Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 Frequently Asked Questions  

The Road to God Ministry is often asked many questions concerning Messiah Yeshua, Judaism, eternal salvation, Olive Tree Theology, and the true connection that lies between Jewish believers and Gentile believers. This page has been created to help answer some of those inquiries.

What is Olive Tree Theology? 

Does Olive Tree Theology promote Jewish conversion into Gentile Churches? Won't Jews, through Olive Tree Theology lose their Jewish heritage? 

What is dispensationalism? 

Why dispensationalism is false under Olive Tree Theology? 

 What is Olive Tree Theology? Answering a question like this can traverse several paths. The first path can lead to long discussions utilizing large theological terms such as 'replacement theology' and 'supersessionism' or 'dispensationalism' and the ins and outs of the terms' of the historical creation of the modern church. Instead, the easier path to answer this question of what Olive Tree Theology is all about is simply to look at what the Apostle Paul wrote in the Epistle to the Romans, chapter 11. In this chapter Paul spoke of the unifying Olive Tree where the Jewish and Gentile branches (believers of Messiah Yeshua) were all re-grafted onto the Olive tree, and thus reborn unto eternal life. Thus Olive Tree Theology is simply the belief that Jews and Gentiles can worship Messiah Yeshua together in unity while still maintaining their own cultural and traditional distinctiveness. The idea that Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians must worship apart from one another is truly contrary to the entire idea of Olive Tree Theology. Olive Tree Theology calls for a clear distinction between Israel and the church. There has always been a TRUE FAITHFUL ISRAEL present in the form of the Messianic Jewish population just as there has been a TRUE FAITHFUL GENTILE present in the form of the church. The two are clearly distinctive and separated; YET LOVED AS ONE! 

 Does Olive Tree Theology promote Jewish conversion into Gentile Churches? Won't Jews, through Olive Tree Theology lose their Jewish heritage? This question really is 100% dependent upon the Jewish believer. Olive Tree Theology states that a Jew and a Gentile can worship in the same of house of God; whether that be a Gentile church or a Messianic synagogue. The point is is that there should not be two houses of worship. As true Christians we need to recognize the LITERAL BIBLICAL FACT and that is, is that there is no place in the New Testament that gives us instructions to separate Jewish and Gentile believers. In fact, to do so will only breed distrust and false doctrine like Replacement Theology. As for our Jewish culture and heritage, it is up to us as Jews to maintain our lifestyles and our heritage. Yes, there is no denying the fact that this would be easier in a Jewish congregation, but is it biblical? No. 

 What is dispensationalism? Dispensationalism is a Protestant, Christian, evangelical tradition and theology. The name derives from the concept of a "dispensation" or administration. Dispensationalists hold that there are a series of chronologically successive dispensations, that emphasize certain Biblical covenants, and that the nation of Israel is distinct from the Church. Wikipedia® 

 Why dispensationalism is false under Olive Tree Theology? Of course it is historically logical that the bible was written for certain individuals during during time periods. But that was only by the men who penned the book for the Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit). The Bible WAS WRITTEN FOR ALL MEN AND FOR ALL TIME. Just as Yeshua's sacrifice upon the cross was a propitiation for those who were living in 33 A.D. through the Last Day so the Bible is given to all People as a Truth and a Form of Scripture to provide us Salvation to the Last Day,. not just certain groups of people. The Epistle of James, though written for just the Messianic Jews of that time is not meant just for the Messianic Jews; but for everyone. The same thing stands for the Epistle to the Hebrews. The entire Torah (the Law) is meant for the Jewish people; yet it is also a living purpose for every person upon the earth! No the idea of dispensationalism goes too far. 

Reasoning With God (Spanish)

 RAZONANDO CON DIOS Por el Dr. Ron Dobbs  



 »Venid luego, dice Jehová y estemos a cuenta: aunque vuestros pecados sean como la grana, como la nieve serán emblanquecidos; aunque sean rojos como el carmesí, vendrán a ser como blanca lana.”

ISAIAH 59:1-2

 He aquí que no se ha acortado la mano de Jehová para salvar, ni se ha endurecido su oído para oír; pero vuestras iniquidades han hecho división entre vosotros y vuestro Dios y vuestros pecados han hecho que oculte de vosotros su rostro para no oíros.”




 Entonces Jehová Dios formó al hombre del polvo de la tierra, sopló en su nariz aliento de vida y fue el hombre un ser viviente.





JUAN 14:1-3

 (UN LUGAR EN LOS CIELOS) »No se turbe vuestro corazón; creéis en Dios, creed también en mí. En la casa de mi Padre muchas moradas hay; si así no fuera, yo os lo hubiera dicho; voy, pues, a preparar lugar para vosotros. Y si me voy y os preparo lugar, vendré otra vez[b] y os tomaré a mí mismo, para que donde yo esté, vosotros también estéis.


sin seperation 1.jpg(UN LUGAR EN EL INFIERNO) Y vi los muertos, grandes y pequeños, de pie ante Dios. Los libros fueron abiertos, y otro libro fue abierto, el cual es el libro de la vida. Y fueron juzgados los muertos por las cosas que estaban escritas en los libros, según sus obras. El mar entregó los muertos que había en él, y la muerte y el Hades entregaron los muertos que había en ellos, y fueron juzgados cada uno según sus obras. La muerte y el Hades fueron lanzados al lago de fuego. Esta es la muerte segunda. El que no se halló inscrito en el libro de la vida, fue lanzado al lago de fuego.





JUAN 10:27, 28a

 (CRISTO el Señor) Mis ovejas oyen mi voz y yo las conozco, y me siguen; yo les doy vida eterna y no perecerán jamás, ni nadie las arrebatará de mi mano.

JUAN 8:44

 (SATANAS como señor) Vosotros sois de vuestro padre el diablo, y los deseos de vuestro padre queréis hacer.





MATEO 7:13

 (El Camino Ancho de la Destrucción) “Entrad por la puerta angosta, porque ancha es la puerta y espacioso el camino que lleva a la perdición, y muchos son los que entran por ella.”

MATEO 7:14

 (El estrecho y angosto) Pero angosta es la puerta y angosto el camino que lleva a la vida, y pocos son los que la hallan.



JUAN 16:6

 Jesús le dijo: Yo soy EL CAMINO, LA VERDAD y LA VIDA, nadie viene al Padre sino por mi.




 Por cuanto todos pecaron y están destituidos de la gloria de Dios.




 Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, pero la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús, Señor nuestro.




Si confiesas con tu boca que Jesús es el Señor[a] y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos, serás salvo.salvation 1.jpg




 Ya que todo aquel que invoque el nombre del Señor, será salvo.


 Querido Señor, ten misericordia de mi que soy un pecador. Según tu PALABRA, mi única esperanza es la sangre de tu Hijo. Confieso mi pecado y te pido que me perdones. Amado Señor, por favor acéptame ahora mismo como tu hijo, yo te acepto a ti Padre celestial, mi Señor y Salvador. Quiero darte las gracias Señor por no echarme, sino por salvarme, amén.


 Traducido por: Ms. Rhode Flores

Reasoning With God

 Reasoning With God by Dr. Ron Dobbs 


Come now, and LET US REASON TOGETHER, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; thou they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

ISAIAH 59:1-2

Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear you.



And the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul.



JOHN 14:1-3

(PLACE: HEAVEN) Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.


(PLACE: HELL) And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into a lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.



JOHN 10:27, 28a

(Master: CHRIST) My sheep hear my voice, and I know the, and they follow me: And I give them eternal life and they shall never perish.

JOHN 8:44

(Master: SATAN) Your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.




(The Broad Path to Destruction) Enter ye in at the strait gate" for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in threat:


(Straight & Narrow) Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


JOHN 16:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.



For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;



For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.



That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thin heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.


ROMANS 10:13

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.


Dear Lord, be merciful to me, I'm a sinner. According to your WORD, my only hope is the blood of your son. I confess my sin and I ask you to forgive me. Dear Lord, Please accept me right now as your child, I accept you as my Heavenly Father, my Lord and Saviour. I want to thank you Lord for not casting me out, but for saving me. Amen.

To Die Without Messiah (Spanish)

Morir sin el Mesías  


Christ in Sheol.jpgUna de las muchas difíciles preguntas teológicas que se hacen a sí mismos hoy en día los cristianos evangélicos es la del destino eterno de aquellos que han muerto sin haber oído hablar jamás acerca del Evangelio de Jesucristo de Nazaret. ¿Sería capaz un Dios amoroso y bondadoso de enviar a aquellas almas que llevaron vidas moralmente correctas, sabiendo que sus caminos espirituales fueron equivocados, a pesar de lo cual estas personas no se vieron nunca expuestas al Evangelio? ¿Acaso serán juzgadas en el Ultimo Día y serán enviadas al infierno por toda la eternidad? ¿Encaja esta idea con el tema de un Dios amoroso y justo, que envió a su Hijo unigénito en propiciación por toda la raza humana?

