Thursday, September 15, 2011

Universal Life Church (ULC)

I just went through a very disturbing experience.  This afternoon I spoke with the Universal Life Church, an internet-based company that offers faith based ordinations.  Today I spoke with ULC in hopes of finding out about their ordination process.  What I went through in a telephone call with their bishop was horribly unreal.

The first detail that this bishop wanted to know was if I were baptized or n?  I asked him why is that important as it is faith not works that brings salvation.  This man became very argumentative about the baptism.  Finally, I told him that I was immersed in August of 2000 by my former Messianic Rabbi.  The quick and unBiblical argument was that a rabbi could never baptize you.  What?  I told him that of course a Christian clergymen can baptize me and the bishop's arguments were not in cohesion with Biblical Doctrine.  He stated that the rules of baptism are Christian rules.  In other words he was preaching the doctrine of man concerning baptism.

Our second argument came about as the bishop tried to determine if I was confirmed.  Confirmed?  I told him that members of Baptist churches are not confirmed.  He argued greatly and we had another spat regarding confirmation in Systematic Theology.  As I recall Baptists are not confirmed.  Babies sometimes are, but only in the sense that the family confirms how the child will be spiritually raised.  Catholics not Baptists confirm.

The phone grew worse and worse.  In the end, prior to my saying "God Bless you" this man called me a scam artist...a scam artist.  As a Jewish Christian evangelist, minister and preacher I am quite used to be persecuted emotionally, spiritually and physically.  But the ignorance of this so-called bishop truly angered me.  

This ordeal once again just proved to me of the non-validity of internet ordination.

Eternal Father, I thank you for the mighty opportunities I have had in serving you.  I beg your forgiveness for looking off of the Biblical path.  Adonai, I pray for the ULC, this bishop I spoke with and anyone who ends up working with this organization.  I pray that all of these people may look to the truth that lies in the Word of God and releases their hold on man made doctrines, even Christian ones.  I pray this in the name of Yeshua haMashiach.  Amen