Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thank You's & AWOL

Hello friends and supporters of The Road to God Ministry, I greet you with the shalom (peace) that can only come through the grace of our risen Lord and Savior,

I must first pass along my overwhelming thanks to all of you who have sent your wishes of strength, fellowship and encouragement during these last few weeks where I have been fighting my thorns of the flesh.  More importantly I thank you for the continued prayers, for it is through the prayers that I truly find myself humbled.  Truly humbled, for when I, a pampered American, receive a prayer from a Japanese woman outside the evacuated radiation area or an Indian youth who deals with daily persecution because of his faith...well, then I am humbled.  Fir in my eyes it is THEY who should be prayed for, THEY are the ones who need the prayers, not me!  So I thank you, humbly!

Now the ministry also needs to report some bad news.  Over the next couple of weeks we will be having an extremely limited internet usage.  Thus, the blogs and website updates will be a bit AWOL.  But please do not let this hinder you e-mails to the ministry as we will continue to respond to your inquires as fast as we can.

Eternal Father, I thank you for blessing the hearts of those you call Your children around the world.  You have graced the spiritual gift of compassion in so many and it is in the face of sure tragedies that we see the gift is truly shown.  Lord, I pray that those who are suffering in these terrible calamities may feel Your presence and thus know You are near.  Adonai, I also pray for those Christians in the Middle East who are battling under sever persecution at this time.  Lord, my greatest prayer is for the Lost, those who have yet to find and accept you Son Yeshua as King and Savior.  Lord, may they do so before it is to late.  In Yeshua's name.  Amen.

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