Las preguntas se vuelven incluso más difíciles cuando los pasajes de la Biblia empiezan a interferir con estos temas. Hay pasajes que dicen, por ejemplo: "El que me rechaza y no recibe mis palabras, tiene quien lo juzgue: la palabra que he hablado, ella lo juzgará en el día final. Yo no he hablado por mi propia cuenta; el Padre, que me envió, él me dio mandamiento de lo que he de decir y de lo que he de hablar.” (Juan 12:48-49).

Además: “Respondió Jesús: --De cierto, de cierto te digo que el que no nace de agua y del Espíritu no puede entrar en el reino de Dios. Lo que nace de la carne, carne es; y lo que nace del Espíritu, espíritu es.” Y hay otro versículo que dice: “Jesús le dijo: yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida, nadie viene al Padre, sino por me.” Estos versículos proceden directamente de los labios mismos de Cristo y con frecuencia se confunden con y se malinterpretan como parte de otros pasajes que hablan acerca de punto de vistas contrarios.

Podemos encontrar un ejemplo de este punto de vista divergente en la Epístola de Pablo a la iglesia romana en la que escribe: "Cuando los gentiles que no tienen la ley hacen por naturaleza lo que es de la Ley, estos aunque no tengan la Ley, son ley para sí mismos.”4 Las diferentes denominaciones cristianas e incluso los diferentes cleros en el Cristianismo han tenido diferentes puntos de vista respecto a este tema. Una de las perspectivas concretas es que a aquellos que se convierten en una ley para sí mismos se les permitirá entrar en el Rey de Dios como 'invitados," tal vez como aquellos “invitados” a los que se refirió Jesús en Su parábola acerca de la fiesta de las bodas que relata en el Evangelio de Mateo capítulo 22:1-14.

Yo llego a la conclusión de que cualquier hombre o mujer que pueda decidir por medio de su libre albedrío (esto excluye a los niños y aquellos que son mentalmente inestables, etc. etc.) deben hacer una profesión de fe en Jesucristo de Nazaret antes de su muerte física a fin de que se puedan salvar sus almas. Este es un punto de vista firme, tanto si estas personas han estado o no expuestas al Evangelio de Cristo o si siguen siendo ignorantes en lo que se refiere a la Palabra.

Cross 3.gifA lo largo de los Evangelios y de las Epístolas está muy claro que en el caso de aquellas personas que han escuchado las Buenas Nuevas de Jesús y han rechazado la oferta de salvación que Dios les hace, su destino eterno ha quedado sellado. Tanto si las personas son religiosas y o moralmente Íntegras dentro de su propia cultura es algo que carece de importancia. La Biblia es inconfundible en su declaración respecto a que si usted rechaza a Cristo, usted va a tener que enfrentarse con un juicio de condenación.

Jesús se refiere a esto en su parábola de una casa que fue construida sobre un fundamento inapropiado: " »A cualquiera, pues, que me oye estas palabras y las pone en práctica, lo compararé a un hombre prudente que edificó su casa sobre la roca. Descendió la lluvia, vinieron ríos, soplaron vientos y golpearon contra aquella casa; pero no cayó, porque estaba cimentada sobre la roca. Pero a cualquiera que me oye estas palabras y no las practica, lo compararé a un hombre insensato que edificó su casa sobre la arena. Descendió la lluvia, vinieron ríos, soplaron vientos y dieron con ímpetu contra aquella casa; y cayó, y fue grande su ruina». 5 Es evidente que Jesús está hablando sobre aquellos que han escuchado sus palabras, pero que a pesar de ello se niegan a aceptarlas como la verdad y rehusan profesar abiertamente su fe. Al hacerlo han creado una profecía que se cumple en ellos respecto a su propio juicio y condenación.

missionaries 1.jpgSin embargo, al referirse a aquellos que no han escuchado nunca el Evangelio ¿cómo se puede justificar la posibilidad de crear esa profecía que se cumple en ellos? El primer factor que es preciso tratar para responder a este dilema es destacar el hecho de que el escuchar el Evangelio no tiene nada que ver con el tema de la salvación. "Las personas no van al infierno sencillamente por haber rechazado a Jesús; van al infierno porque son pecadoras. El hecho de que no crean en Jesús sencillamente sella su destino."6 Es importante ser plenamente conscientes de que como humanos que somos cada uno de nosotros nace en pecado por medio de Adán, nuestro primer antepasado. Debido a ello, no hay manera de que podamos ser justificados o purificados de nuestros pecados por medio de la Ley aparte del uso de un sacrificio de sangre realizado bien en el Tabernáculo o en el Templo en Jerusalén y es evidente que ninguno de los dos existen ya.

De modo que sin el sacrificio perfecto de Jesús el Mesías e Hijo de Dios cada uno de nosotros continuaríamos viviendo y muriendo en nuestros pecados, tanto si hemos oído como si no, el Evangelio durante nuestra vida. "Eso significa que en realidad no existe una persona que sea verdaderamente “inocente” o un pagano que sea verdaderamente "inocente." Las personas no son inocentes ante Dios, normalmente son culpables de rechazar la verdad acerca de Dios. Cuando las personas que no han oído hablar nunca del evangelio se mueren, su destino eterno no queda determinado por si rechazaron o no a Jesús porque no se puede rechazar a una persona acerca de la cual no han oído hablar para empezar.7

Lee Strobel, periodista y autor, trata acerca de este tema cuando habla sobre el acalorado tema con el Dr. Ravi Zacharias de los Ministerios Internacionales de Ravi Zacharias acerca del debate del Apóstol Pablo con los filósofos griegos en Atenas, "…está apuntando al hecho de que existe un plan soberano en la creación, a la cual se asigna a cada persona un lugar en el que nacer. Dios sabe dónde naceremos y nos criaremos y El nos coloca en una posición en la que podamos buscarle a El. Se nos dice claramente que dondequiera que vivamos, sea cual fuere nuestra cultura o nación, El está al alcance de cada uno de nosotros."8 Esta línea de pensamiento continua en la entrevista que le hace Strobel al Dr. J.P. Moreland de la Escuela de Teología Talbot que afirma: "Si todo cuanto una persona pudiera necesitar fuese un poco más de tiempo para venir a Cristo, entonces Dios extendería el tiempo de esa persona en esta tierra a fin de concederle esa oportunidad. El hecho sencillo es que Dios recompensa a aquellos que le buscan.”9

dante infero pic.jpgLa Biblia vuelve repetidamente a hacer una afirmación muy fuerte y manifiesta, de que no existe excusa suficientemente buena para no tener una fe que nos permita aceptar a Cristo. El primer capítulo del libro de Romanos es uno de entre los varios ejemplos a lo largo de todas las Escrituras en los que se habla al respecto. Dios ha sido revelado por medio de la creación: "Lo invisible de él, su eterno poder y su deidad, se hacen claramente visibles desde la creación del mundo y se puede discernir por medio de las cosas hechas. Por lo tanto, no tienen excusa.”10 Yo estoy convencido de que Dios siempre proveerá las respuestas a aquellos que puedan estar buscando más respuestas.

Esta provisión divina posiblemente no aparezca en el formato de un papel de cebolla que les sea entregada a ellos por un misionero cristiano, pero si existe la menor posibilidad de que un pagano acepte a Cristo como su propiciación antes de su muerte, no me cabe duda de que Dios encontrará la manera de salvar a esa alma.

El Dr. Elmer Towns, decano de la Escuela Universitaria de Religión Liberty estuvo de acuerdo con estos puntos de vista doctrinales cuando afirmó: "Aunque Dios no tiene el menor deseo de mandar a las personas al infierno, los hombres no le dejan opción alguna cuando rechazan continuamente el evangelio. Incluso el hombre que no ha escuchado nunca la predicación del Evangelio ha rechazado otros intentos realizados por Dios para mostrarle el camino a la salvación. Si el hombre respondiese de manera positiva a estos llamamientos, Dios proveería un predicador del evangelio para guiarle a la salvación."11 La doctrina cristiana afirma claramente que aquellos que no escuchen al evangelio no se salvarán. "Es preciso que primero la persona conozca el evangelio, que significa que posee un conocimiento intelectual de la salvación.”12

Así que es necesario preguntar de nuevo, ¿qué sucederá con aquellos paganos que es posible que no hayan escuchado el Evangelio? Como ya hemos preguntado con anterioridad, ¿acaso se convierten estos ateos moralmente íntegros en una "ley para sí mismos" y debido a ello se les concede la entrada en el Reino de los Cielos, aunque no sea más que como "invitados" tal vez como aquellos acerca de los cuales habló Jesús en la parábola de la fiesta de las bodas en Mateo 22:1-14. Esta teoría no tiene validez alguna por una serie de motivos. En primer lugar, aunque sean una “ley para sí mismos, la ley no puede sencillamente salvar a nadie. Es solamente por medio de la gracia y la fe en Jesucristo que la persona puede ser salva. Cuando uno intenta ser salvo por medio de la ley dicha persona será juzgada por la ley; de modo que si alguien se convierte en una ley para sí mismo, sucederá que esa persona será juzgada por esa ley en la que se han convertido y como nos enseñan las Escrituras, es imposible cumplir la ley de la salvación a la perfección.

