Friday, December 23, 2011

Jimmy Carter Contacts North Korea

I am not a fan of former President Jimmy Carter. In fact, it would be truth if I were to say that I believe he is a criminal, both politically and spiritually. Let me explain, years ago, prior to the death of Yassar Arafat, Mr. Cater felt it was his job to make peace in the Middle East. Please don't misunderstand me, I firmly believe that anyone who attempts to create lasting peace treaties between any ongoing conflict does complete a good work.  Messiah Yeshua stated:

9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.  Matt 5:8-9 (KJV)

But Mr. Cater felt that he should do his works without discussing his agenda with either the United States or Israel. It was during this time that Carter actually began holding personal discussions with the terrorist organization known as Hezbollah. Without regard that Hezbollah was and is a known terrorist organization, Carter began discussions of the dismantlement of Israel so the Palestinians could get a homeland, Israel. It takes great pride to decide that he alone should be the one to settle the Middle East conflict, a conflict which has continued ever since Biblical times.  Carter is a fool to do so.

Over and over the former president has taken it upon himself to be the paramount mediator across the globe. In his dealings with terrorist groups and governments Carter has begun dialogues with the dictator Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, the terrorist organization Hamas (the current ruling power for the Palestinians), and North Korea's former dictator Kim Jong II. I do not know if Carter has dealt with the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but I am sure he will attempt to do so.

One of the main reasons that I have trouble listening to the exploits of Jimmy Carter is he is totally against Israel. For those of us who take the Bible literallty it is a simple fact that Israel belongs to the Jewish people. Scripture goes so far as to give the exact borders of Israel. Yet, Jimmy Carter has done nothing but show complete and utter disdain for God's Laws.

Carter may be a good mediator (I don't think he is), a fact the world believes in as he received a Noble Peace Award, Yet for those Christians who wish to make sense of the Middle East conflict, Carter's actions just don't add up. The following link is to a recent FOX News report on Cater's latest escapades:

Carter Sends Condolence Letter To Kim Jong Il's Son, North Korean Media Say | Fox News:

What Jimmy Cater fails to realize is that there can be no peace in Israel or anywhere else in the Middle East without God coming first.  Mashiach (Messiah or Christ) alone holds the title "Prince of Peace".  As I have always believed, you cannot solve a religious issue like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with purely secular negotiations.

I pray that Carter will find God and use it as the foundation for all his negotiations where ever they may be.