Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Right Thing For the Wrong Reasons

Today I had the honor and pleasure to read a blog entry written by my friend Kasey at her blog Lessons From Ivy.  In this article Kasey discussed what is and what is not important for those of us who write Christian blogs and websites.  I will admit I learned a wonderful lesson through her blog.

I set-up The Road to God Ministry website without displaying the stats of how many visitors had viewed the site.  I knew I would become obsessed with the stats.  To find out the website statistics I have to manually call my web hosting company.  Yet, unlike the website this blog visually permits me to view the blog audience numbers at will.

As you will notice to the right there is a listing of the ministry's blog FOLLOWERS.  Thus as of today we have only seven followers for the blog.  Even the official ministry Facebook page has only 53 individuals who have LIKE'd the page.  I will admit that I have been having are hard time figuring out how The Road to God Ministry's website can have over 550,000 hits in 2011 while the blog and Facebook page only  have a minuscule number of followers.

I must admit that there have been times when I look at our blog numbers and lack of comments as a personal slight.  I must admit that I have been jealous over Kasey's and other people's Christian blog.  

Today, thanks to Kasey, I have come to the realization of my pride.  I have come to see that it isn't how many visitors have been to the website.  Official followers, lack of comments, or the number of people who LIKE us on Facebook is nothing compared; to the number of salvations the site has made around the world.  Just this week I had a call from Pastor James in Kenya.  The pastor wanted me to know that his congregation has been utilizing our website for over six months.  The pastor said he had written many sermons by using the website.  This gave me a smile.  He also wished to become a PARTNER to The Road to God Ministry.  We now have over 120 PARTNERS around the world.  120+ churches, congregations, members of the clergy and individuals who all share the literal Word of God with the people and communities around the.  That is what is important, not how many hits have their been on the website or the number of blog followers,

Over the past few months I have become severely ill.  With my liver failure I have come to see that the only thing that matters is salvation.  How many souls were led to Yeshua haMashiach through our website, blog and Facebook page.  I realize now that stats are meaningless if we are all we are concerned with is numbers.

Thank you Kasey and thank you Adonai.  May I continue to serve you in a manner which gives you honor.  May the pride that I hold fade away as I continue to serve the glory of Heavenly Grace.