Por lo tanto, es preciso que dependamos de nuestra fe en aquel que envió para liberarnos de estas leyes y salvar nuestras almas eternas. "La fe viene por el oír y el oír por la Palabra de Dios.”13 Es la fe la que nos guía. “Porque con el corazón se cree para justicia, pero con la boca se confiesa para salvación.” ([Romanos] 10:9,10)."14 El apóstol Pablo citó al profeta Habacuc del Antiguo Testamento en Romanos 1:17 diciendo: “el justo vivirá por la fe.”

El segundo factor importante cuando tratamos del tema de la salvación de aquellos que posiblemente sean ignorantes en lo que se refiere al Evangelio es la pregunta de a quienes considera Dios realmente responsables de la falta de conocimiento de los paganos. Para empezar y lo que es más importante, a este autor le resulta prácticamente imposible comprender cómo cualquier cristiano puede malentender o tener un conflicto en lo que se refiere a las instrucciones que dio Jesús en los últimos versículos del Evangelio de Mateo, que también se conocen como la Gran Comisión: "Id, pues, y enseñad a todas las naciones, bautizándoles en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.”15 Cuando este versículo va acompañado de las palabras del post exilico profeta Ezequiel en el capítulo 33, queda totalmente claro a quiénes Dios considerará responsables de la falta de conocimiento de las Buenas Nuevas de su Hijo Jesús: "y él vea venir la espada sobre la tierra, y toque la trompeta y avise al pueblo, cualquiera que oiga el sonido de la trompeta y no se prepare, y viniendo la espada lo hiera, su sangre será sobre su cabeza.

El sonido de la trompeta oyó, pero no se preparó: su sangre será sobre él; pero el que se prepare, salvará su vida. Pero si el centinela ve venir la espada y no toca la trompeta, y el pueblo no se prepara, y viniendo la espada, hiere a alguno de ellos, este fue tomado por causa de su pecado, pero demandaré su sangre de mano del centinela.”16 Este pasaje del profeta Ezequiel se considera con frecuencia de la “máxima” importancia, pues estos son los versículos que explican la necesidad que tienen los cristianos de evangelizar y de dar testimonio del Evangelio hasta lo último de la tierra.elijah 1.jpg

Algunos cristianos consideran que estas palabras de Ezequiel son verdad tan solo para aquellos que puedan vivirlas y tenerlas muy cerca de sus corazones, como puedan ser familiares y amigos. Sin embargo, se nos dice de una manera muy concreta que es nuestra responsabilidad como cristianos difundir y proclamar la Palabra de las Buenas Nuevas a los paganos y cuando no lo hacemos, es nuestra responsabilidad como cristianos por el hecho de que a los paganos no les es posible tener el conocimiento de Jesucristo. Yo no creo sinceramente que esta responsabilidad afecte nuestra propia salvación como creyentes, pero sí determinará el nivel en el que cada uno será juzgado y considerado al sernos delegados a cada uno de nosotros las tareas y los lugares que ocuparemos en los cielos. Tal y como se nos ha dicho: “segaremos lo que hayamos sembrado.”

El tercer y último factor que es preciso examinar cuando estudiamos estos temas tan importantes es cuál es la definición del término "evangelio." Si traducimos la palabra "evangelio" quiere decir sencillamente "las buenas nuevas." Pero la pregunta es, ¿las buenas nuevas de qué? Que los seres humanos pueden recuperar la Gracia de Dios que se perdió a causa del pecado de Adán y posteriormente fue expiada por medio del sacrificio de la sangre de Jesucristo. En otras palabras por medio de la fe en Jesucristo los seres humanos pueden ser justificados o espiritualmente perfectos a los ojos de Dios.

Sin embargo actualmente el término "evangelio" se ha generalizado a fin de convertirse en un término que representa los Evangelios Sinópticos del Nuevo Testamento (Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan). Pero si hemos de decir la verdad todo el evangelio habla acerca del conocimiento de la salvación por medio de Jesucristo. El conocimiento intelectual acerca de cómo perdimos el favor a los ojos de Dios por causa del pecado de Adán no es una parte necesaria para que nadie sea salvo o justificado. Solo una cosa es necesaria, la profesión de fe en Jesucristo de Nazaret. Por lo tanto, cuando yo afirmo que el Evangelio de Jesucristo de Nazaret debe ser predicado a los paganos no estoy afirmando que solo los seres humanos poseen la capacidad para predicar las buenas nuevas.

Estoy firmemente convencido de que el autor mismo de las Escrituras, el Espíritu Santo, tiene la capacidad para revelar el evangelio según desee, conforme a su voluntad, a quienquiera que considere merecedor. Gracias a este hecho, el evangelio se extenderá hasta los últimos rincones de la tierra. “Nadie tiene una excusa válida para rechazar el evangelio."17

Ahora que hemos llegado a la conclusión de que los paganos serán considerados "no salvos" creo que es esencial que hablemos sobre la naturaleza misma del infierno. ¿Es el infierno verdaderamente un lago de fuego y azufre o es algo totalmente diferente? La verdad es que este es un tema difícil de examinar, es un tema que podría convertirse en el tema de una tesis por sí mismo. Los diferentes eruditos poseen cada uno de ellos su propia opinión en cuanto a la naturaleza del infierno. Desde el punto de vista judío el infierno no es un lago de fuego, sino que existe con el Seol, el lugar de espera para los muertos. De hecho, según la auténtica creencia judía rabínica no existe el concepto de un infierno eterno. Actualmente algunos eruditos cristianos conservadores siguen afirmando el punto de vista de que el infierno es verdaderamente un lago de fuego y azufre, uno en el que todos los condenados tendrán que entrar, sea cuales fueren sus pecados.

Pero al mismo tiempo están surgiendo cristianos más liberales que enseñan que el infierno no es ni siquiera un lugar real, sino sencillamente un estado mental o algo inventado por la psiquis, donde existirá el alma eterna sin el beneficio de conocer o de tener comunión con Dios de ninguna manera. Hasta la Iglesia Católico Romana posee sus propios punto de vista al respecto, uno de los cuales se puede ver en los escritos del poeta clásico italiano Dante Aligheri en su obra El Infierno. En este caso, aquellos que hayan llevado una vida moralmente correcta y que no hayan oído el Evangelio de Jesucristo estarían condenados a pasar la eternidad en el segundo círculo del infierno, también conocido como el Limbo, que es el lugar reservado para los paganos virtuosos.

En ese lugar las almas condenadas no serían objeto de castigo por su falta de fe en Cristo, pero al mismo tiempo no recibirían jamás ninguna forma de felicidad, puesto que nunca conocerían a Dios. Según un punto de vista final, algunos eruditos son de la opinión de que los aniquiladores que creen muy en serio que aquellas almas que han sido condenadas a una eternidad en el infierno serán borradas totalmente de la existencia, en lugar de ser eternamente castigadas por su falta de fe. La verdad es que yo no me siento muy seguro en cuanto a lo que creo respecto a la estructura y la naturaleza del infierno.

Sí creo que existe un lago de fuego y de azufre que le espera a Satanás y a sus ángeles caídos así como al anticristo, el falso profeta y muchas almas malvadas a lo largo de toda la historia, pero no estoy realmente seguro en lo que se refiere al destino de otros. Admito que me cuesta entender cómo Dios puede mandar a una mujer judía moralmente correcta, que creía realmente en su religión, sin tener malicia alguna hacia Cristo o los cristianos situándola al mismo nivel de castigo que pondría a alguien como Adolfo Hitler, Aman el agagita o a Cain el hijo de Adán. En lo que a mi se refiere, no puedo evitar refugiarme en un solo versículo bíblico que continua sirviéndome de consuelo en aquellas ocasiones en las que sé que me siento realmente incapaz de entender los planes definitivos de Dios, "Las cosas secretas le pertenecen al Señor nuestro Dios."18 Teniendo ese versículo en cuenta recuerdo que no necesito saber todas las cosas, que lo importante es que Dios sabe lo que está haciendo y los planes que tiene. Con frecuencia siento que las disputas teológicas acerca de la naturaleza del infierno son más psicológicas que teológicas en su naturaleza, basándose principalmente en la emoción y no en la doctrina bíblica.

El hecho es que Dios nos ha dado una información bastante bien expresada acerca del infierno. A pesar de lo cual y de lo que he dicho al principio de este artículo, es difícil racionalizar cómo un Dios amoroso podría atormentar por toda una eternidad a las almas sencillamente por su incredulidad. Esto me recuerda una lección que aprendí hace veinte años cuando aún estaba buscando la verdad acerca de Jesús como mi Salvador. "¡Dios no dijo nunca que nos tuviese que gustar, solo dijo que teníamos que hacerlo!"

