Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Creationists vs Evolutionists; 6-Day Creation

As an orthodox Biblical literalist I take Scripture "as is."  The idea of someone translating the Word of God into a preconceived perception of their beliefs is completely taboo to me.   A hermenuetical view of literalism takes away any personal responsibility we may have in deciding what is true and what is false in the Bible.  One of the doctrines I hold too is based in the fact that the entire Bible is true.  The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy:

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  2 Tim 3:16 (KJV)

The key word in this verse is the word "all."  What we are told here is simple; that each and every word within the Bible, Old and New, are 100% true.  What the word "all" does not say is that we can pick and choose what verses to believe.  This being the case, any study of Creation and deciding if it happened in six days should be simple.  Too many "scholars" have taken their views of Creation to a subjective opinion.  This can be seen in the many views of Creation including:  theism, Gap-Theory, the Big Bang, etc..  I have attached a wonderful article presented by Answers in Genesis (Creation Museum).  Ask yourselves this simple question: are we accepting all Scripture, including the Creation story on face value?  Or are we changing Scripture to fit our own belief system?

Answers in Genesis: Is 6-Day Creation Compatible?

I encourage you to read your Bibles in a literal fashion.  I promise you that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this process and you will gain a new perspective of God's Word.