then we passed out tracts every week.  It was very important that the TRTGM worked by always evangelizing to the Jew first.  

 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16 (KJV)

This was and is an essential spiritual goal for many Messianic Jews, just as it was for me.  As I became more proficient in Scriptural analysis I discovered one of the two great flaws of the Messianic Jewish movement.  As Romans 1:16 states true Christians should witness to Jews first and then the Gentiles as EQUALS.  The same amount of time should be spent on reaching Lost Gentiles with a same amount of effort.  In Adonai's eyes we are all one in Messiah,

 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. 26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:25-28 (KJV)

This passage is one that clearly tells us that the names in (v. 26-27) is an analogy.  Just as one cannot stop being male or female; we cannot stop being Jewish.   I often say to others that "Jewish does not equal Judaism".  Unfortunately, Rabbinic Jews of today can just as easily say it backwards, stating that Judaism is Jewish.  No way.  

As for me, one of those ideals was to always be ready to give a good and strong simply of Yeshua.  Too never be ashamed of the Gospel.  These views that I held were telling me that I no longer should be worshiping in the Messianic congregation; that my Jewish and Gentile household should be be praising God as one body.    Yet, those false doctrines were still there; that Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians should have separate houses of worship.  Every one seemed to accept the view that all Messianic Jews should worship as one body.  Yet, no one seemed to grasp the simple fact that this is not mentioned in Scripture, not once.  The Book of Acts shows us what His plan is for planting new chueches.  

Yet, I hold the firm belief that I cannot stop being Jewish, we are as we are.  As a Christian I was a fanatical and proud of Messianic Judaism.  But too many false views of the denomination began to emerge, one after the other.  

The second error I found was based upon a simple examination of the Messianic liturgy.  That Rabbinical worship had to evolve by it's   critical dependence and belief in the Oral Traditions.  The traditions where penned over the past 2,500 years.  Some of these Oral Traditions became Midrash, Mishnah and the Talmud.  Jewish Christians often believe that these traditions are false.  For many who practiced Rabbinical Judaism the Talmud became a new holy book sent from God.  My problem is that when you practice a firm belief that the Oral Traditions are false; that they are just the writings of learned men who banded together during the Babylonian Exile.  The goal was to find a way they can worship God properly without being at the Temple in Jerusalem.  Some even believe we are to follow the Talmud as it will prove to the Lost Jews that they are still Jewish.  As I have already stated "Jewish does no equate to Judaism."  

The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

TRTGM then moved to it's current home at First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Michigan.  I found myself becoming more and more involved in the leadership of the church.  Just as it is for many Americans today, there has always a strong level of religious illiteracy.  No one knows the basics of our religion.  Many Jews cannot answer the simple question of naming the five books in TORAH (Pentateuch) or tell us what the Shema prayer is..  And because of these false doctrines and traditions the Judaic faith has gained a form of  "salvation hierarchy," a view that one Christian is in better standing with God then another person.   Most people knew that God knows our own hearts, and that not every Jewish Believer Yeshua is a Messianic Jew.  I often say  that, "Jewish does not equate to Judaism."

It was then another of those huge life-changing events that hits us all found it's special way of finding the ministry and I.  That God-given test of patience taught me so much about myself, the world and my spiritual connection with Yeshua.   Through that lesson of patience I came to realize how prideful I was.  I saw that I was trying to fit God into my plans for TRTGM.  Events like the Oakland County 4-H Fair, where we set-up a Gospel tents to reach the masses.  It was there, in speaking and praying with some young adolescents, that I discovered what it is I am to do with the Ministry, to evangelize to everyone we meet, Jew or Gentile.  

In hopes of witnessing to others TRTGM has organized and worked at many parades, street and county fairs, and at special secular events..  The tract distribution was to be expanded and most of all, we would revamp the Ministry website every day.  Website hits have grown exponentially from 2010 to 2011.  We went from 65,00 hits in 2010 to over 580,000 in 2011.

The Ministry is now an internet Missionary Ministry that believes in literal translations of Scripture.  We are always looking to our Members and Partners for ideas, for growth in our Spiritual lives.  Many things are planned over the next year and I hope you will join us in heart and soul



Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ministry Growth, part 1

There was a time when The Road to God Ministry (TRTGM) was a bit lost.  I was a bit lost.  You might be surprised to learn that TRTGM did not begin by evangelism and teaching.  Much of my Christian life thus far was under the guise of being a Messianic Jew,  I was even a member of the local Messianic Jewish congregation.  I was also fanatical about Messianic Judaism.  The congregation Rabbi became a mentor.  Yet, even then I had a strong LITERAL view of hermenuetics, which is how Scripture should be translated.  The Ministry was located at one of my favorite churches, Bethany Baptist Church in Clawson, Michigan.  The Ministry functioned as a Messianic/Christian-based 12-Step program.  I had many ideas on how to promote the Ministry, and many of them where implemented.  But Adonai had different plans for me.
From my earliest memories as a Christian I knew that I wanted to serve Yeshua, to minister to others for Him.  Within a short amount of time the Ministry began working for God, just as it does to this very day.  The recovery programs where shut down.  The Ministry continued to expand and grow, all of it from TRTGM's website.  Personally, I found that when I worked for the Ministry I always felt a spring in my step, a true and firm knowledge that I was following God's will.  I had finally understood the mission of the Ministry.  Teaching and Evangelism.