Sin duda alguna estoy convencido de que sin haber oído el Evangelio de Jesucristo de Nazaret y sin haber hecho profesión de fe antes de la muerte física, el alma humana no puede salvarse del infierno. Es prácticamente imposible escapar a los hechos de la doctrina bíblica y de los versículos claramente expresados según las palabras de Cristo mismo en Juan 14:6: "Jesús le dijo: yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida, nadie viene al Padre sino por mi.” 19

power_of_prayer_hahlbohm.jpgReferencias Epp, Theodore H. How God Makes Bad Men Good. The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc.: Lincoln, Nebraska. 1978. Pritchard, Dr. Ray. (2000). ¿Y qué sucede con aquellos que nunca han oído el Evangelio? Strobel, Larry. The Case for Faith. Zondervan: Grand Rapids, Michigan. 2000. The King James Study Bible. Thomas Nelson & Liberty University. 1988. Towns, Dr. Elmer L. Concise Bible Doctrines. AMG Publishers: Chattanooga, Tennessee. 2006.

Traducido por: Ms. Rhode Flores

Jewish Road to God (Spanish)

El camino judío hacia Dios  

¿Han perdido los judíos de la actual cultura popular su camino hacia el SEÑOR?

The Road to God.jpgEsta es una difícil pregunta que hacer, especialmente para una persona judía no practicante en el actual mundo modernizado. Las tradiciones olvidadas juntamente con los tabús étnicos y culturales se encuentran enlazados de tal manera que muchos judíos ni siquiera saben ya por qué están haciendo algo o actuando conforme a una tradición en particular. Pero a fin de permanecer en el camino que nos lleva hacia ADONAI, el SEÑOR, es preciso que mantengamos la vista y la mente centrados en la Biblia judía, el TANAKH.

 Es por medio de la Biblia judía que podemos encontrar los siete pasos que mantendrán a los judíos, a todos los judíos, en el camino correcto hacia ADONAI.

 "Y lo sacó Jehová del huerto de Edén, para que labrara la tierra de la que fue tomado. Echó, pues, fuera al hombre, y puso querubines al oriente del huerto de Edén, y una espada encendida que se revolvía por todos lados para guardar el camino del árbol de la vida.” (Gén. 3:23-24).

 2. Es preciso que cada uno de nosotros entendamos que no hay nada que nosotros podamos hacer para eliminar esa barrera entre el hombre y Dios.

 “He aquí que no se ha acortado la mano de Jehová para salvar, ni se ha endurecido su oído para oír; pero vuestras iniquidades han hecho división entre vosotros y vuestro Dios y vuestros pecados han hecho que oculte de vosotros su rostro para no oíros.” (Isaías 59:1-2).

 3. Por lo tanto, es preciso que cada uno de nosotros entendamos que es solo por medio del derramamiento de sangre que se puede realmente hacer expiación por el pecado a los ojos de Dios.

 "Porque la vida de la carne en la sangre está, y yo os la he dado para hacer expiación sobre el altar por vuestras almas, pues la misma sangre es la que hace expiación por la persona.” (Levítico 17:11).

 4. Así que debemos entender que Dios proveyó para el pueblo judío los medios y las oportunidades para que pudiesen expiar sus pecados cuando le entregó la TORAH (la Ley) a Moisés.

 "Habla tú con nosotros” le dijeron a Moisés, y nosotros oiremos.” (Ex 20:19)

 5. Debemos entender que las acciones de la nación judía durante el Exodo demostraron sin lugar a dudas que al pueblo judío le resultó imposible guardar la TORAH de una manera perfecta.

 "Entonces Jehová dijo a Moisés: --Anda, desciende, porque tu pueblo, el que sacaste de la tierra de Egipto, se ha corrompido. Pronto se han apartado del camino que yo les mandé; se han hecho un becerro de fundición, lo han adorado, le han ofrecido sacrificios y han dicho: "¡Israel, estos son tus dioses, que te sacaron de la tierra de Egipto!" (Exodo 32:7-8).

 “Pero se desanimó el pueblo y comenzó a hablar contra Dios y contra Moisés.” (Num 21:4b-5a)

 6. Es necesario que cada uno de nosotros entendamos que Dios prometió enviar al pueblo judío su Mesías, que sería quien realizaría la expiación de la sangre por el pueblo judío.

 «Vendrá el Redentor a Sión y a los que se vuelven de la iniquidad en Jacob», dice Jehová.” (Isaías 59:20)

 “Mas él fue herido por nuestras rebeliones, molido por nuestros pecados. Por darnos la paz, cayó sobre él el castigo, y por sus llagas fuimos nosotros curados. Todos nosotros nos descarriamos como ovejas, cada cual se apartó por su camino; mas Jehová cargó en él el pecado de todos nosotros.” (Isaías 53:5-6).

 7. Es preciso que todos entendamos que solo ha habido una figura en la historia que ha cumplido la multitud de profecías bíblicas judías relacionadas con la identidad del Mesías.

 *El Mesìas regresará antes de que sea destruido el segundo Tenmplo. (Daniel 9:26)

 *El Mesías sería divino. (Isaías 9:5-6)

 *El Mesías había de morir siendo crucificado. (Salmos 22:14-17)

 *El Mesías había de resucitar. (Isaías 53:10)

 *El Mesías debía de nacer en Belén (Miqueas 5:1-2)

 *El Mesías nacería de una virgen. (Isaías 7:14)

 Estas son tan solo siete profecías de las muchas que existen por toda la Biblia judía.

 Al final, la lógica nos dice que solo puede haber una respuesta sencilla. ¡Yeshua (Jesús) de Nazaret debe ser el Mesías judío! Eso significa que siendo el Mesías judío es por medio de la sangre de Yeshua, que sacrificó siendo crucificado en el primer día de la Pascua en el año 33 A.D. cada uno de nosotros hemos sido limpios o hemos hecho expiación por nuestros pecados (Levítico 17:11). ¡A pesar de lo cual, Yeshua hizo mucho más que eso por nosotros! Porque en el tercer día de la Pascua, en la Fiesta de los Primeros Frutos, resucitó de entre los muertos y al hacerlo nos dio a cada uno de nosotros, los que hemos creído en El la promesa de la vida eterna.

 Es sencillo aceptar estos preciados regalos y al hacerlo está usted cumpliendo con su papel como Hijo de Israel. ¡No se equivoque usted, nunca dejará usted de ser judío!

 Para aceptar hoy al Mesías haga usted la siguiente oración:

 ADONAI ELOHIM, te bendigo y te doy gracias. Confieso mis pecados y te pido perdón al mismo tiempo que acepto al Mesías Yeshua en mi vida, pues ahora vivo para servir y obedecer su voluntad. Te lo pido en el nombre de Yeshua haMashiach. Amén.

 Si ha hecho usted esa oración con fe, ahora sus pecados han sido expiados y usted va de camino a Dios.


 Traducido por: Ms. Rhode Flores

 All language translations where done at the request of The Road to God Ministry.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Worldwide Prayer Page, 01/27/2013

 Worldwide Prayer Page as of 01-27-2013  

Prayers Around the World

 Due to overwhelming requests The Road to God Ministry has created this prayer page to help fulfill the spiritual needs of believers across the world. If you have an urgent prayer request or if you would like to add or remove a name from this page, please send an e-mail to



United States of America

Please keep the following Jewish ministry's in your prayers: The Road to God Ministry, Chosen People Ministries, & Lamb & Lion Ministries. Please pray for Olive Tree congregations like First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Charity Baptist Church of Oxford, & Bethany Baptist of Clawson. All of these ministries, churches and congregations are in USA.

 Please pray for both Steven and Kolleen Hendin. Steven is suffering from complications of cirrhosis of the liver. Kolleen injured her back months ago and the pain is return exponentially.

 Please pray for Pastor James Howie of Bethany Baptist Church of Clawson, Michigan. Pastor Jim's health has been suffering from his exposure to Agent Orange while he served his tour of duty in the Vietnam War. The Road to God Ministry hopes you will join us in praying that Pastor Howie will continue to lead his congregation honestly and in the true spirit of the Word of God.

 Let us pray for Leroy DeMasellis who is Pastor of Rock of Ages Prison Ministry. He is suffering from cancer and is in need of all of our prayers.

 Kyle Duplessie, a sister in Christ at First General Baptist Church of Waterford, Michigan, needs our prayers desparetly as she had her thyroid removed and is still attempting to recover.

 Please keep the following people in your prayers: Tony Jenkins, Clifford Wade and Lt. Jeremy Kline.

 Please keep 2nd Lt Jeremy Kline. This Army Ranger is being deployed to Afghanistan. Be safe L-T!


haiti flag.jpgPlease pray for all of those who have suffered from the recent devastation in the Haiti earthquakes. The Road to God Ministry will continue to pray for all of those who have been effected by this natural disaster and pray that through this tribulation that many will come to see the glory and truth of the Lord Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus the Christ).

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Please pray for Sholomo C. and other Messianic Jews sharing the Good News of Yeshua in Eretz Yisrael. We pray that the shalom (peace) that can only come from our Adonai Yeshua (Lord Jesus) will rest upon Israel and keep all Isaelis safe.

