Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ministry Growth, part 1

There was a time when The Road to God Ministry (TRTGM) was a bit lost.  I was a bit lost.  You might be surprised to learn that TRTGM did not begin by evangelism and teaching.  Much of my Christian life thus far was under the guise of being a Messianic Jew,  I was even a member of the local Messianic Jewish congregation.  I was also fanatical about Messianic Judaism.  The congregation Rabbi became a mentor.  Yet, even then I had a strong LITERAL view of hermenuetics, which is how Scripture should be translated.  The Ministry was located at one of my favorite churches, Bethany Baptist Church in Clawson, Michigan.  The Ministry functioned as a Messianic/Christian-based 12-Step program.  I had many ideas on how to promote the Ministry, and many of them where implemented.  But Adonai had different plans for me.
From my earliest memories as a Christian I knew that I wanted to serve Yeshua, to minister to others for Him.  Within a short amount of time the Ministry began working for God, just as it does to this very day.  The recovery programs where shut down.  The Ministry continued to expand and grow, all of it from TRTGM's website.  Personally, I found that when I worked for the Ministry I always felt a spring in my step, a true and firm knowledge that I was following God's will.  I had finally understood the mission of the Ministry.  Teaching and Evangelism.

Over the next 6-months the Ministry began redirecting its plans on witnessing to all of the Lost, both Jew and Gentile.  The Ministry started placing Gospel tracts in every newspaper we could find.  Tracts were placed in the over seven various Detroit-area newspapers and magazines.  The Road to God Ministry website was already expanding as Internet ministries began to grow in popularity.  We functioned through a belief that all of the Lost, both Jew and Gentile, deserved salvation.  My favorite verse in the Bible became the Ministry's Mission Statement,

 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.  Romans 1:16

 I am a stubborn man, always have been, and I was not going to allow TRTGM to end without a fight.  Little did I realize that it was God who expected me to change course, and after some serious life-changing events the Ministry started down the road towards God's plans.

more to come...