Over the next 6-months the Ministry began redirecting its plans on witnessing to all of the Lost, both Jew and Gentile.  The Ministry started placing Gospel tracts in every newspaper we could find.  Tracts were placed in the over seven various Detroit-area newspapers and magazines.  The Road to God Ministry website was already expanding as Internet ministries began to grow in popularity.  We functioned through a belief that all of the Lost, both Jew and Gentile, deserved salvation.  My favorite verse in the Bible became the Ministry's Mission Statement,

 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.  Romans 1:16

 I am a stubborn man, always have been, and I was not going to allow TRTGM to end without a fight.  Little did I realize that it was God who expected me to change course, and after some serious life-changing events the Ministry started down the road towards God's plans.

more to come...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Shabbat (Sabbath) Talk

I was corresponding with a friend last week who who demmanded that Sunday worship is not the right day of the week and he urged me that I shall not worship Yeshua on Saturday and not Sunday. He continued stating that Yeshua was a practicing rabbi and thus He would have worshiped on Saturday.  There was more to the debate that I am not adding to this post.  But he wanted me, in no certain terms, that it offends God to worship any day other the Saturday.

I told him that he is correct.  Jesus was the perfect Jew.  He became the only man in history who fulfilled Torah (the Law).  I told him that he was also right about which day of the week Yeshua worshiped, Saturday.

He then when on to say that since he was a Jewish, he must worship on Saturday.  He gave the Replacement Theology argument, one that I hear time and again.  The only reason Christians don't worship on Saturday was due to anti-Semitism in the Roman Catholic Church

I told him, once again, that he was correct in his line of thought, for Replacement Theology was and is a false doctrine that is lives throughout Christianity.  I also told him that in the past I believed in Saturday worship.  Obviously, my view have changed.

It was then that I told him why we worship on Sundays rather then upon the Sabbath.  I didn't share any historicity of the subject, so I jumped right to the point.  The answer I gave the reverend was simple...

"It does not matter if we have Saturday worship or Sunday worship.  As long as we treat Sunday as the Sabbath, then we must treat this "holy day" as a Sabbath filled with rest and worship.""

The Colossian Epistle reads,  

"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ" (Colossians 2:16-17)

Paul was very clear in this verse.  What it comes down to is that we can worship any day of the week as long as we are worshiping Yeshua ha Mashiach.  Those that choose Sunday chose a holy day in their eyes.  Sunday has become a Sabbath day.  

Christ cares about everything we do, everything.  He simply does not believe in this debate.  What he does care about is our salvation and that we Fear the Lord (showing proper respect).  I am Jewish and my family has a Seder every first night of Pesach (Passover).  We always invite one other family to join us.  I have many reasons for holding a Seder.  I love matzo ball soup (I make good ones!), brisket, potatoes and of course a good lamb shank.  We celebrate Pesach knowing what the purpose is.  Pesach is all about teaching the next generation all about Moses, Arron, Joshua and Miriam.  Pesach is a time when we recall all the mighty works God performed to save His people.  When we have a Seder we are all about the Jewish culture.  Yes, the culture.  Our family worships in the manner of Jewish believers, yet we attend worship services at our General Baptist Church.  This year it is great in that the Seder coincides with our Gregorian Calendar.  It falls on the eve of Good Friday.

In the end my phone debater left with the promise to think about this.  As for myself I believe it is already clear as I read the Bible literally.

Precious Lord, I pray that you send the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) upon all of the Ministry's Partners all over the world.  That they be safe from all physical and emotional attacks.  Lord, I especially pray for Reverend Joseph in Kenya.  May the love he has for you be shown as a good and positive testimony of our Mashiach (Messiah).  Thank you Father for all of the blessings we receive.  In Yeshua's name, amen

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"The Lord is my Portion"

I know I have been absent for awhile on The Road to God Ministry website and blog.  You have my apologies for that, I have been battling some serious health issues.

I was in a doctor's waiting room today, fretting about another series of pokes and prods on my failing liver when Adonai laid a verse of the Bible on my soul.  It reads:

"The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I hope in Him!"  Lamentations 3:24

Here was an obscure verse from the weeping-prophet Yira-may-hu (Jeremiah) who had his own personal conflict when he his from the Babylonians by hiding in the sewers of Jerusalem.  So it was here in a doctor's waiting room that the Spirit entered me and turned my day into a joyous one.  