 Please pray for the peace of the city of David. The Road to God Ministry is and always will be a strong supporter of Israel as is dictated by Scripture. Yet, we pray for the peace and safety of ALL inhabitants of the Holy Land; whether they be Jew, Gentile, or Arab. May the peace that can only come from the Prince of Peace settle upon the land of our fathers.

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Sarah & Paul M in Paris have been dealing with antisemitism. Please keep them and all French Jews dealing with this issue in your prayers.



Please keep Malaty in your prayers. She lives in Chene near Medras and we all pray for her salvation. We also pray for all Christians and all Christian missionaries in your in the hopes of their continued safety from religious persecution.

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Please keep all the Christian missionaries throughout the land of China in your prayers in hope of keeps them safe from persecution. Please keep Josh & Patricia Hammonds in your prayers.



Please pray for the Greg & Sandy Dickerman.

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Please pray for David, Carol & Michael Taylor and Kenny & Genny Burns.

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Please keep Marlena J in your prayers. Marlena is a Messianic Jew living far outside Sydney where there are any other Jewish believers and she is desperate for the community and fellowship that comes from the faith in Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus the Christ).

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Please pray for Julia Phillip; Rodney & Theresa Wall; David & Tania Willise; Brad & Cindy Taylor; and, Sid & Vicki Smith.



Please pray for Roger & Linda Free and for Heather Pritchett.

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Pray for all the men and women in our military.



Let us remember to pray for Bhabaranjan Bala and the New Church Planting Ministry as the continue to serve the Lord in Bangladesh.

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Recently the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reportedly has called for an end to the development of Christianity in Iran, and over the past few years, there have been several incidents of Iranian authorities raiding church services, detaining worshipers and church leaders, and harassing and threatening church members. Much worse atrocities have occurred. The WEA (World Evangelical Alliance) has officially denounced this statement. Please pray that that Iran will loosen it's hardened heart and allow Christianity to spread the truth throughout the modern Persian Empire.

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Please pray for Vladimir W who hopes to raise enough funds to make aliyah (return) to Israel.

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South Africa

The Graboan Family's youngest child Yochanan was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Please keep them in your prayers.


kenya pic.jpgPastor Isaiah and the Imba Bible Fellowship. Please pray for all the congregations members, especially the 70 children in the congregation.

Please continue to pray for Isaac Mackenzie and his congregation in Mois Bridge, Kenya.

Pray for Reverend Bernard Khamala and his congregation.
Please pray for Pastor James Okunda and his congregation. They are in desperate need for supplies top help them practice their faith. I also pray that Pastor Okunda truly feels the presence of Adonai with him. Please pray for Pastor James Okunda and his congregation. They are in desperate need for supplies top help them practice their faith. I also pray that Pastor Okunda truly feels the presence of Adonai with him.

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Hira C & family has asked for prayer in regards to dealing with AIDS. Dwayne also has requested prayer; he is a volunteer worker with Christian Relief Ministries.

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As always, let us pray for the Lost that they may open their hearts to the gift of Salvation offered through Messiah Yeshua.


The Road to God Ministry

Please continue to keep The Road to God Ministry in your prayers. Pray for divine guidance as we reach hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Steven's Testimony (up until 2001)

 Steven's Personal Testimony  

My Road to God

torah 1.jpgMy Road to God has been a long and exhausting one. I’d say it has probably taken me around 28 years or so to travel to the point I am at right now, and I doubt it will ever truly end. My destination: inner peace, self-love, oneness with the Lord Almighty, a place by His side in Heaven, and a taste of the Tree of Life. My feelings, my emotions, and my views towards God, His Laws and wishes, His prophets, His Messiah, and the Bible were turbulent, emotional, and often painful to contemplate and decide upon. Many of the events in my life that have affected my views today had nothing to do with religion. My perception of myself and the world around me has obviously evolved with the more life I live. I will evidently have more wisdom ten years from now then I do today. Yet at this moment I feel that I have the knowledge and peace of mind to make decisions without other people, including family and friends, to make these eternity-altering decisions for me. I now have the wisdom and ability to choose how I live and what to believe. So as you read the following paragraphs and chapters of this book please keep in mind that they are my views, made after years of intensive research, study, discussions, prayer, and searches of my soul and myself. Today, I can honestly say that I love myself for the first time in my life, and it is because I know that God loves me and forgives me my sins and wrongdoings that I have committed against Him, other people, and myself.

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The early years:

So we begin. I guess the first memory I have concerning religion would probably have to be about Christmas. After all, why do my friends and their families celebrate December 25th by giving presents, feasting, hanging lights and decorating Christmas trees, and all the other merry deeds while my family does nothing? Why are we so different? What do they have that we do not? Why can’t Santa Claus visit my brother and my sister and I just like everybody else? It was a tough set of questions my parents faced. Though both my Mom and Dad were raised in religious families, practicing a mix of Conservative and Reform Judaism, our house was most definitely a non-practicing or secular household. This means that though we did not practice any religion we did live in a Jewish lifestyle and culture. So how were my parents to respond? Well, they explained in the best way that they could that we were a Jewish family and that our family is descended from other Jews and Jews celebrate Chanukah, not Christmas. “So,” we would ask, “what is Chanukah and, more importantly, would we get any presents?” I would hazard a guess that it was probably around this time that my folks considered sending my brother and I to Hebrew school in hopes of learning more about our history, culture, and religion. My parents did end up choosing to send us to Hebrew school. Unfortunately, this was short-lived; after all private school was extremely expensive and my parents were told by our doctors that attending two school programs would hurt our learning ability in elementary and junior high. So our formal Hebrew education ended soon after it started and we learned next to nothing about Judaism. It was here in my earliest years of religious knowledge that four family members would influence me the most in my spiritual understanding. First would have to be my Bubby (Yiddish for Grandma); next would be my Bubby’s sister, my great aunt; and then her son, my first cousin; and finally, my Mom’s older brother. Each of these family members were practicing Jews to one extent or another and all had a deep feel for the Jewish culture. Yet even through them we were not taught the true meaning of being Jewish, except for the fact that we were different from Christians. This became the central fact of the religion in my early years. Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost were Christian holidays and as Jews do not celebrate or recognize them. Thinking back it seems that even then there was a underlying sense that we were special, or even better people, because we were Jewish. Now I think it is important that I intercede at this point to declare that I do not believe this is what my family had intended to impress upon us. There was, of course mention of God, the Old Testament, and certain holidays, yet we never were taught the meanings behind these items and what they meant to us as individuals, families and as Jews in general. In no way can I hold anyone at fault for the way I was spiritually raised, I always sensed that my immediate family, especially my mother, never really even believed in Judaism, at least in the religious sense of the word. My mother did believe in the customs of the Jewish lifestyle yet she chose to follow a secular life. There were two Jewish rites that my family sometimes practiced; we would sometimes light a menorah on Chanukah and we sometimes had a Passover Seder. Yet these observances were extremely rare, the Chanukah menorah lighting especially. As the years went by, the Passover Seders became more of a family get-together than any kind of religious event. When my Bubby was still living, we at least made an effort at performing the Holy Seder, yet after her death in 1986, this became less and less a spiritual event. It is my perception that if it weren’t for my first cousin and my Bubby’s sister, we would not even have picked up a Haggadah (prayer book) at all. Until my great aunt’s death in 2000 we would sometimes have dinner on Passover at her house, but that is what it was, a dinner, not the Holy Convocation that the Lord demands in the Torah. I sometimes joke that my family always celebrated Passover by breaking open a bottle of Mogen David Concord grape wine and putting on a video of the Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston as Moses and Yul Brenner as the Pharaoh Ramses. It is a joke, yet it held a grain of truth. We loosely practiced Judaism by its customs, not by Torah or the Talmud.

Adolescence and Atheism:

 As the years went by, I began to pick up more and more knowledge of the religion. After all, most of my friends were Jewish, and many of them were practicing, some even attending synagogues every Sabbath on Saturday. So as I assimilated parts of the religion I formed opinions and many of them were positive. I think for a while I started believing. Yet even then I knew something was missing. My sister has told me in the past that even in middle school I used to declare that I was going to Hell, and she was right. I knew something in the religion was wrong. Why would the Lord have us practice a religion that was so cold, unfeeling, and distant? Yet there was more to it. I knew that Jews in Ancient Israel practiced ritual animal sacrifice and when I looked further into it I found that we were being ordered to do so. How could we be forgiven without doing what the Lord commanded us to do? After all we were ordered to sacrifice as an atonement of our sins. I quickly realized that if we could not make that atonement we were still living in sin. I thought I was damned for sure. It was at this point that certain external events took place, which altered my emotions and reactions towards religion and God in general. My self-esteem, which was always extremely low, became non-existent. The event was when I started middle school and I started getting beat up. Not once or twice, but three or more times a day and everyday. I was terrified of school, and I performed the only defensive move I could, I lied. I lied and told my schoolmates outrageous stories about my family and myself. All the time these stories were being passed out I prayed, I prayed like I never thought possible. I pleaded with God for safety and peace. Yet like all lies, mine became publicly known, many of them in the worst possible ways and my beatings started all over again, a few times worse than most can imagine. I became angry, really angry, not with the kids doing the beatings or even my parents for sending me back to school; after all they had no idea what was happening to me each day. So my anger became directed at God for not protecting me. I felt that since I was pleading and praying with Him that I should be saved in some form, but I wasn’t. The beatings just continued. This horrid lifestyle took place for four years. My parents, thinking that I was simply lying to everyone had to have me transfer schools in the district. I was even held back a year. In the end I was even given special protection from the school. Though I was now safe from the physical abuse, I remained irrationally angry, and gradually I became severely depressed. To make the situation even worse I was hit by a car while riding a bicycle to school and I was thrown 15 feet landing hard onto the pavement. I ended up with hearing loss in one ear and reoccurring nightmares. Now I was both physically and mentally damaged and I hated God and myself for it. It was then and there that I declared myself an atheist and a mistake. I wasn’t a true atheist, after all I still believed that there was a God, I just hated Him. That was when I began thinking that I was never meant to be and I should never have been born. After all, “life’s a bitch and then you die.” I lived thinking this way for many years to come.

