Sunday, January 27, 2013

Becoming a Member of the Ministry

 Becoming a Member of the Ministry  

The Road to God Ministry is now accepting applications from individuals and organizations who would like to join and/or partner with the ministry in it's continual mission to share the Gospel of Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) to the lost across the globe.
As a member of The Road to God Ministry be assured that you will never be obligated financially or in any other manner. What we do request as a member and partner of the ministry is your continued prayers for the ministry and for each of our partners that shall be listed on our partner list (see list below). We will, however, gladly accept any and all financial donations (please see financial donation page) which will aid the ministry in further spreading the Gospel. For those partners who desire to do so the ministry does offer mission tracts (both Jewish and Gentile) that you may distribute in your area. We will gladly ship these tracts to our partners free of charge.

If you are interested in becoming a member or partner of The Road to God Ministry, simply send the ministry an e-mail with the following information: name, address, city, state, zip code, country, e-mail, name and type of organization, denomination, contact phone #, and what type of ministry work are you willing to do (prayer, financial, tracts, etc.). Someone from the ministry will contact you shortly.
FULL Member of The Road to God Ministry 

PARTNER of The Road to God Ministry 
FULL Member of The Road to God Ministry 
As a FULL Member of The Road to God Ministry you will become active in the many forms evangelism we take part in in the Southeastern Michigan. As a FULL member of the ministry you will have the option to be a part of the ministry's Board of Directors and take part of all ministry votes. You will need a willingness to serve the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) with a open heart and mind. You must have a desire to love the Lord with all you heart, mind and being (Deuteronomy 6:4-5). 

The primary qualification for becoming a FULL Member of the ministry is:

  1. that you are WITHIN DRIVING DISTANCE of First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Michigan (USA), 
  2. that you have been saved by the Grace and blood of Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah 
  3. that you agree with the MISSION STATEMENT of The Road to God Ministry.
If you feel that you meet these qualifications, then please send us an e-mail today.

God Bless You!

Please Send Your Resume to: 

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PARTNER of The Road to God Ministry 
As a PARTNER of The Road to God Ministry you or your organization may or may not choose to participate in any of the ministry's evangalistic efforts.  Our ministry's partners are those who come from locations around the globe, from Toledo, Ohio (USA) to Palida, India. Ministry PARTNERS have the free option to have tracts and Bibles to be mailed to them.

There is only one requirement for becoming a partner with the ministry:

  • solidarity with the ministry's MISSION STATEMENT

As a partner we would hope and pray for a continued dialouge and prayers.  Also, as a PARTNER you our welcome to recieve the ministry bi-monthly newsletter, "The Watchman".  

God Bless You!

Please Send Your Resume to: