Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Week of Evangelism

The Road to God Ministry has begun its spring evangelism campaign by hitting the streets distributing tracts throughout the Metropolitan Detroit area.  As part of our mission statement we always go to the Jew first (Romans 1:16), thus this week we have handed out 136 Jewish tracts (secular Jewish or "Yeshua in the Tenach") to Jews in West Bloomfield, Oak Park, Southfield, Birmingham and Royal Oak.  We have also distributed over 380 various tracts in different newspapers throughout the previous stated cities.  As such The Road to God Ministry hopes to reach between 1500-2000 people each month with their tracts.  Regardless of being a Jew or a Gentile it is the goal of the Ministry to send the message of Messiah Yeshua in an unashamed and urgent manner.  We hope you will join us in praying for those who receive the tracts that they will accept the message with an open and unadorned heart.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thank You

It has been a busy week here at the ministry.  With the return of the warm weather in Michigan (USA), we have return to our bi-monthly (formerly weekly) tract distribution campaign throughout the Metropolitan Detroit area.  The ministry does this by placing secular and religious Jewish tracts in Jewish newspapers as well as planting other various tracts in Gentile newspapers throughout the area.  Our goal is to distribute a minimum of 500 tracts per day.  

The ministry has also been hard at work preparing the next episodes of Ask Your Pastor.  We have been working on this show in conjunction with First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Michigan.  So far we feel the Lord has truly blessed it.

I guess the purpose of this blog is so I can stop a moment and thank all of you who have been truly assisting the ministry in all its recent endeavors.  For it is through you that we our truly bring fruit forward to the Lord.

Yet, the greatest praise must go to the Lord of Lords who has given us His bounty and joy.  My prayers and praise continue to shine forth toward the day that we shall stand in You mighty presence.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011


Dr. George Griffis

We had quite a week at church since last Sunday...the church revival was amazing!  Our main preacher was Dr. George Griffis of Camp Victory down in Kentucky.  We also had a pastor's conference for two days which brought in many pastor's all representing Midwestern Baptist College which is located in Pontiac, Michigan.  I am not sure of the exact number, but we had around 17-21 people make their confessions of faith and yesterday we had seven baptisms.  Wow!  But it just wasn't the salvations or the baptisms that the revival stirred that was so incredible, it was the fire that was rekindled in the hearts of the saved, the church members.  I was a personal witness to an incredible miracle of the Holy Spirit, for I watched as the entire church, from the four-year-olds to the elderly became inflamed with a new desire to do God's will; a desire that has been absent for some time.

Now I do have to admit a small truth a Jewish believer this was my first real revival.  The time I spent worshiping with Messianic Jewish congregations were "stale and stiff" compared to what had occurred this past week.  Please do not mistake that statement with a Charismatic declaration of faith.  It is I know for a fact that in my old congregation I never would have felt the Spirit like I did this past week.  It is just like what Dr. Griffis said, "There is nothing like a good old fashioned Hellfire and brimstone sermon."  It's true.

Precious Lord, I thank you for that mighty blessings that you have given us and I pray that you fill our hearts full of revival.  Allow us to live each day for you and let us spend each day in Your Word.  This I pray in the name of Your Son Yeshua.  Amen.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass
This has been a rough week for me.  I have been dealing with my "Thorns of the Flesh", namely several pancreatitis attacks as well as a few migraine flares.  Though I have been blessed by the 24-hour prayer vigil that was held at our local church I cannot help but speak the truth and say that I have been a bit depressed and discouraged by my illnesses over the past few days.  What I find ironic is that during these times of depression it is often the words of my Auntie atheist Jewess, the last remnants from the Yiddish generation in my family.  She had always had said something that has stuck with me to this day.  She said, "this too shall pass."  How wise she is in her phrasing, for it is true of almost everything.  And it has really gotten me through so many illnesses.  I only wish that she could see that the phrase is not true in the one area that it is most needed...salvation.

For once we die, once we have chosen our fate as either Children of God or Children of the Adversary then it is to late for anything else.  The futile hopes of the Mormon church, the hopes of the baptism for the dead are ridiculous, they are not biblical, we must choose Christ while we live.  The phrase "this too shall pass" is true only if we are believers in Mashiach Yeshua.  Otherwise we will find ourselves condemned for an eternity, first in Sheol then in Gehenna.  The pains and tribulations of this world shall pass, but those of the next shall be never ending, unless we except Yeshua.

Precious Lord, I thanks you for the joys and the blessings that you have given me in this life.  I praise you for the trials and tribulations that I deal with that have taught me to become a greater Christian and appreciate my faith in You.  Lord, I thank you for making me a child of Yisrael and I pray I may teach my daughter to appreciate her true heritage.  I also pray that she may realize that in Your eyes that there is no barrier between Jew or Gentile and that we are seen with one love and one true appreciation.  Adonai, I continue to pray that as the church continues to go through it's revival that we continue to grow in our faith and in our excitement.  As we approach this spring I pray that we build into a frenzy for the "Summer of Evangelism".  May the new show "Ask Your Pastor" show become a success and a proper testimony to you.  Finally, Lord I continue to pray for all of those affected by the Japan earthquake and tsunami.  May those who are being evacuated by the nuclear radiation be sheltered in Your embrace.  May all of these individuals find their true faith in You Yeshua Hamashiach.  In Yeshua's name I pray.  Amen.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Prayer for Japan Earthquake & Tsunamis

Wow!  The largest earthquake in recorded history!  Tsunamis  throughout the Pacific, in Japan, Hawaii, and the west coast of the United States...

