Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Tallit

Last night I stayed at church from 9:00 PM until 5:00 AM in a prayer vigil for our "Summer of Evangelism."  It was a wonderful time of revival and hope.  In this joyful prayer I was joined by Brother Cliff (the ministry's VP), Brother Dana (also a ministry member) and many of the church's teens.

Overnight I did something I don't do very often anymore, I wore my tallit (prayer shawl); and I had to ask myself why don't I wear it anymore?  Was it because of embarrassment in the Baptist church?  Was it that I had become so converted that I was now a Gentile and no longer a Jew?  Why?

The answer was simple.  Olive Tree Theology.  As a saved Jew I had the freedom to choose my cultural attire and choose my worship attire.  Jews and Gentiles are seen as one in the eyes of Yeshua (Galatians 3:18), why are we worshiping separately?  In my opinion, one of the greatest dangers of the Messianic Jewish movement today is the separation of Jewish and Gentile churches.  Nowhere in Scripture does it give any kind of indication, analogy or instruction to seperate Jewish and Gentile believers.  In fact, we are berated when we do!  Yet, please do not mistake the fact that I recognize in many Gentile churches today, it is the Gentile believer who is given precedence through the false doctrine of Replacement Theology.

So back to my tallit, why do I choose not to wear it at most services.  It's simple, and for each person it is different, but for myself wearing my tallit is like wearing a tabernacle.  When I wear my shawl I am in the tent alone with Adonai.  I cannot nor share that in a room full of people...I cannot explain it any better then that.  The only other explanation is that I am the only saved Jew in my Baptist church and I often feel that when I wear my tallit that I am practicing my righteousness before men.  I know I am not, but nevertheless as a minister of Adonai it is up to me to set an example.

I hope that is enough ranting for today.

Shabbat shalom.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Worldwide Prayer Page

If anyone has someone they would like added to the Worldwide Prayer Page then please direct them to the The Road to God Ministry website..  We have been getting a large surge of requests for prayers recently and we would be honored to add more.


Summer of Evangelism

The summer is a wonderful time for The Road to God Ministry.  Every summer we join with First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Michigan (USA) in the “Summer of Evangelism” campaign in hopes of witnessing to the Lost throughout southeastern Michigan.  The campaign, which begins with the Waterford Twp. Memorial Day Parade, includes various street art fairs, county fairs and city parades.  The summer will also enjoy the church’s youth camp in Kentucky and Vacation Bible School in August.

Since the ministry’s involvement in the “Summer of Evangelism” began I have become more and more awed by the Holy Spirit’s effort in what we call the tent or fair ministry.  This ministry, which is now officially been named In the Box Fair Ministry, has been on average leading well over 510+ souls to Yeshua per fair; and that is in less than one week!  Praise Adonai!

In truth The Road to God Ministry is involved with many different forms of evangelism, but the largest would have to be our internet website and blog.  We communicate with at least five new people around the world daily.  Yet, we still try as a ministry to do as many evangelistic types of work locally as we can.  Bi-monthly we distribute tracts in local Jewish newspapers; we have done this for some time now.  We have also started sponsoring a new cable television series entitled “Ask Your Pastor” in hopes of spreading the Gospel.”  But I have found it is during the “Summer of Evangelism”, specifically during the fairs that we have a direct concentration of the souls saved.  I love it!  It’s almost as if it is an evangelism revival.

Steven Hendin

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ministry News & Events

Here is the link for the new page for the The Road to God Ministry News and Events Page.

My Ode to Father's Day

I grew up with a very special father, one I always looked up to in almost every way.  My dad was always there for me as a tower of emotional strength and man who was a pivotal role model for our family.  He always acted as the breadwinner, as a care giver, as a friend, and most of all as a true father.  The one unfortunate area my father was not strong in was in his spiritual care, yet I cannot find myself blaming him in anyway.  He after all simply followed the same pattern of most secular Jews of today's society; afraid to shame their family and ancestors by even considering the basic truths that lie within Scripture that show the clear literal Truth of Messiah Yeshua.  Yet, regardless of the spiritual weakness my father held he has always been one my greatest heroes.  Every time I see one of his famous Motown photographs (he is even in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame) I feel proud of him (not to be confused with pride).  After working with my dad for so many years (we owned a company together) I have learned how extensive his photography talents truly is.  He makes me honored to be a Hendin!

I also grew up with another Father, one I truly did not really did not have a personal relationship with until my senior year of high school in 1987.  This was when a friend showed me a copy of the New International Version of the Net Testament and this was when my 20-year quest to prove Christ false began.  Naturally the quest failed as I proved Christ true beyond question, but it formed a true and deep relationship between me and the Eternal Father.

Thus on this 2011 Father's Day I would like to make the following prayer

Precious Father,  On this date may we all taker a special moment to stop and thank all of our dads for all the dedicated and hard work they do for our families.  Adonai, may we guve you the proper thanks for the work you do in all of our lives.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The New Mailing Address

The Road to God Ministry has a new mailing address,  This address should be used for all official correspondence.