High School and Obsession:

Then I approached high school, where I learned several important factors of life: how to betray friendships, how to obsess over a girl, and how to fall deeper into a hole of overall despair anger, and depression. Yes, it sounds extremely sad, but I thought, isn’t that part of life? At the time I felt that God hated me as much as I did myself. This is not to say I did not have any happiness, because I did. My greatest love at this point in my life would have to be my running. I was a proud member of the track and cross-country team, a road racer and a marathon runner. I wasn’t a superstar of any sort, yet running helped to fill those empty spaces within me. Every time I went out for a three to ten mile run I had a short period of self-fulfilled happiness and peace. There was no one out there but myself to keep me moving on the road; every hill I passed was another accomplishment. When I was running I felt an inner peace and I believe in retrospect I felt God tying to rebuild self-esteem within me. It was towards the end of my first year in high school in which my past had once again come forward to repay me. Being hit by a car years ago had caused a cyst to form on my kneecap, which my doctors felt had to be removed and studied. This is no big deal except for the fact that I did not have any initiative to restart training afterwards, so what did I do? Stupidly, I started smoking cigarettes. As to be expected this ended my running career and my short stint at happiness. It was also in high school in which I formed relationships with four people who have affected my life and views on religion greatly: Jannie, Dan, Moe, and Carrie. Jannie and I were best friends until the end of my freshmen year of high school. Jannie and I were in love, not in the romantic way, but as friends and companions. It was because of our constant companionship that something stirred within me that started with my running, a hint of self-esteem and with it a return to wonder about God and my Jewish culture. Yet towards the end of the year I did something I would end up regretting for the rest of my life. Yet we must first speak of my meeting Dan and Moe. After Dan, Moe, and I were introduced we quickly became the “Three Amigos.” We did everything together, Dan and I started running together, we played basketball, all three of us talked constantly on the phone for hours, we went to movies, and we were continually together as a group. Yet we jealously fought for each other’s attention. Anytime Dan captured too much of Moe’s interest I had to grab it back, in any way I could. Remember, up to this point, except for Jannie, I had few to no friends, so when these steadfast companions came along I had to have their full attention. It was then that I hurt Jannie. Jannie was overweight and because of it many people, including Dan and Moe, teased her horribly. So I made the life-altering choice to end our friendship so I too can join in the “fun.” For the first time in my life I maliciously went out of my way to hurt somebody, and I succeeded with flying colors. Jannie and I never spoke to each other again. I regretted it from the moment I did it and it just once again fulfilled the self-building prophecy that this is just the way life is and I was a horrid individual. No wonder God hated me so much. Dan, Moe, and I continued to be friends until the end of my junior year, in which Moe and I decided to “x-out” our friendship with Dan. Moe’s reasons were different then mine, but for me I felt that there was an actual motive for the conclusion of our friendship. As I mentioned earlier, the three of us fought for the attention of each other. In my mind, it was really Dan and I who fought for Moe’s awareness. Dan’s way of waging this war was to tease and mercilessly make fun of me in public, and my self esteem being where it was, his remarks hurt more than I could possibly articulate. I felt that I was being beat up in the same way as I was in middle school. Though Dan begged and pleaded to be given a second chance, I gleefully ended that relationship. After all, here was my chance to repay all those bullies that had previously hurt me. So entering my senior year it finally became Moe and I as best friends, a relationship that continues up to this day. This breaking up of friendships was something I felt was just part of living, nothing good in life lasts long after all, especially love, happiness, friendship, or contentment. God treated me badly, so why should I not treat everybody else in the same manner I was? The final high school relationship that affected my life was with Carrie. My feelings towards her were the beginnings of emotions that later turned into one of the two worst psychological periods of my life. Carrie was in the class below me and for me the sun raised every time I saw her coming down the hallway and my heart broke every time I saw her with another guy. I thought I had found true love. Yet what was built in my head as love turned into obsession. As most adults know, some of the most painful emotions are those we first experience in our adolescence. My first understanding of love was that it was that it impossible for someone like me to be romantically appreciated by somebody else. Carrie and I went out a few times and I thought it was the greatest experiences of my life, yet for her we were just friends. This was no big deal except I could not let it go. I knew in my heart that God was once again punishing me for not being someone worthwhile. I started hating myself more than I despised God.

College and Depression:

 So I graduated high school in 1987 and moved on to college. Moe and I were still best friends, I was still obsessed with Carrie, and I still hated God and myself. Yet I started college with high hopes and a dream of breaking into radio broadcasting and letting my feelings for Carrie go. Attending the local community college I joined the school radio station and attempted to fulfill what I hoped to be my future career. Yet I quickly learned that I was only a mediocre broadcaster in a field filled with bright and talented individuals, Moe being one of them. At the same time I found myself jealous and envious of his natural talent and loathing myself for not being able to be as I wanted to be. It was a vicious circle that continued through college. Worse, I never let go of the obsessive feelings I had towards Carrie and I had hopes of telling her how I felt; yet I never did and this led to my feeling that I was a coward on top of everything else. The following year Moe and I attended Central Michigan University (CMU) two and half-hours away in Mt. Pleasant and roomed together in the dorms. Coed dormitories being what they are, with boys and girls being thrown together like a mixing bowl, we quickly made friendships with many other people. In fact, I quickly found myself with a girlfriend, a growing drug habit, and a never-ending stomachache. My friendship with Moe became solidified as we realized that so much of our lives were mirroring the others life. My girlfriend Merry was a new experience for me. I really did not have true romantic feelings for her, after all I still thought I loved Carrie; but with Merry I finally met someone who went out of their way to be near me. I just could not give that up. That’s when the drug usage started. I had experimented with marijuana and alcohol in high school, alcohol more than pot, yet it was here at CMU that I started smoking heavy. In retrospect the pot smoking was a self-medication I was giving to myself. You see, it was here, living in the dorms that I started experiencing continual stomach ailments like continual vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and a general queasy feeling. I thought I was dying. Every time I ate, worked, or partied, or participated in any social activity, my stomach would revolt. At the time my illness was unknown, yet in the next few years it would be clear what my illness was. But at this point, with no knowledge of what was happening to me, I had to leave school to get medically checked out. This, of course, destroyed every bit of self-esteem I had left. God had once again punished me for being alive. I was being separated from the only friends I had and returned to the only safe house I had, my parents. So I returned home, physically sicker than ever before. It took me a week to just get out of bed. My doctors were unsure as to what was occurring with me, they thought that I possibly had hepatitis, yet the tests were inconclusive. So I continued living. I lived the next six months in a continual state of despair and depression, my mood and will to live falling deeper and deeper into a black hole. I wanted to die, yet was afraid of going to Hell, and this made me feel a greater coward for having that fear. In hopes of helping myself I sent Carrie a five-page letter explaining how I felt about her and begging her to give me a chance. Today, I feel terrible and remorseful for ever sending that letter; for now I know that my feelings were never romantic towards her other than my having a “crush.” That letter tore her emotionally apart. She was unsure if she was leading me on, if there was a romantic relationship she missed, or if I was just some freak. So we went out again and we both discovered how wrong we were for each other. That experience, which should have helped me out of depression, just threw me even deeper down the hole. Not because we did not end up together, but because I had hurt another person again. The depression continued through the summer until my mother finally told me of the family history of clinical and manic depression. I immediately found medical help through outpatient treatments, learned I had clinical depression, and after a period of trial and error on medications I started to feel myself returning to life. All my stomach ailments were due to anxiety, panic attacks, and food allergies. There is a great debate in psychology whether depression and anxiety is a chemical imbalance or a pure psychological disorder. I believe that depression is an imbalance of neurons, yet it is so much more. If we look into the definition of possession we will find that it means to be taken over by an outside source. I am not saying I was Linda Blair from the Exorcist, but I was possessed by inner demons not of my own design, which were impossible for me to control. Yes, I obviously did need therapy of some sort, yet once the proper medications were taken, it was as if my self-esteem started rebuilding immediately. I finally felt a miracle was done by God to help me; maybe I was wrong about Him all along.

