Anyone who has read one of my posts or pages should know how I feel about the modern doctrines within the modern Messianic Jewish movement. The entire ideology of Olive Tree Theology speaks against the current Messianic worship system. It is not just the Messianic movement that has me concerned, I also take issue to Roman Catholicism and their un-Biblical forms of worship. I am an Arminian, so I am often at odds with Calvinist Christians like the Presbyterian church.
Let me state here that through I am disgusted with what I see as serious errors in today's Christian theology, I would never question the salvation of any Christian no matter what denomination they are. It is the sin I hate, not the sinner.
Thus when it comes to differing doctrinal issues I really don't get that worried. The perfect example of this is the varying views on Creation. Some believe in a 6-day Creation, some adhere to Gap Theory Creation, where the world was created twice, once for the angels and once for humans. Some aren't sure what they believe. It is my feeling that this is not an issue where one's salvation is at stake. Yes I am a Bible Literalist, so my views tend toward the 6-day Creation whereas my wife is a bit of a Gap Theorist. My point is that it does not matter what you believe as long as you are SAVED by the blood of Yeshua ha Mashiach.
I will leave it at that.