Monday, May 30, 2011

Updated Audio Sermons

Here is an updated page of audio sermons on The Road to God Ministry website.  The latest sermon is from last night (05/29/2011) which is "How To Be A Super Hero."  I hope you enjoy.  May God bless you all and may God give a special blessing to all our military and veterans on this Memorial Day.

The Road to God Ministry Audio Sermons

"How To Be A Super Hero" can also be heard at the First General Baptist Church section of ACIDplanet.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No Man Knows the Day!!!

What gives one man, one human being the gall, the pride to say that he knows more then Yeshua of Nazareth?  Does Scripture not say, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Matthew 24:36).  When Christ Himself walked this earth He did not know the day or hour.  With that being said how does Harold Camping purpose to be the answer to the divine question of when the Rapture shall occur?

The answer my friends is easy and it fits into a simple formula of false doctrine.  Allow me to elaborate...when one, anyone, takes the words of the Bible as an analogy as Harold Camping does, we can change the meaning to whatever our heart desires it to be.  Yet, Camping doesn't just change Scripture, he takes the entire Bible as an analogy, as a parable, and in doing this he can come up with his scenarios of dates and times.  But the fact of the matter is is that you cannot pick and choose what you like or dislike out of the Bible.  We must either take the Bible as a whole or toss it away, what Harold Camping is doing is simply false doctrine.

At the same time what Camping is doing is within Scripture, for the Bible states that, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:  because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).  We have tried Harold Camping's spirit and he has failed, not once, but twice; first in 1994 and then last Saturday.  He has now proven himself a false prophet and should now be treated as such.

Precious Lord, let us have pity on men such as Harold Camping and may those men and women who fall victims to false prophets such as Harold Camping be given a measure of protection against this evil form of pride.  Adonai, we welcome Your return on whatever day or time You choose it to be.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

FOX News: Preacher Who Got Date of Apocalypse Wrong Tries Again, Says He Was Off by Five Months

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Where's the Rapture?

Brothers & Sisters...

I am not going to spend much time on this because in truth this is one that I find ridiculous!  I have said this time and time again.  You will even find this on the ministry website and listed at the bottom of the blog under "False Doctrines", Trust No One Who Claims That They No The Date For Christ's Return!  If Yeshua did not know when He was on Earth, if He stated that no man shalt know, no one but His Father in Heaven, then how is some random human being who takes the Bible as an analogy.

Here;s is a wonderful rule of Scripture....ready...Trust Messiah...not humans!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ask Your Pastor, episode 3


The latest episode of Ask Your Pastor is out and ready to be seen.  You can view it online at ACIDplanet & at  It will also be at the Media Network of Waterford on Wednesdays at 3:00 PM, Sundays at 6:30 PM and Mondays at 9:00 PM.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Answered Prayers

I feel the need to make a statement, a bold statement to the world on this Sunday, the Lord's Day, "I love Adonai (my Lord) and I know for a fact that He will answer every prayer I make!"  I have full confidence that whatever prayer I make, from the lowliest petition on helping me find my lost car keys to a life-saving plea for a physical healing God will hear my prayers and answer them.  Don't get me wrong, I am not declaring that God will deliver our every request per verbatim, that's silly.  But as the Bible says, our Father in Heaven will supply all our needs and He will do so by fulfilling our prayer requests according to His will.

Case in point...I live off of my Social Security disability.  The Road to God Ministry is a voluntary position that usually takes maybe between 1/2 - 1 hour a day and it is usually one I can do from my laptop and cell phone.  It was many long years ago that the Lord saved my family through many financial miracles prior to my receiving disability checks.  If it wasn't for those miracle my family would have been homeless, simple point of fact.  Recently the Social Security Administration decided it was time to review my case, to see whether or not I should still receive disability checks and Medicare insurance. Yet, through more divine miracles, the Lord put the decisions in His control, not the Social Security Administrations; and thus, the case never went into review.  This my friends, was a prayer answered!  If the case did go to a review board the stress and worry of how I was to support my family would have been excruciating as well as it being on my mind 24/7.  The Epistle of Ya'akov (James) says, 

 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  James 1:8 (KJV)

And when we are double minded we can never ever be stable enough to practice our faith, especially during prayers!  Thus by Adonai Elohim removing the review from my mind he kept me free from the idea of being double-minded.  Praise Jesus!

Adonai Sabaoth (Lord of Hosts):
Thank You O' Adonai for always hearing our voices and being there to answer our prayers.  May we be open enough t see how the prayers are truly answer as each one has been through Your will.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Most Important Bible Lesson

Since my return from the hospital, yesterday was the first time I had my wife and daughter home and let me tell you it was an answer to many prayers!  The first ministry God gave human kind was the institution of the family and I can with some honest testimony let me say that my family was in serious disarray, for we were apart. Now we were not apart for emotional or negative reasons; no, we were separated because of physical heath issues.  But it wasn't until yesterday that the physical rift in that ministry of our family became healed.  

Precious Lord, I thank You for answering prayers.  I know in truth You answer ALL prayers whether or not we are receptive to the outcome, thus I pray that we, in particular I, gain more faith to accept Your will.  I pray this in the name of Your Son and Messiah, Yeshua.  Amayn. 