OK, OK...I know I can start in on Matthew 24 of how Yeshua talks about how there must be earthquakes before the Return of the Lord, but honestly I can't...not now.  I have been home for about 10 minutes, back from a prayer vigil at church and I have been watching the news footage on FOX News and my stomach is just nauseous from the destruction that has occurred from this disaster.  My heart simply wishes to go out out in prayer to those who have been effected by this disaster, whether that may be by the quake or by the tsunamis.

My Lord in Heaven, Avinu Malkeynu (My Father My King), I pray for everyone who has been affected by this disaster, directly or indirectly.  May their heart and souls find solace and shalom (peace) that only may be found through the truth and salvation of of Your Son Yeshua.  May those who are dealing with calamity in this terrible time give proper testimony to you and in doing so witness to the Lost Your Glory.  My heartfelt prayer Father is that no believer loses faith in You because of this tribulation.  Instead allow this time of trouble to redouble their patience and thus, their faith.  These things I pray in the name of Yeshua haMashiach.  Amen.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Praise for the Middle East Blog

Since the creation of The Road to God Ministry blog I have brought forward many important subject matters.  Discussions such as the End Times, Biblical literacy, politics and ministry mission statements have littered this site.  Yet, no one subject has gotten more hits, more popularity with readers then with topics dealing with the Middle East crisis.  In particular, the blog Pray for Middle East Crisis has become the most popular page on this blog.  

In itself a popular blog page is no big thing, the surprise for me, was that the audience population for this blog continues to grow day by day.  As I have always expected, the United States makes up much of the audience of this blog.  Yet, for the Pray for Middle East Crisis the population has switched to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and countries throughout Europe.  The United States became the minor player.  It was here that I began to once again to praise God.  For it is in the Great Commission as stated in Acts chapter 1 that we are to reach out to the ends of the earth,

7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Acts 1:7-8 

Thus, when the blog began to reach people across the world I could not help but to praise Adonai for His bounty in the harvest. The Road to God Ministry website has been reaching individuals around the world for years, especially in India, Pakistan, Kenya, and Israel. But for this is the first time The Road to God Ministry's blog has also reached this global goal.

Adonai Elohim, I praise you for being in control.  Lord, I know for much of the world it may seem there is no control, especially with the turmoil that exists in the Middle East.  But Lord, all things happen according to thy will.  Father, I pray that the world may see you in all things; in nature, in science, in history, in politics, in life itself; for You are in control.  I pray now for the Lost; those Lost in false religions and those Lost in themselves.  These things I pray in the name of Yeshua haMashiach.  Amen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thorns of the Flesh

Apostle Paul

7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

2 Cor 12:7-10 

I am having a rough day today.  I am suffering from both a migraine and an attack of my chromic pancreatitis.  In truth, I have one of my brothers in Christ standing by to drive me to the emergency room since my wife is off at work till the early morning hours.  

So why, you may be asking yourselves, am I writing about this, especially when I am in such pain?  Well, it is  not for pity's sake, but for the testimony unto Yeshua.  For just as the Apostle Paul wrote unto the church of Corinth he was given a thorn of the flesh for a purpose.  In Paul's case it was so that he might not rise above himself, that his pride may not be risen.  Why might I have thorns in the flesh, why may you?  I can not say with exceeding assurance.  But I can say with strong faith that the thorns we bear can be borne as the Word state in verse 9, that "My grace is sufficient for thee."  And the greater we bear our thorns with a strength of fortitude towards those who may be weak in their faith or Lost, then we our truly giving testimony as strong as  discussing how Christ can change our daily lives.

Precious Adonai, I pray that we each may learn to bear our personal thorns of the flesh in a manner that brings a true and proper testimony to you.  May we each find our true inner strength that only comes through faith in Yeahua the Messiah.  In His Holy name.  Amen.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why We Should Support Israel, Part II

I must admit that I am a stubborn man.  That when I truly come to accept an idea I will hold onto that concept like a dog will hold onto a dried pig ear.  For those who personally know me at my church, some of those views are pretty easy to figure out.  For those of you around the globe who only know me through my writings I would have to say that my passions pretty much play around my family, those views listed in  The Road to God Ministry mission statement, and finally my Jewishness of which I am proud to be.  And for my beliefs, and this is all opinion, part of being a proper Biblical Jew is being a Zionist, standing up and defending Israel.  I believe this is the duty of all Jews, whether they be in Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel) or in Diaspora (exile).  Yet, I also feel this is the duty of all true Christians, all true Biblical Children of God  Why?

In my first blog of why we should support Israel I discussed the false doctrine of Replacement Theology.  And because that teaching is false we know that the promises made to the Jewish people are still in force today.  The truth is that there has always been Jewish believers in Messiah, albeit a minuscule amount during the years of the Crusades and Inquisition and such, but they have always been there.  I can say this with conviction as a Biblical literalist because of Paul's writings in Romans:

1 I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying, 3 Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. 4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. 5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.  Romans 11:1-5 

The promises that were made from Avraham (Abraham) all the way down through to the end at the last of Tribulation shall always have at least one recipient.  Romans 11 is saying there shall be at least one Jewish recipient.  

So why should we support Israel?  Because Adonai gave us specific boundaries as to where the Promised Land was to be and who it was to be given to.  As long as there is at least one recipient alive to live in that land and fulfill God's promise then that land is theirs, regardless of who else makes a secular political claim to that land.

Now that you have heard some of my poignant views of why we should be supporting Israel, I would really like to hear your thoughts on the subject.  Send me your opinion via leaving a comment on this blog or by e-mail at