Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Right Thing For the Wrong Reasons

Today I had the honor and pleasure to read a blog entry written by my friend Kasey at her blog Lessons From Ivy.  In this article Kasey discussed what is and what is not important for those of us who write Christian blogs and websites.  I will admit I learned a wonderful lesson through her blog.

I set-up The Road to God Ministry website without displaying the stats of how many visitors had viewed the site.  I knew I would become obsessed with the stats.  To find out the website statistics I have to manually call my web hosting company.  Yet, unlike the website this blog visually permits me to view the blog audience numbers at will.

As you will notice to the right there is a listing of the ministry's blog FOLLOWERS.  Thus as of today we have only seven followers for the blog.  Even the official ministry Facebook page has only 53 individuals who have LIKE'd the page.  I will admit that I have been having are hard time figuring out how The Road to God Ministry's website can have over 550,000 hits in 2011 while the blog and Facebook page only  have a minuscule number of followers.

I must admit that there have been times when I look at our blog numbers and lack of comments as a personal slight.  I must admit that I have been jealous over Kasey's and other people's Christian blog.  

Today, thanks to Kasey, I have come to the realization of my pride.  I have come to see that it isn't how many visitors have been to the website.  Official followers, lack of comments, or the number of people who LIKE us on Facebook is nothing compared; to the number of salvations the site has made around the world.  Just this week I had a call from Pastor James in Kenya.  The pastor wanted me to know that his congregation has been utilizing our website for over six months.  The pastor said he had written many sermons by using the website.  This gave me a smile.  He also wished to become a PARTNER to The Road to God Ministry.  We now have over 120 PARTNERS around the world.  120+ churches, congregations, members of the clergy and individuals who all share the literal Word of God with the people and communities around the.  That is what is important, not how many hits have their been on the website or the number of blog followers,

Over the past few months I have become severely ill.  With my liver failure I have come to see that the only thing that matters is salvation.  How many souls were led to Yeshua haMashiach through our website, blog and Facebook page.  I realize now that stats are meaningless if we are all we are concerned with is numbers.

Thank you Kasey and thank you Adonai.  May I continue to serve you in a manner which gives you honor.  May the pride that I hold fade away as I continue to serve the glory of Heavenly Grace.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Olive Tree Theology and Me

I have led a truly blessed life.  Nothing has so declared as to who I was or ever to be then the consistent fact that I was a Jewish man.  It took me 20 years of study to convince me of one thing, and that is Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth is who the Bible says He is supposed to be, the living Son of God.  It was exhilarating to decide to openly worship Yeshua, and I did.  My new wife and I were very open about our faith in Yeshua, we were even baptized together on one wonderful Summer day.  Yet, the Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit) still had one more thing to prove, and that was that Yeshua is the living Jewish Son of David sent to one and all, both Lost Jews and Gentiles equally.  Thus when I was new to my public worship I found myself becoming more and more involved with the Christian denomination known as Messianic Judaism.  After all, I was Jewish and as far as I knew Messianic Judaism was the only Jewish-Christian around.  They practiced the Jewish traditions and celebrated the Jewish feasts.  It was only natural for eager-eyed Jewish intellectual to worship Jesus within Jewish rites  All I saw when I watched the Messianic Jewish movement and my Messianic congregation was that other Messianic Jews and Gentiles (there was more Gentiles then Jews) happily and contently worship their savior, Yeshua.  As I watched I became more and more enamored with the Messianic movement.  In addition to becoming an official member of the local congregation I also was entrusted with the title of Student-Minister to the Addicted by the head Messianic-Rabbi. 

From the start The Road to God Ministry has always been founded upon the fact that each and every Gentile has the same right to worship the One Lord as any Jewish believer does.  From the get go I knew deep inside that there was something fundamentally wrong in the Messianic Jewish doctrine.  With each and every Messianic service two issues became more and more clear.  Stan Telchin, author of "Messianic Judaism is Not Christianity", goes so far as to say Messianic Jews are not even really of a form of Christianity.  I disagree categorically with Telchin, but that does not erase the fact that there are serious false doctrines rampant in the Messianic Jewish movement today.  The most basic of these is that there needs to be two centers of worship for Christianity: a Gentile Church and a Messianic Synagogue.  The argument is that the Jewish believers  will remain in a culture that honors the fact that they are still Jewish, even after their conversion.  The second issue is simply that most (not all) Messianic Jews continue to follow the teachings of Talmudic literature.  I always found this odd as Messianic Jews are opposed to the historical group of Jews called p’rushim (Pharisees) and their teachings.  Rabbinical Judaism is founded upon the teachings of Midrash, Mishnah and Talmud.  The Laws are part of the Oral Traditions of Rabbinical Judaism and were first created by the exiled Jews in Babylon at approximately 580 AD.  Messianic Judaism does not revere the Oral Traditions to consider them to be true, but for some insane reason we Jewish Believers consider it only proper to live by them.  It is from these two falsehoods that our ministry, The Road to God Ministry, honors, adheres to and teaches the doctrine known as Olive Tree Theology.  We believe with a doubt that all Believers in Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus Christ)can worship together in one house of God, together and in unity.  Jewish believers should feel open to worship ones heritage, race, creed and culture at whatever church they may find themselves.  Both Gentile and Jewish believers should be free to worship in whatever place they are.  If a Jewish Believer wants to their tallit (prayer shawl) then that is what they should do.  The fear that one will lose their Jewishnesss when they worship at a Church in an important one and one unspoken in the Messianic Synagogue.  I often consider this situation as I am the only Jew (also my daughter) in a Gentile Baptist Church.  Yet, over time I have come to realize that I will only lose my racial and cultural identification by remaining at a Church instead of a Synagogue.  Another fear that exists is the phobia of becoming involved with a Church that teaches Replacement Theology (RT).  I make no illusions regarding the truth of RT,  There exists many RT churches throughout Christianity today.  RT is the false view that God has eternally forsaken the Jewish people for their unbelief in Christ.  The Replacement doctrine teaches that everything God has promised to the Jewish people since Abraham will now take place, but only for the true Gentile Believers.  Denominations that hold to this ideology are the Presbyterians, the Methodists and the Roman Catholic Church.  Replacement Theologians have been extreme in the formation of the Catholic Church and with and has caused a false dual view of Scripture, one Gentile and one Jewish.  It teaches that the Church is now the true Israel and not the Jewish people as God had promised them from the time of Avraham (Abraham).
In the end I like to believe that my Faith stems from the Bible, literal and true.  I am a literalist when it comes to Hermeneutics and Scripture translation.  When the Bible reads that something in history happened, I trust in Him to be true to His Word.  If I read Creation took place in six days, then I believe it did.  And when the Bible reads,

27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.   Gal 3:26-29 (KJV)

The great rule of literalists is that you always take the Bible at face value.  The written words mean what they are supposed to be.  But if what is written is not possible then you must look for the greater meaning.  It is unfortunate that most Gentile Church’s that believe in RT utilize Galations 3:26-27 in the false view that there are no Jews anymore.  But as the rule states since in verse 28 we must look to the greater meaning as we cannot stop being a male or a female.  With that nailed down the verse never states that there are no longer Jewish Believers.  As a literalist you must read more than one verse.  Instead we need to read the passages before and the passages after to discern their meaning.  If the verse states that there can be neither male nor female then we should all realize we can never stop being what we are.  What the passage in declaring in truth is that God doesn’t care about anything other then the question if we are Believers or not.  Olive Tree Theology stems from this verse and the wonderful words of Paul in Romans 11.  Olive Tree Theology is about the unity of Christians.  All Believers in Messiah should be as one.

And that leads us to today.

Today and for some months now I have been fighting a disease that cannot be cured.  I have spent more days violently sick in the past few months.  But this time of tribulation has been one of serenity as well.  Throughout the constant nausea and vomiting I have come to see that God wants me to give Him proper testimony.  Olive Tree Theology has been the center of my testimony as some of you may have been contemplating the same thing.  Don’t let me be the sole word on Olive Tree Theology, study it for yourselves.

My standing prayer is that all Believers whether they be Christians, Messianic Jews, or just Jewish Believers as myself, may reread Galatians 3:26-29 and Romans 11 in a new way.  I pray that we can all see and appreciate each other traditions in our worship.  Most of all I pray that God may grant me the power to share His holy Word in such a fashion that gives Him all due homage.  In the name of Yeshua I pray.

Steven H