"The Lord is my portion,"  what does this mean?  For me the verse means that I have been given salvation through Messiah Yeshua and it is not my job to fret anxiously but to keep all of my hopes on high.  After all, it is Yeshua that broke the bonds of condemnation, the least I could do is have a little trust that Adonai will make it better and wipe away my tears of pain, nausea, and disease.

God bless all of you who continue to visit or blog and website.  My heart is overjoyed with gratitude for all of you who have taken some extra time in your life to pray for me and the ministry.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What a year The Road to God Ministry had in 2011!  The ministry has prepared our "Balance Sheet," which contains all of the Ministry's income and expenses for 2011.  This report also contains the final tally of our evangelistic work.

The Road to God Ministry members may send us a request to receive a copy of this spreadsheet.  Please note that only core members of the ministry may receive a copy.  This "balance sheet" is not available to the Ministry's partner's around the world.

E-Mail Steve at

God Bless us all may!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Right Thing For the Wrong Reasons

Today I had the honor and pleasure to read a blog entry written by my friend Kasey at her blog Lessons From Ivy.  In this article Kasey discussed what is and what is not important for those of us who write Christian blogs and websites.  I will admit I learned a wonderful lesson through her blog.

I set-up The Road to God Ministry website without displaying the stats of how many visitors had viewed the site.  I knew I would become obsessed with the stats.  To find out the website statistics I have to manually call my web hosting company.  Yet, unlike the website this blog visually permits me to view the blog audience numbers at will.

As you will notice to the right there is a listing of the ministry's blog FOLLOWERS.  Thus as of today we have only seven followers for the blog.  Even the official ministry Facebook page has only 53 individuals who have LIKE'd the page.  I will admit that I have been having are hard time figuring out how The Road to God Ministry's website can have over 550,000 hits in 2011 while the blog and Facebook page only  have a minuscule number of followers.

I must admit that there have been times when I look at our blog numbers and lack of comments as a personal slight.  I must admit that I have been jealous over Kasey's and other people's Christian blog.  

Today, thanks to Kasey, I have come to the realization of my pride.  I have come to see that it isn't how many visitors have been to the website.  Official followers, lack of comments, or the number of people who LIKE us on Facebook is nothing compared; to the number of salvations the site has made around the world.  Just this week I had a call from Pastor James in Kenya.  The pastor wanted me to know that his congregation has been utilizing our website for over six months.  The pastor said he had written many sermons by using the website.  This gave me a smile.  He also wished to become a PARTNER to The Road to God Ministry.  We now have over 120 PARTNERS around the world.  120+ churches, congregations, members of the clergy and individuals who all share the literal Word of God with the people and communities around the.  That is what is important, not how many hits have their been on the website or the number of blog followers,

Over the past few months I have become severely ill.  With my liver failure I have come to see that the only thing that matters is salvation.  How many souls were led to Yeshua haMashiach through our website, blog and Facebook page.  I realize now that stats are meaningless if we are all we are concerned with is numbers.

Thank you Kasey and thank you Adonai.  May I continue to serve you in a manner which gives you honor.  May the pride that I hold fade away as I continue to serve the glory of Heavenly Grace.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Olive Tree Theology and Me

I have led a truly blessed life.  Nothing has so declared as to who I was or ever to be then the consistent fact that I was a Jewish man.  It took me 20 years of study to convince me of one thing, and that is Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth is who the Bible says He is supposed to be, the living Son of God.  It was exhilarating to decide to openly worship Yeshua, and I did.  My new wife and I were very open about our faith in Yeshua, we were even baptized together on one wonderful Summer day.  Yet, the Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit) still had one more thing to prove, and that was that Yeshua is the living Jewish Son of David sent to one and all, both Lost Jews and Gentiles equally.  Thus when I was new to my public worship I found myself becoming more and more involved with the Christian denomination known as Messianic Judaism.  After all, I was Jewish and as far as I knew Messianic Judaism was the only Jewish-Christian around.  They practiced the Jewish traditions and celebrated the Jewish feasts.  It was only natural for eager-eyed Jewish intellectual to worship Jesus within Jewish rites  All I saw when I watched the Messianic Jewish movement and my Messianic congregation was that other Messianic Jews and Gentiles (there was more Gentiles then Jews) happily and contently worship their savior, Yeshua.  As I watched I became more and more enamored with the Messianic movement.  In addition to becoming an official member of the local congregation I also was entrusted with the title of Student-Minister to the Addicted by the head Messianic-Rabbi. 

