Sunday, July 31, 2011

Articles of Faith & Mission Statement

For years The Road to God Ministry has lived by a Mission Statement.  That Statement grew from a simple single verse of Scripture (Romans 1:16) to seven points of belief.  Yet, as these articles of faith grew so did the entire idea of the mission statement fail.  For a mission statement should be a short and succinct goal of what the group or organization plans to do.  With that being said The Road to God Ministry has therefore changed it's Mission Statement back to it's original goal.  It now reads, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."  Romans 1:16 (KJV)  Everything the ministry does is based upon this one verse of the Bible.  Teaching, evangelizing, preaching, our views against Replacement Theology, even our belief in Olive Tree Theology comes from Romans 1:16.

What was formerly listed as the Ministry's Mission Statement is now being posted as the Ministry's Articles of Faith.  These Articles will continue to contain the same seven points of Faith that The Road to God Ministry has always held to, plus the addition of one new Article.  Article Eight states that, "We always evangelize and teach the literal doctrine of the imminent return of Messiah Yeshua and the Rapture of His church. Believing such, we feel there is a great urgency in witnessing to all the Lost, both Jews and Gentiles.  In truth this is a doctrine we have always held to, it is just now that we have put it in writing.

Precious Adonai, I thank you for the opportunity I have had and hold in serving you through this ministry.  I pray I may continue to serve you in any way you so will.  In Yeshua's name.  Amen.

Please be sure to check out our Facebook page at:

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Road to God Ministry CONTEST

The Road to God Ministry will be starting a free contest today for some very nice prices.  All you have to do is sign-up!  Top price is a gorgeous hand-carved olive wood Messianic symbol stand, it really is quite lovely.  Second prize is a brand new The Road to God Ministry t-shirt.  Third place will be a copy of Josh McDowell's book "More Then a Carpenter."  Be sure to tell your friends!

The contest ends August 19th.

A Wonderful Blessing

A wonderful blessing occurred today as another person who received a tract from the 2011 Ann Arbor Art Street Fair contacted me this morning with questions regarding Messiah Yeshua and "The Road to Heaven."  Jessica, the 19 year-old University of Michigan pre-law student, was eager to hear the Gospel of the Lord Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus the Christ) and after only a 10-minute conversation she made a confession of faith.  Afterwards Jessica promised to find a good Bible-based church and she thanked me and The Road to God Ministry for our efforts in evangelizing at the art fair.

A greater blessing occurred when I received another call from Jessica this afternoon.  Answering the phone I was surprised to hear a very jubilant newly born Christian who had just led her first person, her roommate Sasha, to the Lord herself.  W-O-W!  I was stunned to my core!  All I could say was, "Jessica, praise Adonai, you are filled with the Holy Spirit and the Lord Yeshua is with you."  I then spoke with her at length, on speakerphone so they both could hear, about the life of a newly born Christian.  I spoke of the ups and the downs.  I also spoke of the dangers ahead, the dangers that where all the more possible since Jessica was now an evangelist.  The girls listened and promised to find a church, first thing.  Afterwards I went to my den and packed up two KJV Bibles, two books on how to study Bibles for beginners and a few other knickknacks and mailed them off overnight for them.  When I came back from the post office I called them back to let them know the package is on its way and we prayed for a good five minutes.

This summer has been labeled the "Summer of Evangelism," but without a doubt this is the one event that has truly fulfilled that title for me.  I have had a rough July, I have received some bad medical news this month, but this event makes me feel born again; the entire Ann Arbor Art Fair and those members of The Road to God Ministry who stepped up to the plate to work the fair have renewed my energy and spirit.  The Lord is here.  God is good.

Shema Yisrael.  Adonai Elohainu.  Adonai Echad.
Baruch shem ki'vod malchuto la'lom va'ed.

Hear O" Israel.  The Lord is God.  The Lord is One.
Blessed be His glorious Majesty forever and ever.

Check out our Facebook page at:

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Continued Blessing of The Lord

And the Blessings of Adonai continue...

The 2011 Ann Arbor Art Street Fair may have ended last Saturday, but the Lord has continued raining down His Power and Glory through The Road to God Ministry.  Last night on Facebook I had the honor to lead a woman to Yeshua through the online chat and just this afternoon I had a telephone call from Seline, Michigan, and I led a young man only eighteen years-old to the Lord.  Both of these people had received tracts from ministry members at the fair.  What a joy!

Praise God!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

2011 Ann Arbor Art Street Fair


  The Road to God Ministry

P.O. Box 300632
Drayton Plains, MI  48330-0632
(248) 660-5525

On Wednesday, July 20th through Friday, July 22nd of this year five dedicated The Road to God Ministry members took to the streets of Ann Arbor, Michigan in an effort to witness to the public at the 2011 Ann Arbor Street Art Fair.  In our second appearance at the fair, the ministry passed out specialized tracts that offered the fair-goers a map to the event on one side and a map to Heaven on the opposite side.  As seen in previous trips to the fair, the tracts are extremely popular to all of the visitors of the art show as the maps are a much needed commodity.  This year’s tracts added a special treat as they were printed on a heavier, glossy stock that lent a professional look to the maps.

The ministry members this year battled dangerous weather conditions that took the heat index up to 110 degrees.  Even with zero shade all five members of The Road to God Ministry remained in the field for six to eight hours for all three days.  And it was because of this dedication to Adonai (the Lord) that brought a total of over 6,350 map/tracts distributed!  Even more exciting was the six salvations that were born as the ministry members led six people to the Lord.  Of these six; three people were Jewish (one was a child) and one was a Muslim from the Dearborn, Michigan area. Praise Yeshua (Jesus) for His power and glory!

