Monday, April 25, 2011

Psychedelic Sanctification

I shall start this post the right way, after all yesterday was Easter/Pesach (Passover).

I praise thee Adonai.  I praise thee for the the promise you have given to all human beings of eternal life through  Yeshua haMashiach.  May we each come to accept His might gift and truly learn to walk in his ways.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Most years it would be an exhausting week for me; one full of Messianic Passover Seders, preaching Good Friday sermons, attending Sunday surise sermons and helping out with breakfast afterwards, aiding in the Church and my father-in-laws egg hunts and of course the normal church service on Easter Sunday.  I would be busy on the internet and in person teaching how Easter is historically the Feast of First Fruits (Leviticus 23:10) and the Last Supper was a Pesach Seder.  But not this year.

This year was a medical mess for my family.  My wife seriously injured her back and spent several days in the hospital.  She is now on doctor ordered bed rest.  I, on the other hand, am having a rough and tumble time with my pancreas.  I am going on five + days in the hospital and we stil cannot get it figured out.  So I have been thinking what can I do on the ministry blog to help inspire my friends, ministry members, brothers and sisters in Messiah and fellow bloggers and I have come to realize that I am not going to come up with much of anything in this narcotic pain-killer haze.  And yet as that realization came to my tye-dyed mind so did an epiphany...for It showed me how far I have come in my sanctification (growth in Christ) that I am actually) hating this morphine!!!!

So where are you in your growth?  Think about it, pray on this.  Are you growing?  For everyone of us should continue to have growth as a Christian.  We want to be as Christ-like as possible; and as it is impossible to be sinless as Christ then we should be growing until our last breath.

Thank you Eternal Adonai for all the blessings You have bestwoed upon each one of us.  I praise You Ha El  Elyon for endowing humans with the desire for self improvement.  I pray that our desire to better ourselves does not become pride.  May we each take our promise of eternal life and share that with those of this fallen world who remain Lost to this day.  Help us mighy I AM to speak the proper words as you did Moses' broether Aaron, so we may fill those who are Lost and bring them to Your Holy Mountain.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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