So with my family home I was able to resume my nightly Bible readings with my 8-year old daughter last night.  Now Sarahfay (SF) and I are the only two Jewish believers in Messiah in our whole family.  Kolleen is a Gentile and if she would have to be put into a denomination it would have to be an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist  (take that 20/20!).  So SF and I often talk about Bible stories and how they affected the Jewish communities in the past, in the present and how they will in the future.

Last night we started read from the King James Bible on the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 1.  Let me just say we did not get very far.  For our discussion took on a very important turn, one that I feel would keep us away from many Messianic Jewish circles.

It went something like this:  

"you know how important my Jewish heritage is to me, right?, I asked.

"Yes, daddy", she answered.  

"And you know how important it is for me that you come to understand your Jewish heritage too, right?"  

She relied with a quick, "Mmm, hmm."  

"Well, I want you to listen to me baby, and look at me for this may be the most important lesson I teach you...nothing is more important then the Word of God; not our heritage, not church, not people, not momma or daddy, nothing.  The Bible says the Word of God is Jesus and Jesus is the Word.  We can know the Word through the Bible, and that makes this Bible your most important possession you own.  This is your connection to God.  Do you understand?"  

"Yes Daddy."

So my question to you you understand?

El Shaddai, God Almighty, Adonai Sabaoth, Lord of Hosts, I pray you walk with us and grant us this wisdom to know that you are the Word of God.  Amen.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Reports of the Arrest of Ahmadinejad's 'Exorcist' Fuel Concerns About Iran's Leadership -

With the Death of Bin Laden

So he's dead, dead at last.  Osama Bin Laden has finally met his maker after 10 years of hiding out in Afghan and Pakistan safe houses.  For many individuals around the world Bin Laden's was a complete shock.  I woke up late in the night a few days ago to hear my cousin (who lives with my wide and I) tell me, "did you hear? Bin Laden is dead!"  

"Wow", I thought, "what will happen now?  I hope and pray that God remain first and foremost in the military."

So as I descended the stairs I glanced over at the television where I saw hundreds of people partying in front of the White House.  I could not help but to ask myself if any one of those happy people thought of God for vanquishing their enemy.  Yet, that brought another issue to my mind, should I be feeling good about the death of another human being, even one so evil as Bin Laden.  

Thus we come to the age old discussion is killing permissible in Scripture?  Honestly, my friends I do not know. For myself I think it is as Christ told us to love or neighbors as we love ourselves (Mark 12:28:31).  Yeshua never gave a distinction between who is and who was not our neighbors, thus we are supposed to love one and all.  At the same time, I believe it is fair to feel a strong sense of relief knowing that Bin Laden can no longer cause any more pain and destruction on anyone.  And as for my self I know I definitely feel that.

Precious Eternal Father, I pray that you would stand with us, though sinful creatures we may be, as we hope to follow in the footsteps of Messiah Jesus.  Adonai, we thank you for the relief that many of us feel in knowing that many terrorist activities may now be nullified with the death of Osama Bin Laden.  I pray that we may come to a world wide peace with this death and from the truth that comes with the salvation that is in Jesus Christ.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Thou shalt not kill.  Exodus 20:13 (KJV)

When using the King James Version of the Bible, and I do use and believe in the truth of the King James Bible (for the New Testament) their really is no question about the sixth commandment.  You shall not kill, period.  But the reason I am not a true and devout follower of the KJV of the Bible for the Old Testament is that the Hebrew and Aramaic as strong as the Jewish TANAKH in the Jewish Publication Society (JPS) 1917 edition.  In the JPS the sixth commandment reads:

You shall not murder (emphasis added), Exodus 20:13 (JPS)

So we now fall back to the question, is it OK to feel happy at the death of Bin Laden?  

The distinction between the two is clear.  Scripture and God gives sanction for killing under the guise of war and capital punishment.  It is when killing is done in the form of murder, including manslaughter (unitentinal deaths) that there can be no allowance for.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An Overview of the Summer of Evangelism

The Road to God Ministry is in its first stages of preparation for the annual "Summer of Evangelism" campaign.  Since we started this campaign three years ago various churches and congregations have chosen to partner in fellowship has been growing each year in hopes of leading more and more souls to the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) ha Mashiach (Christ)..  One of the main foundations of this fellowship is that those who may have gained experience in any given part of evangelism can then pass that teaching to the new churches who have chosen to join us.

The Road to God Ministry has partnered with First General Baptist Church of Waterford to present thr following campaigns:

Waterford Township Memorial Day Parade
Clarkston Township 4th of July Parade
Ann Arbor Art Street Fair
Clarkston Labor Dar Parade
Vacation Bible School
Camp Victory (The Road to God Ministry will be making a pledge for this ministry in July)

The Road to God Ministry has partnered with First General Baptist Church of Waterford and Charity Baptist of Oxford to present the following campaigns:

Oakland County 4-H Fair

The Road to God Ministry and First General Baptist Church of Waterford have partnered up with as of yet undisclosed team members for the following campaigns:

Genese County Fair
Lappeer County Fair

Over and above the prior stated ministries, The Road to God Ministry has two constant tasks at hand:

Our bi-weekly tract distribiution ministry.  I know they are working, as I was writing this post I received an e-mail that stated a tract was received by a woman and she felt that that it was that tract that saved her life!

And we cannot loose sight of the work that needs to be put into the Ask Your Pastor Ministry.  The show already has international viewers.  We need to keep the show going!