The Road to God Ministry is so very excited for the dedication of its members who stepped up to work the 2011 Ann Arbor Street Art Fair.  It is through the work of such members that fruit such as have been found from the fair may be found.  Good work!


Steven Hendin

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Deadly News

Early last week I received some shattering medical life changing news from my doctor.  Throughout ones Christian life you may wonder how we might react to such news.  Some may fall into a deep dark depression, cursing the very ground we walk upon.  Others will remember those we love, cherishing the memories of our lives. Whereas others will continue to give praises to Adonai, singing of His goodness and mercy.  After all, it is easy to say what we will do, but it is only after we receive the news from our doctors that we can truly put our souls to the test.

So it was early last week when I spoke to my doctor and I learned of my liver disease that my own reaction was put to my own personal test.  I was amazed where my thoughts drifted to as my gastroenterologist continued to speak on and on about my medical condition.  All I could think about was my eight-year old daughter Sarahfay, my wife Kolleen, the millions of Lost souls across this world and my oldest and best friend Merrill who I don't get to speak to much any more (he is also Lost).  For as long as the doctor spoke, and that was at least another 15 minutes or so; I remained only half in on the conversation.  All I could think was how do I tell Sarahfay?  How do I tell Kolleen?  How can I reach the Lost?  How can I reconnect with Merrill?

It is amazing what your mind thinks when you hear news that could be deadly.  And it is a true test of your soul.  For me, I believe it was a test of what is important in my life.  In my life what is important is my family, my God and the mission that my God has given me, to reach the Lost.  So let me ask you, what is important in your life?  Do you need to hear deadly news from your doctor to find out what it is or do you already know?  I pray you already know.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Part III of the Summer of Evangelism

Part three of The Road to God Ministry's "Summer of Evangelism" begins tomorrow with the Oakland County Country Fair.  The Road to God Ministry will once again be partnering with First General Baptist Church of Waterford and Charity Baptist of Oxford, Michigan in a Gospel tent preaching the Word of God to the Lost and leading those who need to be lead to Messiah.  Also this week The Road to God Ministry will be at the Farmington Street Fair.  Next week we will be distributing tracts at the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair.

This year the partnership has been formalized into a ministry unto itself called In the Box Fair Ministry.  The new ministry has received its name due to it's style of witnessing utilizing two boxes asking questions of the fair-goes whether or not they are 100% sure if they are going to Heaven when they die.  The success of the ministry is not only in leading people to Yeshua, but in teaching Churches how they may work tent ministries of their own.  This year In the Box Fair Ministry shall be working seven tent fair ministries in Michigan, Kentucky and Virginia.

Precious Lord, may we work for you this week in humility and speak only in Your name.  May those who come to the fairs receive the Word of God in their hearts and accept salvation in their souls.  In the name of Yeshua.  Amen.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ask Your Pastor, Episode 4

It's out!  It's edited!  And now it's on the net.  Episode #4 of Ask Your Pastor is ready to view.  You can watch the shows as it airs on the Media Network of Waterford  on Sunday's at 6:30 PM, Monday's at 9:00 PM and Wednesdays at 3:00 PM.  The show can also be seen right now on ACIDplanet and

And don't forget when you have a question you would like to ask Pastor Tom, you can submit that inquiry right here on this blog or on or e-mail us at

Friday, July 1, 2011

Names of God

I was thinking the other day about how many names my daughter and I have.  As Jews we not only have our English names, but we also have our Hebrew names.  My daughter's Hebrew name means granddaughter of Reva, the middle name of my mom or my daughter's Bubbie (the Yiddish word for grandma).  Of course being the over-logical man that I am I started thinking about all of the various names that God has throughout Scripture and which of these titles is my favorite.

Thus began the contemplation...this took some serious thinking after all.  I mean Adonai had so many names from the beginning of the Bible to the end.  In each book of Scripture He had a name that gave a special indication as to who He was.  For example, in Genesis He was El Shaddai or the Lord Almighty whereas in the Book of Revelation He was the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last.  In every writing, depending on the subject matter, God's name varied to not only give a proper historical context but a literal interpretative view of Scripture throughout time.  So I thought about it...and it came to me, quickly.

In the first and second book of Chronicles our God is known by a very special and powerful name, Adonai Sabaoth or as it is translated, the Lord of Hosts.  For me this title portrays a sense of power with Lord leading an army as He will do in the future at Meggido (Armageddon).  The name also shows the Lords spiritual sovereignty in heaven and earth as stated in Hebrews chapter 1; there is no one greater then Adonai!
The name Adonai Sabaoth also signifies that God will go before me as a general in my life, He will be there to fight my battles and be the to celebrate my victories.  

I have heard it said many times, more then I can count, that the God of the Old Testament is a cold and distant deity and that it is only when Yeshua appears that we come to find a loving and close relationship with the Father.  But for these individuals I cannot help but say, "Reread your Bibles!!!!"  Though we may not find names like the Wonderful Counselor or Heavenly Father in the TANAKH (Old Testament) names like the Lord of Hosts are extremely personal and joyful when you stop, pray and consider the beautiful joy within them.

Eternal Father, Adonai Sabaoth:  Thank you for the life you grant us each and every day.  Thank you for all  of life's blessings.  Adonai, though at times it may be difficult to understand why we go through trials and tribulations we pray that we may do so for You and to give testimony for Your glory.  Adonai, may You always come first in our lives and may our families grow in You.  In Yeshua's name.  Amen.