Sunday, January 27, 2013

WATCHMAN...False Doctrine

WATCHMAN...False Doctrine


 "For false Christ’s and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things." Mark 13:22-23 (KJV)

 "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ." 2 Cor 11:13 (KJV)

 For some time now I, as president of The Road to God Ministry, have been praying over the issue of the continued and escalating growth of false doctrine in today’s Christian church. As a Biblical literalist and a fundamentalist Christian I cannot help but to feel a hint of excitement at the acceleration of false teaching that is emergent in today’s world. I say this with the blessed assurance that Scripture announces the end of days and the times to precede Christ’s return (see Matthew 13:20-23).

 What I have found disturbing is the lack of warning the fundamentalist Christian community has given in regards to the types of false doctrines that currently exist and just as importantly, who it is that is leading and teaching these movements. Ezekiel 33 tells us that as believers it is our job to act as Watchmen and to announce the coming of danger so others may be warned of what is emerging around them. That is what this page shall be about. If you know of a false doctrine or teaching, then I ask that you please send me any information through the ministry website.

 Please note I do use one serious and ultimate criterion for stating what is false and what is a true doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ and that is the Bible. I, too, know of being called a heretic and teaching false doctrine (see “My Response to Being Called a Heretic” page). The one defense and only defense I needed was the Bible. The following false teachings have no basis in Biblical doctrine, unless the teacher has changed Scripture into metaphors and analogies.

1. Two-Covenant Theology as taught by Pastor John Hagee 

2. Replacement Theology 

3. Church of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) 

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4. Doctrine of Infant Justification (Baptism) 

5. Judadizer/Torah (Law) Observance 

7. Jehovah Witnesses 

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8. Pentecostal Speaking of Tongues 

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9. Segregation of Messianic Jewish and Gentile Worship 

10. The Church of Scientology 

11. Dispensationalism 

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12. Homosexual Clergy 

13. Transubstantiation 

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14. Woman Clergy 

15. Doctrine of the Virgin Mary as a Co-Mediator 

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16. Seventh-Day Adventist Church 

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17. Gap Theory of Creation 

18. Prosperity Preaching 

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18. Church of Christ, Christian Science 

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20. Gentile Pauline Worship 

21. Those Who Say They Know The Exact Date For Christ's Return 

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22. Psychics and ESP 

23. Unity/Unitarian Church 

24. ANYONE Who Declares A Path to Heaven OTHER Then Jesus the Messiah (John 14:6) 

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25. Worship of Angels 

26. Satanism