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Drug-Induced Fantasy:

As I returned to sanity and life I quickly decided to stay at my parents and attend school locally. I felt I needed a safe location to gather myself and find peace. Yet what I found was a new friend and a hope of rebuilding harmony within myself and with God. I met Tony while working at a local restaurant, he was the cook and I was a waiter. We hit it off immediately and we quickly found common factors we both loved; fantasy books, Dungeons and Dragons, and smoking dope. Before I knew it we were playing D & D constantly and with it I found myself smoking more and more marijuana. It seemed right and I thought I was happy. I want to interject here on a subject that has nothing to do with religion, my emotions, or my friends; I want to talk about marijuana. Though it is not as physically addicting as heroin or crack-cocaine, marijuana, to me, is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. Unlike hard-type drugs like heroin and crack-cocaine, which has obvious physical signs to show addiction, pot does not. It slowly, methodically, and with the greatest cunning changes our mentality of life. At first we may just have enjoyment of the artistic thought and of the peace of mind the pot brings. But slowly without us even knowing it, it will alter our desire to improve ourselves and worse it changes the way we hope to live in the future for it becomes impossible to complete anything we start. Pot literally becomes the future and we believe this is our own will, not the drugs or the addiction. I also think it important to mention that some people, very few actually, can smoke pot for long periods and just quit without any problem whatsoever. Tony was able to, he could quit anytime he wanted to without any physical or mental problems; I could not. So this is where I remained for years, living in fantasy and smoking pot. I also need to add that these deeds where not Tony’s doing or decision, but my own; these were my choices I made with free will. It was about halfway through this period of debauchery that one of my friends showed me something that changed me forever, the New Testament. Upon my first reading, several things happened to me all at once. First, I knew it instantly to be the truth; second, I knew that many people understood the Scripture incorrectly, for Jesus was a Jew and never stopped being so; third, I knew God wanted to save me from myself; and finally, I knew I had to get off the drugs. Yet, this was Christianity I was contemplating, the mere thought of it was the worst kind of betrayal against my family. The last thing I wanted to do was convert to a different religion, how could I dishonor my Bubby or my parents by doing that. I couldn’t, my fear of rejection was too great. God was an incorporable being and my family was real, so at the time there was no choice. Therefore, I chose to remain involved in fantasy and drugs. I even had the drug-induced fantasy that there may be many gods, an entire Pantheon of deities, and that they lived just like in D & D. This lifestyle continued to the mid-90’s. I attended several universities during this period in my life often switching schools after a single semester of attendance. Most of my courses were now based upon religion as I attempted to pick up as much knowledge on varying theology as possible. I took classes on the Old and New Testaments, Islam and Muslim cultures, Judaic studies, Christian studies, Greek and Norse Mythology, and a class on eastern philosophies. Every class just further proved to me the initial reactions I had to reading the New Testament. What I read was the truth and somehow I had to prove it to others. It seemed so obvious and I could not understand why everyone else could not see it to.

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The Truth:

Then something miraculous occurred through the death of another individual. While attending a funeral of a distant relative I met my cousin Matt. Matt was considered an enigma and an outcast of the family. Matt was a Messianic Jew. It was something I never heard of and I was instantly intrigued. Here was an actual Jew, living his life as a Jew, yet believing in Jesus. I learned that Jesus, his Hebrew name being Yeshua (Hebrew for Salvation), is the prophesied Jewish messiah. His mission was to save the Jews from themselves and then to bring Gentiles into the family. It was as if a cloud had opened and the sun finally had shone upon me, and I knew it to be all true. In my heart and my soul I finally found what I had been searching for, and I wasn’t alone. Matt told me there was an actual synagogue of fellow believers in Yeshua and that most of them were Jewish. I wanted to find out more about this, yet I was still trapped by that sense of betrayal. To listen to my aunts and uncles talk of Matt it was easy to learn that he was an ostracized member of the family, continually laughed at behind his back. They joked and told each other that Messianic Judaism and groups like Jews for Jesus were cults and that they believed Jesus was a homosexual. They said anything possible to degrade the belief in Yeshua as the Messiah and any Jews who believe in Him. To them they were no longer Jews, but Christians, outcasts, and traitors to the faith. I couldn’t go through being an outcast myself; my family was the only refuge I had. But the calling of the Lord was strong and I wanted to know the truth so I told my folks I was just going to check out the services for educational purposes and I went to synagogue the following Sabbath. What I found shocked me and filled me with joy. There in the sanctuary of a Baptist church I found Congregation Shema Yisrael (Hear O’ Israel); a group of Jews and Gentiles who believe Yeshua is the prophesied Jewish Messiah and the Savior of mankind. I walked in, sat in the back row and watched. What I saw was a synagogue service filled with song and prayer towards Adonai (the Lord) and His Son Yeshua. The congregation’s leader, Rabbi Loren Jacobs, spoke with eloquence and confidence that moved me greatly. I will admit I was a little nervous at sight of the tambourines, for they put me in mind of the cult warnings I was given, but the message was clear. Belief in Yeshua is not and was never meant to be a Gentile religion alone, but the belief is a Jewish one altered to fit Gentiles. Yeshua, Peter (Kefa), John the Baptist (Yochanan the Immerser), and even Paul (Sha’ul) were all Orthodox Jews practicing Judaism. It wasn’t until over 75 years after the death and resurrection of Yeshua that the Jewish rites were being eradicated. Being eradicated by men, not by divine will. I soaked in everything I could from that service, I even had a meal with the Rabbi afterwards and then I took my leave. I remained absent for years.


Self-Love, Love, and Forgiveness:

I left Congregation Shema Yisrael finally knowing the truth, knowing that Yeshua is the true and only Messiah of the Lord Almighty and that He was sent by His Father to save each of us from our sins and ourselves. Yet now I had a huge job in front of me, I had to prove what I believed, and thus began my study of the Bible. I read Bible translations of every sort: the King James, the New English Revised, the New American Standard, the New International, the Amplified, the New Jerusalem, the Hebrew TANAKH, the Revised Standard, I even read a copy of the Douay Catholic Bible translated from the original Latin Vulgate in 1582. It was essential that I learn which one of these Bibles was the most accurate and the best copy of the original Codex’s. After finishing the Bibles I started reading the other religious materials available like the Gnostics including the Apocrypha and the Gospels of Thomas and Phillip; I also studied the Dead Sea Scrolls, and a small section from the Jewish Talmud. After these I started into the secular histories of the Jewish historian Josephus. What I found was simple; there was nothing, nothing, to disprove anything of what the New Testament says, there are only recorded events that prove what took place. There was a Yeshua, thousands of practicing Jews witnessed with their own eyes miracles being performed, and that Yeshua was followed and believed to be the Messiah by tens of thousands of Jews including many Essenes, Pharisees and members of the Sanhedrin council, as well as many of the Levites, priests, scribes, and rabbis. There is no question that He was crucified on the first day of Passover and that His body was found missing on the Feast of First Fruits (Easter Sunday). These facts are indisputable, even the Jewish Talmud substantiates them. Isn’t it remarkable that nothing has ever been scientifically or historically disproved from the Old or New Testaments? For example, scientists argued for years that there was never an ancient Amorite civilization. Guess what? In the late 1990’s an archaeologist discovered the ruins of an Amorite city. Or take a look at the findings released in October of 2002, where the bones of James, Yeshua’s brother were recovered from Jerusalem. For centuries, people have argued against the stories of David, Solomon and Elijah. Yet, a recent Time Magazine article substantiates the claim on the existence of the Queen of Sheba from the stories of King Solomon. For me, it is astounding that more Jews do not believe in their Messiah, yet we are taught not to, not because of facts or evidence, but because of the emotions involved. My emotions ruled me for my entire life, whether it was through obsession, depression, or drugs. I lived by what my emotions told me, not by the evidence at hand. If I had looked at the evidence I would have seen the truth about my feelings towards Carrie or the fantasy that marijuana had put me in. It seems that if I had done this religious study years before, I would have found the truth then; and I believe, the peace I was searching for. It is my perception that many people will feel that I believe in Yeshua for the wrong reasons. I can easily see my family members who learn of my views through this writing that I only believe what I do because my parents never raised me to practice Judaism. Others may feel that I only believe what I do to fill the “void” left by the usage of drugs and my fight with depression. I can see even others thinking my beliefs are based upon a judgment decision to compromise with my wife’s beliefs. I hope everyone will understand that my views and beliefs are based upon evidence. I refuse to believe in something just because I am told that’s the way it is. That is exactly the way I thought throughout my youth and look where that led. We may not like the truth that stands before us, but it doesn’t change it. I feel that many Jews refuse to even read the New Testament because to do so shows a possibility that we were wrong. We were! Look at it this way, every single time a prophet emerged in Israel his brethren have disputed him. Even the greatest prophets like Moses and Elijah were misunderstood for years. I am not going to spend tons of paper to preach the evidence to you, at least not in this chapter. Find out for yourself, the evidence is there. All I ask is for you to give it a chance, an objective chance. Read the New Testament; start with the Book of Matthew. He was writing to his fellow Jews, not to the Gentiles. In fact, all the Gospels are attempting to reach Jews. Paul’s letters where written for the Gentiles (with the exception of Hebrews, which is also for Jews), but do not misunderstand their purpose. Romans and Galatians, the two letters I feel are the most confusing, is not degrading Judaism; it is simply saying that the Gentiles do not need to become Jews to be believers. Why should an individual from Japan or Australia have to be circumcised to believe? All you must do is accept the truth in your heart. The letters are often considered to be stating that we no longer have to follow the Torah or the Law. This is not what it says! It says we cannot be saved by it for no one has ever fulfilled the Torah perfectly except for Yeshua, not even Moses did. Yet just because we cannot be perfect beings does not mean we should give up being the best people we can. It does not mean we should give up trying to perform Torah to the best of our ability. To do so would be childish and selfish and not living in the spirit that the Torah tells us to.

