Sunday, March 13, 2011

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass
This has been a rough week for me.  I have been dealing with my "Thorns of the Flesh", namely several pancreatitis attacks as well as a few migraine flares.  Though I have been blessed by the 24-hour prayer vigil that was held at our local church I cannot help but speak the truth and say that I have been a bit depressed and discouraged by my illnesses over the past few days.  What I find ironic is that during these times of depression it is often the words of my Auntie atheist Jewess, the last remnants from the Yiddish generation in my family.  She had always had said something that has stuck with me to this day.  She said, "this too shall pass."  How wise she is in her phrasing, for it is true of almost everything.  And it has really gotten me through so many illnesses.  I only wish that she could see that the phrase is not true in the one area that it is most needed...salvation.

For once we die, once we have chosen our fate as either Children of God or Children of the Adversary then it is to late for anything else.  The futile hopes of the Mormon church, the hopes of the baptism for the dead are ridiculous, they are not biblical, we must choose Christ while we live.  The phrase "this too shall pass" is true only if we are believers in Mashiach Yeshua.  Otherwise we will find ourselves condemned for an eternity, first in Sheol then in Gehenna.  The pains and tribulations of this world shall pass, but those of the next shall be never ending, unless we except Yeshua.

Precious Lord, I thanks you for the joys and the blessings that you have given me in this life.  I praise you for the trials and tribulations that I deal with that have taught me to become a greater Christian and appreciate my faith in You.  Lord, I thank you for making me a child of Yisrael and I pray I may teach my daughter to appreciate her true heritage.  I also pray that she may realize that in Your eyes that there is no barrier between Jew or Gentile and that we are seen with one love and one true appreciation.  Adonai, I continue to pray that as the church continues to go through it's revival that we continue to grow in our faith and in our excitement.  As we approach this spring I pray that we build into a frenzy for the "Summer of Evangelism".  May the new show "Ask Your Pastor" show become a success and a proper testimony to you.  Finally, Lord I continue to pray for all of those affected by the Japan earthquake and tsunami.  May those who are being evacuated by the nuclear radiation be sheltered in Your embrace.  May all of these individuals find their true faith in You Yeshua Hamashiach.  In Yeshua's name I pray.  Amen.

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