Saturday, March 10, 2012

Shabbat (Sabbath) Talk

I was corresponding with a friend last week who who demmanded that Sunday worship is not the right day of the week and he urged me that I shall not worship Yeshua on Saturday and not Sunday. He continued stating that Yeshua was a practicing rabbi and thus He would have worshiped on Saturday.  There was more to the debate that I am not adding to this post.  But he wanted me, in no certain terms, that it offends God to worship any day other the Saturday.

I told him that he is correct.  Jesus was the perfect Jew.  He became the only man in history who fulfilled Torah (the Law).  I told him that he was also right about which day of the week Yeshua worshiped, Saturday.

He then when on to say that since he was a Jewish, he must worship on Saturday.  He gave the Replacement Theology argument, one that I hear time and again.  The only reason Christians don't worship on Saturday was due to anti-Semitism in the Roman Catholic Church

I told him, once again, that he was correct in his line of thought, for Replacement Theology was and is a false doctrine that is lives throughout Christianity.  I also told him that in the past I believed in Saturday worship.  Obviously, my view have changed.

It was then that I told him why we worship on Sundays rather then upon the Sabbath.  I didn't share any historicity of the subject, so I jumped right to the point.  The answer I gave the reverend was simple...

"It does not matter if we have Saturday worship or Sunday worship.  As long as we treat Sunday as the Sabbath, then we must treat this "holy day" as a Sabbath filled with rest and worship.""

The Colossian Epistle reads,  

"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ" (Colossians 2:16-17)

Paul was very clear in this verse.  What it comes down to is that we can worship any day of the week as long as we are worshiping Yeshua ha Mashiach.  Those that choose Sunday chose a holy day in their eyes.  Sunday has become a Sabbath day.  

Christ cares about everything we do, everything.  He simply does not believe in this debate.  What he does care about is our salvation and that we Fear the Lord (showing proper respect).  I am Jewish and my family has a Seder every first night of Pesach (Passover).  We always invite one other family to join us.  I have many reasons for holding a Seder.  I love matzo ball soup (I make good ones!), brisket, potatoes and of course a good lamb shank.  We celebrate Pesach knowing what the purpose is.  Pesach is all about teaching the next generation all about Moses, Arron, Joshua and Miriam.  Pesach is a time when we recall all the mighty works God performed to save His people.  When we have a Seder we are all about the Jewish culture.  Yes, the culture.  Our family worships in the manner of Jewish believers, yet we attend worship services at our General Baptist Church.  This year it is great in that the Seder coincides with our Gregorian Calendar.  It falls on the eve of Good Friday.

In the end my phone debater left with the promise to think about this.  As for myself I believe it is already clear as I read the Bible literally.

Precious Lord, I pray that you send the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) upon all of the Ministry's Partners all over the world.  That they be safe from all physical and emotional attacks.  Lord, I especially pray for Reverend Joseph in Kenya.  May the love he has for you be shown as a good and positive testimony of our Mashiach (Messiah).  Thank you Father for all of the blessings we receive.  In Yeshua's name, amen