Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The State of Faith in America

Those of us (and I am including myself) continue to be shocked and amazed by the anti-Christian Evangelical moves and reactions by our dear President Barak Obama.  If you don't know to what I am referring to then read the following FOX News story,

So what can we devise from the above story?  It is simple, the President continues to support a religious policy of EVERYBODY.  This policy states that there is equal footing to God whether you are a Jew (Believing and non-Believing), Christians (and to Obama a Catholic is Christianity), Hindus, Buddhists, or Muslims.  This is in keeping with his previous religious views.

The point I am trying to make is that:  1, all Christians are not Catholics; 2, all religions are not equal; and 3.  You cannot have a true religious ceremony without someone who can and does represent Yeshua haMashiach as the one true Lord.

It is a travesty that in a country where 3/4 of the population defines themselves as Christians cannot have their view spoken for.  Thus, it is up to us, as true Christians to speak the words that will lead a Lost soul to Christ.  It is up to us to make that symmetry, OBAMA IS NOT OUR SPIRITUAL REPRESENTATIVE.  Perhaps if we speak loud enough someone in Washington will get the idea.

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