Business and Meetings:

So now I found myself in the year 1996. My drug usage had escalated from a social activity to a solitary one. I began living my life through a dugout, a small smokeless pipe used for single hits of weed. Everyday, I would put on a front of normalcy to others, and remember, by this point I was already quite a proficient liar, so no one had any idea of what was occurring. For the most part, between my daily medications and my drug usage I was remaining emotionally numb, yet still functional. I was still living in a world of D & D and refusing to move past my usage of drugs. In my heart I knew two things clearly: first, I knew that I could not betray my family and express my beliefs in Yeshua; and second, I knew it would be wrong for me to accept God while still using drugs. So life continued. It was at this point that another major event took place. My dad’s business partner, whom I was employed with, and my dad messily broke their business dealings and each went there own way. My dad who is and always has been a successful commercial photographer started his own small business working with digital photography. I was given a choice by my dad’s partner, to stay with him or leave with my dad. To me there was no choice, after all if I chose my folks over God, what decision needed to me made between a guy I really never liked and my family. So my dad and I started working together and for a month or so it was perfect. Yet soon after we started the firm, my dad had a mishap in surgery while having his lower spine fused and he was unable to return to work for a long, long time. So I jumped in and took over. It felt great to be in charge of the business, and for retail sales it was easy. But without my father being involved the commercial business started to die out and the business started falling in debt. Somehow I kept the business afloat and paying most of its bills, albeit some of them were being paid late, we remained open for business. Unfortunately, by the time he returned three severe problems existed: first, we were so far in debt it was beginning to be impossible to work with our vendors; second, our commercial clients continued to slowly leave our firm; and third, the authority I had went to my head. So when my father came back to work I started fighting with his return to authority. It was stupid and a waste of energy; my concentration should have remained on saving the business, yet I felt that since I had saved the business, I should be an official part of the corporation. Regardless of how I felt, the business started to die. So in conference with an attorney we decided to open a new business with myself as the corporation’s president and owner. So now we had a man already with a superiority complex being thrust to an even higher role in authority. My self-esteem was now higher than ever before; here I was actually running a business myself. Yet, I continued to make a huge error in my head, for the business was never mine except in legal terms. This led to huge misunderstandings and arguments between my parents and I and it eventually led to my leaving the corporation and finding new work. For a while my parents and I stopped talking too each other all together.


Life and Peace:

One of the top events in my life took place just before the business fell apart. This was when I met Kolleen (pronounced K’leen). This meeting actually took place through the break up of an old friendship and the ensuing will to change my life. You see, I had a close friend helping me at the company when my father was absent and when his employment did not work out things became disastrous. The firing of this friend was not what can be called a cordial event; we simply never spoke to each other ever again. But the experience made me feel that I had to make some changes in my life. I knew I couldn’t change my feelings towards God or my daily usage of pot smoking, so I changed what I could, namely my social life. I joined a dating service and I quickly found myself paired with a woman named Kolleen. As, one of the top automobile sales people in the nation; Kolleen had an extremely high level of self-esteem and I was instantly intrigued. Yet by our second or third date, I also began to sense a form of complexity between her strength of character and her emotional vulnerability; and I was attracted. We began to see more and more of each other and as we did my self-esteem grew to new levels. Without her ever being aware of it, she aided me in my confidence in myself. She knew some of my darkest and worst kept secrets and she still wanted to be with me. Yet Kolleen helped me in a way that was unexpected. She helped me realize who I wanted to be, not in the terms of a career or physically, but with my drug usage and with my connection to God and Yeshua. She knew of my messianic beliefs and how I felt about God. She helped me to understand that it wasn’t betrayal to my family to believe; it was a start to save them. Think of it this way. Say you have a family and you have an alcohol abuse problem. Would you not want to save your children from the same type of suffering that you now experience? In the same way, I feel my family members who have died and passed on to Sheol (Hades), now know the truth of Messiah and the way to Salvation. Out of love don’t you think that they would want better for their loved ones? I do and that is what Kolleen taught me without her ever saying a word. Kolleen also taught me that I needed to stop smoking dope. She helped me to understand that living with pot was causing more problems then I ever experienced without it. So I stopped cold turkey. In my mind it would be betrayal to continue smoking. It would be a betrayal to her and betrayal to Yeshua. I have not returned to marijuana once since. The mere thought of smoking terrifies me. All I have to do is remember what the first two weeks of quitting felt like, not to mention the guilt I lived with every day. Those are days and a lifestyle I never want to return to, and I never will; I simply would rather die than betray another again. I have spent so much of my life in a drug-induced fantasy of make believe, drugs, lies, and an overpowering sense of betraying my own family for my beliefs. It is not worth it. So I did the best thing I ever did in my life, I surrendered to Yeshua. The next Sabbath I returned to Congregation Shema Yisrael and Rabbi Loren Jacobs. I felt I was returning home. Surprisingly, he remembered my situation and he helped me understand many of the missing pieces. With my return to the Congregation my research in Bible study, Bible accuracy, and my studies of the different belief systems of both Judaism and Christianity intensified. As my theological knowledge increased a new desire arose in me, I wanted to be reborn into the Kingdom of God. Simply put, I wanted to be Immersed or Baptized. Bringing my feelings to Rabbi Loren he proved his true merit and calling by telling me no. He would not baptize me, at least not yet. Immersion was something that should only be undertaken after a careful analysis has been made of one’s soul. To use another analogy, I once went to the Colorado mountains with my family. Visiting a mountain lake I instantly noticed a boat rental facility offering tourists small sailboats to enjoy on the lake. After paying the fee I was told by the sailing guides that if I wanted to venture out into the waters I should probably get some instructions first. Yet I was not there for instructions, I was there to sail; so I sailed without waiting for any directions. Well, I got across that lake faster than many racecars probably could, but you know what? I had no idea how to return against the wind and I spent much of the day on that shore waiting for someone to pick me up. I believe that is exactly what Rabbi Loren did for me by telling me to wait being Immersed. Wait until I was instructed, not by him so to speak, but through my own soul searching with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Personally, I believe anyone who thinks Congregation Shema Yisrael is a cult looking for unsuspecting Jews is a fool. I was not brainwashed or rushed into anything, I was told specifically to think for myself and to evaluate my beliefs time and again. Time passed and Kolleen and I were married on October 2, 1999. This was the second best day of my entire life. Kolleen and I are perfect together; we are so much alike and different enough to allow our idiosyncrasies to compliment each other. Sure we may get on each other’s nerves once in awhile, but that is only natural. I love her a little more each and every day. The best day of my life occurred almost one year later on a sunny day in Brighton, Michigan, August 12, 2000. This was when Kolleen and I were Immersed together by Rabbi Loren, witnessed by my dear mother-in-law and many of the Congregation’s members. The feelings I experienced emerging from the waters are indescribable, unlike anything else I ever experienced. I physically felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest; spiritually I felt… Him, God, Yeshua. I cried, I couldn’t have stopped it if I wanted to. For the first time in my entire life my soul was 100% at peace without pain, guilt, nausea, anxiety, depression, or anything else negative. I felt the peace only He can bring and I love Him more than anything else in this universe for that tranquility He brought me that day. So that leads us to today. After telling my parents about my Baptism I promised I would never preach to them about Yeshua. Verbally I may never do so. Yet to be honest that is the real reason for these writings. My great aunt, my Bubby’s sister, died without me having the courage to try and save her from what I believe to be a judgment of eternal damnation. I cannot stand by and watch this for anyone else. Ezekiel 33 speaks of the watchman. Simply put, if my family and friends died condemned and they knew the truth before passing on it is there own fault. But if they were to die and they were never even told the truth, well, that is my fault. I spent too much of my life in guilt over the pain I have caused others, too long over pain I felt I caused for myself. No more. Open you hearts. Be objective. Read this testimony, and then figure it out for yourselves. Don’t believe something just because you are told that is the way it is and the way it always will be. The truth shall set us free.