Our new address is:

The Road to God Ministry
P.O. Box 300632
Waterford, MI  48330-0632

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Shavu'ot/Pentecost/Feast of Weeks

It is the beginning of Shavu'ot, the Feast of Weeks, or what is generally known in Gentile Christianity as Pentecost.  This is truly what I feel is the most under appreciated feast day in all of the Bible.  This holy day has special meaning not only in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament as well.  In the TANAKH (the Old Testament) it is this day that Moses descended Mt. Sinai with Torah (the Law) in his hands, with his face shining from the shekinah of Adonai.  In the New Testament it is this day that the Ruach haKodesh, the Holy Spirit, descended in to that upper room in Jerusalem, filling the disciples with the Spirit and allowing them to speak in foreign tongues with the result being 3,000 souls led to Christ.  Shavu'ot is one of three holy days, the other two being the Feast of Passover and Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) that all Jewish men were instructed to make a pilgrimage to the Temple or tabernacle.

Yet for some reason many, if not most, Protestant denominations seem to skip over this holiday as if it were a minor inconvenience.  The only Gentile branch of Christianity that makes a great fuss over Pentecost are Pentecostals and Roman Catholicism and unfortunately the Pentecostals focus on the speaking of tongues and the Roman Catholic Church...well, I am not going to start with that.

The fact of the matter is, and many Messianic Jews will not appreciate my next observation, it does not matter how or if we even celebrate Shavu'ot.  The Apostle Paul said in one of my favorite verses,

16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.  Col 2:16-17 (KJV)

If we are keeping Yeshua first in our lives, then what holy days we celebrate are of no concern, regardless if we are Jew or Gentile.  

At the same time, Pentecost is an essential holiday for all Christians in recognizing the truth of literal and historical Biblical Christianity.  This day represents a perfect  observance of how ALL the feast days in Leviticus 23 are in truth both Jewish and have a fulfillment in Yeshua in the New Testament.  Some of these days have already been completed in Messiah's first coming, whereas others like Rosh Hashana (Feast of Trumpets) shall be fulfilled in His second coming.  Thus every holy day should be recognized and taught to every church, if not celebrated in some fashion.  For every holiday in the Bible is about Christ.

 Precious Lord, thank you for the turns, times and seasons.  Thank you for allowing us to celkebrate You through these holy days that in truth have been given to us to praise You and Your Son Yeshua haMashiach.  May we see Him return with glory soon!  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Upcoming Address Change

The Road to God Ministry will be changing it's official mailing address in the next two weeks from the church address at First General Baptist Church to a P.O. Box. This is being done for several reasons, most of them being technical and boring, but the main and exciting reason is we will be opening our Board of Director positions to both Full Members AND Associate Members of the ministry. Adonai has truly blessed and worked some great miracles in this ministry and those of you who are Associate Members have every right to take part in the decision making process of the ministry. I will post the new address when I set up the PO Box later this week or the following week.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Needed Prayers

Please keep The Road to God Ministry in your prayers over the next few days.  Many big spiritual decisions shall be made that shall effect the course of the ministry.  Be rest assured, God will always come first!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Small Prayers Big Results

I had a medical procedure earlier today.  In itself it was no big deal, with my pancreas & liver issues have been going through many of these as of late.  Today's "fun" was a colonoscopy so I had the joy of being given a general anesthesia to stay asleep.  Normally, I do not get anxious over such things as I have had such procedures before.  Yet, for some reason I was extremely nervous this morning.  To help alleve my fears I had my friend and brother Cliff (who drove me there) to come in and sit with me until it was time to take me back to the surgical room.  Cliff immediately was cognizant to what was going on with me (we are pretty tight) and made small talk to lighten the mood.  When we started approaching the time I asked Cliff if he would pray for me.  This my friends, is the subject of this blog entry; I cannot tell you what Cliff said, it was short and my memory is a bit foggy, but it was powerful and effective.  I immediately felt a relief from the anxiety I was feel all morning, all from the simple prayer.  I felt the Lord with me.

The entire situation is just a reminder to how powerful and wonderful prayer is and can be.  Cliff's prayer this morning was simple and did not involve anything fancy, no liturgy involved.  Yet, my worry vanished.  I loved it!  For I then knew and trusted that I would be OK through the scope. Thank you Cliff and thank you Yeshua!

Also, I have mentioned this before in blogs, but every time I have been in a hospital; whether it is inpatient or outpatient, I have been able to give testimony to Yeshua.  Today, was no different.  A nurse saw Cliff and I praying and after he left we began talking.  I almost completed my Sunday sermon to her before I was carted away.  Praise the Lord!

Eternal Father, Adonai Sabaoth, O' Mighty Lord of Hosts, I know and trust you will see me through all battles, whether they be physical, spiritual or even medical.  I trust in your will and thank you for each and every blessing within my life.  Once again I thank you for the moment of testimony I was allowed to share with the nurse prior to my procedure.  I praise you always.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.