Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sharing the Good News

The Apostle Paul

Over the past few years I have had the distinct opportunity to lead hundreds of people to salvation through Messiah Yeshua.  Whether I am working a gospel tent at a fair, distributing tracks on the street, conversing with someone on Facebook, preaching at the pulpit or just giving testimony through my daily habits I have always shown the way to Christ through the "Roman's Road."

Of course there are many ways one can lead someone to Mashiach; some use pre-printed tracts while others simply stay in their Bibles.  For myself, I utilize the Scripture alone, except when I am engaged with a Jew, Muslim or a member of a false Christian cult (ie. Seventh-Day Adventists). Yet there stands a pertinent question; do those of us who evangelize in the name of Yeshua need the Bible at all to preach the Good News?

Several years ago, while in Bible College, I wrote a paper called, "To Die Without Messiah."  In this paper I explained that the term "Gospel" can have different connotations.  For many people sharing the Gospel strikes up images of a stern-faced missionary visiting some of the remotest regions of Earth.  The goal of the missionary was simply to pass out copies of the Bible to  every heathen he came across.  But what many people forget is that sharing the Gospel is not defined by the onion skin pages of a Bible.  What is important to remember is that Gospel can be shared by simply talking about, as well as living by it.

Thus we come back to the original question; do we need the Bible to share the Gospel?   And the answer is no, we can lead anyone to Yeshua, by simply knowing the meaning of the Romans Road.  People can even be saved through the manifestations made through nature (Romans 1:19-20).  As for those of us who have the distinct joy of speaking Jesus-like conversations in hopes of sharing the Gospel, well, most of us have learned that we can lead someone to salvation by simply paraprasing the Good News.

So my question for you is are you sharing the Word of God or are you forgoing this commandment with the excuse that you do not have the important verses of Scripture memorized?  We need to keep in mind that every Christian has a responsibility to pass on what they have gained.  If you would like some evangelism tools to aid in your witnessing then be sure to visit The Road to God Ministry website.  My mentor always relays a wonderful view of Biblical missiology, he says that not everyone was called to be an evangelist, but every Christ told everyone to evangelize.  Well said!

Eternal Father, I continue to thank you and praise you for the continued joy in my life.  Adonai, I pray that I may continur my ministry wor in your name.  I pray that today I may lead one person to you.  Amen.

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Elohenyu, Adonai Echad.
Baruch shem kivod malchuto l'olam va-ed/

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