Sunday, January 27, 2013

Worldwide Prayer Page, 01/27/2013

 Worldwide Prayer Page as of 01-27-2013  

Prayers Around the World

 Due to overwhelming requests The Road to God Ministry has created this prayer page to help fulfill the spiritual needs of believers across the world. If you have an urgent prayer request or if you would like to add or remove a name from this page, please send an e-mail to



United States of America

Please keep the following Jewish ministry's in your prayers: The Road to God Ministry, Chosen People Ministries, & Lamb & Lion Ministries. Please pray for Olive Tree congregations like First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Charity Baptist Church of Oxford, & Bethany Baptist of Clawson. All of these ministries, churches and congregations are in USA.

 Please pray for both Steven and Kolleen Hendin. Steven is suffering from complications of cirrhosis of the liver. Kolleen injured her back months ago and the pain is return exponentially.

 Please pray for Pastor James Howie of Bethany Baptist Church of Clawson, Michigan. Pastor Jim's health has been suffering from his exposure to Agent Orange while he served his tour of duty in the Vietnam War. The Road to God Ministry hopes you will join us in praying that Pastor Howie will continue to lead his congregation honestly and in the true spirit of the Word of God.

 Let us pray for Leroy DeMasellis who is Pastor of Rock of Ages Prison Ministry. He is suffering from cancer and is in need of all of our prayers.

 Kyle Duplessie, a sister in Christ at First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Michigan, needs our prayers desparetly as she had her thyroid removed and is still attempting to recover.

 Please keep the following people in your prayers: Tony Jenkins, Clifford Wade and Lt. Jeremy Kline.

 Please keep 2nd Lt Jeremy Kline. This Army Ranger is being deployed to Afghanistan. Be safe L-T!


haiti flag.jpgPlease pray for all of those who have suffered from the recent devastation in the Haiti earthquakes. The Road to God Ministry will continue to pray for all of those who have been effected by this natural disaster and pray that through this tribulation that many will come to see the glory and truth of the Lord Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus the Christ).

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Please pray for Sholomo C. and other Messianic Jews sharing the Good News of Yeshua in Eretz Yisrael. We pray that the shalom (peace) that can only come from our Adonai Yeshua (Lord Jesus) will rest upon Israel and keep all Isaelis safe.

 Please pray for the peace of the city of David. The Road to God Ministry is and always will be a strong supporter of Israel as is dictated by Scripture. Yet, we pray for the peace and safety of ALL inhabitants of the Holy Land; whether they be Jew, Gentile, or Arab. May the peace that can only come from the Prince of Peace settle upon the land of our fathers.

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Sarah & Paul M in Paris have been dealing with antisemitism. Please keep them and all French Jews dealing with this issue in your prayers.



Please keep Malaty in your prayers. She lives in Chene near Medras and we all pray for her salvation. We also pray for all Christians and all Christian missionaries in your in the hopes of their continued safety from religious persecution.

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Please keep all the Christian missionaries throughout the land of China in your prayers in hope of keeps them safe from persecution. Please keep Josh & Patricia Hammonds in your prayers.



Please pray for the Greg & Sandy Dickerman.

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Please pray for David, Carol & Michael Taylor and Kenny & Genny Burns.

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Please keep Marlena J in your prayers. Marlena is a Messianic Jew living far outside Sydney where there are any other Jewish believers and she is desperate for the community and fellowship that comes from the faith in Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus the Christ).

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Please pray for Julia Phillip; Rodney & Theresa Wall; David & Tania Willise; Brad & Cindy Taylor; and, Sid & Vicki Smith.



Please pray for Roger & Linda Free and for Heather Pritchett.

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Pray for all the men and women in our military.



Let us remember to pray for Bhabaranjan Bala and the New Church Planting Ministry as the continue to serve the Lord in Bangladesh.

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Recently the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reportedly has called for an end to the development of Christianity in Iran, and over the past few years, there have been several incidents of Iranian authorities raiding church services, detaining worshipers and church leaders, and harassing and threatening church members. Much worse atrocities have occurred. The WEA (World Evangelical Alliance) has officially denounced this statement. Please pray that that Iran will loosen it's hardened heart and allow Christianity to spread the truth throughout the modern Persian Empire.

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Please pray for Vladimir W who hopes to raise enough funds to make aliyah (return) to Israel.

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South Africa

The Graboan Family's youngest child Yochanan was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Please keep them in your prayers.


kenya pic.jpgPastor Isaiah and the Imba Bible Fellowship. Please pray for all the congregations members, especially the 70 children in the congregation.

Please continue to pray for Isaac Mackenzie and his congregation in Mois Bridge, Kenya.

Pray for Reverend Bernard Khamala and his congregation.
Please pray for Pastor James Okunda and his congregation. They are in desperate need for supplies top help them practice their faith. I also pray that Pastor Okunda truly feels the presence of Adonai with him. Please pray for Pastor James Okunda and his congregation. They are in desperate need for supplies top help them practice their faith. I also pray that Pastor Okunda truly feels the presence of Adonai with him.

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Hira C & family has asked for prayer in regards to dealing with AIDS. Dwayne also has requested prayer; he is a volunteer worker with Christian Relief Ministries.

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As always, let us pray for the Lost that they may open their hearts to the gift of Salvation offered through Messiah Yeshua.


The Road to God Ministry

Please continue to keep The Road to God Ministry in your prayers. Pray for divine guidance as we reach hundreds of thousands of people around the world.