From the start The Road to God Ministry has always been founded upon the fact that each and every Gentile has the same right to worship the One Lord as any Jewish believer does.  From the get go I knew deep inside that there was something fundamentally wrong in the Messianic Jewish doctrine.  With each and every Messianic service two issues became more and more clear.  Stan Telchin, author of "Messianic Judaism is Not Christianity", goes so far as to say Messianic Jews are not even really of a form of Christianity.  I disagree categorically with Telchin, but that does not erase the fact that there are serious false doctrines rampant in the Messianic Jewish movement today.  The most basic of these is that there needs to be two centers of worship for Christianity: a Gentile Church and a Messianic Synagogue.  The argument is that the Jewish believers  will remain in a culture that honors the fact that they are still Jewish, even after their conversion.  The second issue is simply that most (not all) Messianic Jews continue to follow the teachings of Talmudic literature.  I always found this odd as Messianic Jews are opposed to the historical group of Jews called p’rushim (Pharisees) and their teachings.  Rabbinical Judaism is founded upon the teachings of Midrash, Mishnah and Talmud.  The Laws are part of the Oral Traditions of Rabbinical Judaism and were first created by the exiled Jews in Babylon at approximately 580 AD.  Messianic Judaism does not revere the Oral Traditions to consider them to be true, but for some insane reason we Jewish Believers consider it only proper to live by them.  It is from these two falsehoods that our ministry, The Road to God Ministry, honors, adheres to and teaches the doctrine known as Olive Tree Theology.  We believe with a doubt that all Believers in Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus Christ)can worship together in one house of God, together and in unity.  Jewish believers should feel open to worship ones heritage, race, creed and culture at whatever church they may find themselves.  Both Gentile and Jewish believers should be free to worship in whatever place they are.  If a Jewish Believer wants to their tallit (prayer shawl) then that is what they should do.  The fear that one will lose their Jewishnesss when they worship at a Church in an important one and one unspoken in the Messianic Synagogue.  I often consider this situation as I am the only Jew (also my daughter) in a Gentile Baptist Church.  Yet, over time I have come to realize that I will only lose my racial and cultural identification by remaining at a Church instead of a Synagogue.  Another fear that exists is the phobia of becoming involved with a Church that teaches Replacement Theology (RT).  I make no illusions regarding the truth of RT,  There exists many RT churches throughout Christianity today.  RT is the false view that God has eternally forsaken the Jewish people for their unbelief in Christ.  The Replacement doctrine teaches that everything God has promised to the Jewish people since Abraham will now take place, but only for the true Gentile Believers.  Denominations that hold to this ideology are the Presbyterians, the Methodists and the Roman Catholic Church.  Replacement Theologians have been extreme in the formation of the Catholic Church and with and has caused a false dual view of Scripture, one Gentile and one Jewish.  It teaches that the Church is now the true Israel and not the Jewish people as God had promised them from the time of Avraham (Abraham).
In the end I like to believe that my Faith stems from the Bible, literal and true.  I am a literalist when it comes to Hermeneutics and Scripture translation.  When the Bible reads that something in history happened, I trust in Him to be true to His Word.  If I read Creation took place in six days, then I believe it did.  And when the Bible reads,

27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.   Gal 3:26-29 (KJV)

The great rule of literalists is that you always take the Bible at face value.  The written words mean what they are supposed to be.  But if what is written is not possible then you must look for the greater meaning.  It is unfortunate that most Gentile Church’s that believe in RT utilize Galations 3:26-27 in the false view that there are no Jews anymore.  But as the rule states since in verse 28 we must look to the greater meaning as we cannot stop being a male or a female.  With that nailed down the verse never states that there are no longer Jewish Believers.  As a literalist you must read more than one verse.  Instead we need to read the passages before and the passages after to discern their meaning.  If the verse states that there can be neither male nor female then we should all realize we can never stop being what we are.  What the passage in declaring in truth is that God doesn’t care about anything other then the question if we are Believers or not.  Olive Tree Theology stems from this verse and the wonderful words of Paul in Romans 11.  Olive Tree Theology is about the unity of Christians.  All Believers in Messiah should be as one.

And that leads us to today.

Today and for some months now I have been fighting a disease that cannot be cured.  I have spent more days violently sick in the past few months.  But this time of tribulation has been one of serenity as well.  Throughout the constant nausea and vomiting I have come to see that God wants me to give Him proper testimony.  Olive Tree Theology has been the center of my testimony as some of you may have been contemplating the same thing.  Don’t let me be the sole word on Olive Tree Theology, study it for yourselves.

My standing prayer is that all Believers whether they be Christians, Messianic Jews, or just Jewish Believers as myself, may reread Galatians 3:26-29 and Romans 11 in a new way.  I pray that we can all see and appreciate each other traditions in our worship.  Most of all I pray that God may grant me the power to share His holy Word in such a fashion that gives Him all due homage.  In the name of Yeshua I pray.

Steven H